Show highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report NO this is the number of at PHARMACY all goods ordered by telephone will be promptly delivered PHARMACY st A in this column boo per allne each insertion the troy laundry strictly cash 5 S J griffen dealer in remington typewriters and supplies they are acknowledged to be the standard the oldest oyster packing establishment in utah pack the mountain brand this brand which is unexcelled is for sale by all dealers II 11 geo N bowen at 2409 washington ave has money to loan on improved farms at a reasonable rate viavi is a cure for your diseases and is bringing health to thousands correspond or make inquiry utah office State st salt lake city mas MAUDE 0 HOWES t gendral manager prof N N riddell the popular lecturer will give another free lecture tonight subject character in the face with nerves unstrung and heads that ablie wise women bromo seltzer take the only pure cream of tartar powder no ammonia no alum ased in millions of hoines 40 years the standard i ss the mid winter fair tho midwinter mid winter fair at san francisco will soon be opened abo management have verv carefully selected alio best of alie worlds fair exhibits so that those who were unfortunate in not seeing the chicago exposition will still havo an opportunity to inspect the foreign exhibits at san francisco the rio grande western railway in line with its usual progressive spirit will in connection with the southern pacific company put in effect a low round trip rate during the existence of the mid fintor fair the R G W ry as you know runs through to san francisco without change both tourist and first class pullman cars two traina daily subscribers attention alie price of the semiweekly semi weekly STANDARD when paid in advance is but when not paid in advance the price ie per year boroo of our subscribers seem to think that it makes no difference in the price whether paid in advance the end of the year in order to settle this matter satisfactory to all parties interested we hereby announce that the subscription price of the STANDARD up to jan will be per year whether paid in advance or at the end of 1893 but on and rafter jan 1 1894 the price of the semiweekly STANDARD will bo per year unless bame is paid in advance chenu will be this will apply to every subscriber now or old 31 12 93 low rates are still in effect to eastern points via the rio grande western railway remember the K G W is noted for the elegance of its equipment its new coaches its free chair cars its tourist or colonist sleepers and its new and artistic pullman double drawing room palace sleeping care which run through to chicago without change speed safety and comfort is its well earned motto two main line fast line express trains to the east daily NEW AND FAST SERVICE east via rio grande western railway the new time table of alio rio grande western shortens the time on alie night trains hours and improves the service in all respects on both trains the is arranged as follows morning train leaves ogden 7 a m and arrives at denver the following morning reaching chicago at p m the next day the night train leaves ogden at p m arriving at denver p m the follow ing day omaha at the next afternoon ansas city at 9 p m same day arriving at st louis a m and chicago a m the following day through pullman drawing room sleepers to all eastern points this service is superior to any and commends itself to the traveling public who seek speed safety and comfort besides this aho grandest and most beautiful scenery in the known world is to be found on alie line of the rio grando western and denver rio grande between ogden and denver t L callaco Wal laco baa returned from hie visit to the eastern market and ia now ready for your visit to tho finest jewelry store in ogden call and see the latest novelties WALLACE HOTEL BUILDING SHOE www w and other sorts you know weve always prided ourselves on the shoe dept not unjustly either the children must have shoes theres no getting around thai poor ones are dear at any price you want something that we can becom mend a shoe that Is a shoe worth all you pay for it A lot of just that kind received this week to 75 and 90 to alls to for big boys sizes 2 to 5 12 1 2 button lace or Congress good extra bood FOP women and men a areat assortment sort ment including dancing pomps blankets at and upwards in the cloak dept a new lot of sample garments at manufacturers prices CO ROOMS AT HOTEL NO TWENTY FIFTH STREET AT 6 TO 10 PER MONTH regular meale 25 bents tickets twenty one meals for t 50 wollstein co wholesale liquor dealers jobbers of tine domestic key west and havana cigars 2406 washington avenue ogden utah P 0 box 6 ogden the fifth year of this popular institution the only first chaee home school for boya in the intermountain inter mountain region begins september 6 1893 its location is convenient and healthful the course of study is broad and thorough its corps unusually strong expenses to less than at eastern schools apply to captain 0 L howard lessee ogden city utah t dr 0 A mosman dentist can be found in bis office and residence rooms 22 23 and 24 day or night in the stayner block over I 1 anges hardware store weber stake academy night school this school meets in the academy jefferson avenue every monday tuesday and thursday evening instruction is given in latin french algebra geometry arithmetic grammar bookkeeping rhetoric rhe etc terms very low classes now forming apody to GEO F A principal closing out sale stove repairs reduced from lae to per ib 2268 washington ave mrs barbour will open a dancing class at the usual on saturday evening november and thereafter each saturday tuesday evening for ladies and gentlemen all will do well to attend dora randolph tells the past present and future by the stars and planets be sure and come to see her only 25 cents twenty sixth street PROOF 0 MERIT the proof of the of a plaster IR the cures it effect nd the voluntary niala ot those who have used po KOUS daring the past thirty beare Is unimpeachable evidence ot their superiority and should convince the most skeptical bell praise la no but certificate rom those who have used them are beware ot imitation and do not bo deceived by misrepresentation ask for and let no solicitation or explanation induce to accept a substitute TOO the reed hotel pharmacy Elead quarters for drugs chemicals patent medicines perfumery toilet and fancy articles soaps cutlery and stationery fine cigars druggists sundries in general physicians supplies and fine pharmaceutical preparations physicians prescriptions a specialty night calls promptly answered FEHRINGER ASH teed hotel pharmacy MON to loan on and city property ESTATE equity in good new frame hoose to arde for vacant lots we have a large alet 0 good farms or ale or exchange on reasonable terms ev eral mall furnia jut ol 01 city especially adapted for bardi and mall fruits rood water right guaranteed the cache valley land and canal co have 60 miles oi canal between soda springs and bancroft Banc rolt idaho which will irrigate OOOO acres godbe finest land aund anywhere we invite all those who wish to acure a home cheap to examine that land the U P short line B K I 1 running through the center ot the valley come to our office A room 10 to 18 first national bank bonding 1 never to ask 10 7 is the rule at the putnam one price clothing house 2345 washington avenue POPULAR advertising WANT FOR SALE FOR BENT LOST found etc 10 cente per line elret cents for each day after by the month per line marriage birth 10 cents death announcements free obituary comments IS cents per line no taken for less cents miscellaneous dressmaking IN ALL THE LATEST styles at bire E J ienir parlors room utah loan and trust building Tate elevator LEADER IN STOVE RE pairs and all classes of stonework stove work washington avenue BOARD AND TABLE BOARD rates reasonable twenty fourth street corner of Jef lerton mrs P J LOST OAK 1 EAF SCARP PIN WITH setting it found please return to diamond saloon and receive reward 5 FOR SALE H ARD COAL brove CHEAP ROOM 6 woodmansee block twenty fourth FOR RENT ROOMS WO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping 2320 lincoln ROOMS FOR housekeeping aleo rooms with or without board sa twenty third WANTED A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN FOR generali A 17 adams AT LINCOLN P BY A MIDDLE AGED LADY as housekeeper call at adams ave TO EXCHANGE ONE OR TWO inside mile circle for something closer in address Z Z care standard ATTORNEYS J H MACMILLAN RICHARDS se AT ogden utah office utah loan and trust co rooms and ET nU LANISKI building no utah loan and trust company BOREMAN BOREMAN J 8 BOREMAN 0 F Borei oiin at laws loa t washington avenue ogden utah R HEYWOOD office 60 twenty fourth street DR 0 DENTIST office and residence block rooms 2223 over funess hardware store teeth extracted without pain all operations strictly first class and guaranteed PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES |