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Show W. K. REID. A T TO R N E Y A T L A V. MANT1 UTAa. Praciice in all tlie courts ol thtTeiritory. W. T REID. I probate c" Land Attorney, j Mam!, Utah. ! IDs had longer practice in Land mutters than any Attorney in the com ts. j Win. ZAISKISKIE, PROBATE ATTNORKY. ' Mt. Pleasant Utah. Business promptly attended to. r. Mile? . r?j f " R x t . t ,- y O - 1: J.3 -:. r r :. ir; ' r .1 Q3 T. C. BAILEY, LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U.S. Land Oflkc, Salt Lake City. Obtains pattents for Agricultural, Desert anc Mineral Lauds. Correspondence solicited and information infor-mation given. C. S. IV I L KES, .OFFICE IN V. 8. LAND OrFICK Bt'It.DIN'O. LAND AGENT AND ATTORNEY Obtain Patents fjr Agricultural and Mineral Lands. Geo. W. Parks, : E. D. It. TliuMpwia Lato Itecetver U.S. Land Oflloe, Attorm-y, PARKS & THOMPSON, Land and Mining Attorneys. Oliice in U. S. Land Office Building. General practice in all Courts. Salt Lake City, Utah. ".-5w.-,,.-.ri-,f.'v.,' K . rrwsra 4iSER!. . William H. Bird, James Lowe. BIRD & LOWE, Land Agents & Attorneys, Offiice next door do U. S, Land Ofice, Salt LAkb City, V'tAh. WIU promote clames In contested and suspended suspend-ed cases la ho Li dun ten at sat nk city, Utah, au 1 Wune al land Oitlee at Washington, I). C. Otiudii patents on ho .e.siead. ITe-fiutluu, resort ai d Timber culture Eut Aud upon coal and Mineral lands.- (iueral luronimi.um relrtlcx toUuds luml-ibi'd with naps Plates and Dlugruiucs. . M. NELSONS BARBER SHOP.n' Hair cutting. 2rcts Shaving, 1501s One Door west of City Hall, I 3 4 Ephraim, Utah MILLINERY SHOP. Mrs. A. C. Lt.'isrii, Dealer in Hals and all G ods belonging belong-ing to a first class Millinery Shop. One block west a.id a h ilf block north of Tabernacle earner. E;Viraim. 1 8 11 MILLINERY SHOP. Kiss Christina Peterson, dealer in Hats, and Ladios Fancy Goods, 2d.ors East of City Hall, Centre Street. Ephraim, Utah. 1 8 9 P e.H WiN tU. !; .'...-A LSl 'M. JENSEN'S Paotorapi Gillary. . Card S'ze - $t.oo per doz Victoria - 1 5 j Cabinet - - 2.00 ! First Class Woiis. i Ajeat tor JOr. Peter's Medicines. Kurtko 0!e-Oid,Mag-Vigori and Uterine. Dj go;d wheie the Best medicines and i Doctors fail to cure.Maiu Street, Ephraim j (a ii EGBERT EODEH. Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Headstones Tablets and Vaults. Stone Trimmings for Buildings Build-ings a Speciality. Iron Fence, Building Stone Etc. 4-24 Depot Street, Nephi jf 1 A Stitch in time sives nine, "And may be the means of Saving your Life or limbs. See that your Harness is in good fix, which you can do by calling 011 Jas. V. Stevensen, HARNESS MAKER. One and half blocks South of Post office Main Street, Ephraim. , Harnesses of all kinds made to order, work warranted, charges moderate. ! 2ll3 ?2 1 : J. H. Otterstrom, Vdealeb is Eggs, Grain, and all kinds of Genear Produce. Ephraim, Utah, 332 i 1 1 '' """ 1 1 . i Wm. Bawden. j Dealer Iu All kinds of Yarns, Flannels, Lindsays I Geans and Mens Dress-Goods. Whole i Sale for Wool, Cash not refused. EPHRAIM, - - UTAH- 27 6 NOT I C E! Send your orders to J. S. JOR-GENSEN, JOR-GENSEN, Ephraim, Utah, by telegram tele-gram or letter when you are in want of a conveyance, to take you tv any place in, or outside of the County, at very low Prices. . 2--5 Ephraim, Utah. W. B. J. Stacey DENTIST. All work warranted, Manli, and Ephraim Utah. 2 i Cfrffir Y8ff&P "u'"l WP-''y.Jw "y " Al'iy BiWPt'1w BLi-jJiii.-, 3 ' fcn ' n ft trt 7; (t W :. -3 - 8!b.p3P Hi -s 2 vi g - ..8: .. 3 ' & : ' - - t ; READ AND RUN TO : i F. L. SHEIVEH & ERO New Clothing House in the Beau-mann Beau-mann and Anderson Building, Nephi, Utah. i Lot oi Flannelette Shirts for 40c. wcrth 75c. 1 " ' Jt 65c " i,oo. 1 " NewVorkMnkunlaunderShiru, .50, I Overall. 5ttts. worth 1 ' Cotton Panfs 1.00 ' I Worringmen's Suits a.oo ' 50 Mens lilack Diann:ti StitU. 4,75 worth 9 00 50 " Fancy Braid Suiter 6-50 ' ia.00 50 ' Hair-lined C asstmerehuit 7.50 ' 14.00 t Lot liny' Suits, Ic.oo worth $3.60 1 " " 300 " i.jo - . 1 " ' 3-75 ,6.oo 1 "KnecI'anK.4 " .75 r ' Mcnfifean "100 ' 53 (iottrfii well bought is haif sjM is an old adae nnd is verified by our rapidly increasing Cade, Call and examine ex-amine our Mock, you will .it way be well wjtitedupon. V. L. Shrives & Kro. W H. Olsten ,M B, ' . Ephraim. W. W. Woodring, M- D. . . Mt. Pleasant, ,: Physicians & Surgeans. Telegrams will ouly be an swered if made or endorsed by responsible parties- f 2 3 ""' ' ' ' '" I |