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Show Vol.1. Ephraim City, San Pete County ,Utafr, Thursday, June 26, 189a - T NoTST A FAITIIKI'I. Pl'm.lC ShKVANT. Tlie well known l:lcrul upiesentative in the Danish diet. Mi AUuitti, is dead. He was elected upwards of 40 limes to tepresent the people in the district s best known, and was a,'ain elected in January ol the present year, but declin-ed the position on account ol deafness and other infirmities. Tins made his constituents get up an nuru- r.msly sign-ed addiess expressing the li ;!i res'i.ds in which t.e was held by the.r. and thank-ing him for his faithfulness in serving their interests these many years. DENMARK. Rats are a plague. On a small island in the bay of llorsens called Voisee, in-numerable rats am causing thi fanners a great deal of trouble. All the arable land only amounts to about 100 acres, and that of course is surroin led with water, yet every means that so far has been tried to get lid r( the tats has prov-en a failute; a they multiply much faster than theycan be destroyed As the rats breed evety month, and eatli time have a brood up to a d ozeu, there is but a poor show for theunloruiuate owners of the land on the little island. Our Scandinavian Columns. C. C. A. Christf.nskx, Translator. A New Ereech-leadin- g Gun- - A Terrible iirc. Strikes in Fire, Etc. Transited lorthe RtcasrvK, The beetles (Oldenhorrer) are doing much damage on the island of Fulster, and a w ar ot extermination is going on there something after the manner ul our Grasshopper War. A fortunate father lives in a village called Maartrp, in Yensyssel, Jutland. wiio has been presented with six children' during a ,3 j years happy marriage, his wife having hruuglit-'lu- three pair of: twins. A NKW R. An important invention. A Norwegian futn.Kiag Jorgensotr lias invented a new breacbloading gun, that is said to be far superior to the celebrated Lebel-gu- ol the French. It is easy to handle and the mechanism is simple and of solid con-struction and therefore not easily got out ot order. The gun is effective at a very long range and almost incessantly, as live shots can be fired in a few seconds. Another abvantage is that Ibis kind i f chamber, can be attached to any kind i f a bteechloadiug gun, thereby saving a great deal for the governments that may adopt its use lor their armies, by only making the changes. The banish government has already adopted it for their soldieis. STRIKKS. The effects of the great socialist demon-stration last May, crops out occasionally in European ciamtiies, in the fotin ol strikes, sometimes of a lather curious ratine. I litis the laborers at the coal-depo- t in Clii on the 9th of May' relused t ) coal the unfortunate steamer. 1 hingvali.i,) unless their wages weie ta'sed and the ship' crew had to do the work that time, as there was no time to light it out or come to an agreement, tho' t lie deniand by the laboreis was very modest. From Stavenger comes the news, that about 40 gills, woiking at tailoring, had concluded to strike for higher wages and a shorter day. That their demands do not come up to to the American standard, will be concteded, when we learn, that the highest wages asked by the smartest gitls is only about two dollars a week, while others are willing to work for one dollar and a half" fiom 8 a. m to 7 p. 111. with an hour and half fm dinner. In fieigen a temporary strike took place 011 the .Stir ol May. A steamer bringing 25'.oo battels ot rye from Ooessa, Russia, had unloaded j ;ooo in Christiansand, hum ,.i1u 4h iiitl,..rwl bf i- - ioi' taoot in J3ren,- wfum itl Jaboj ej. v,Uj out any warning demanded a raise In their wages, winch of necessity had to tie complied Willi, but no sooner was this done, beiore the ieamsters that was to haul the grain to ihe mills, also struck for higher wages and gained their point too. NKW MOTIVE row liR. A small but very interesting motive power has beeir invented by a Mr.Ucker-tira-in Christiansand. It is a machine, constituted on the same principle a, a patent lever watch, and is said to worksplended as far as its capacity has been demonstrated. Thus it has propel ed a small boat with great speed, and as their is no heat andsiin.ke connected with it, it is very pleasant thus to move on the water ' without the iieiveshnUing sensation a' fire and steam in immediate proximity to one's piecious life and properly, and the stench of oily machin-ery and sight of dusky firemen liud engineeis, The invention may yet be turned into channels, that wild increase its importance, as did Erikson's screw propeller years ago, A very curious case lias lately gone through the courts, originated in Lisler and Alaudel's County in Southern Nor-way. A wealthy fatmer, Peter Kgeland and his wile were arrested and prose-cuted for' living disagaeeable as husband and w ife and giving olietice to the neigh-bors, by their quarrtlsome conduct." They had been married 32 years and had had 12 children during that time but had kept np a continuous domestic war, notwithstanding, and the court, found that a seperation lor six months 111 prison, and payment of costs of pro-ceedings, would be the best, that public justice could do for them. On apteal to the higher courts this however, h as re-duced to imprisonment for 10 days"each ,a K.i a l,t,.u(l ntwl walfr. The rivers and lakes in Norway have been very high this spring, and have caus-ed considerable damage to ihelow lands along the shores. In Horner the water has even gone up in the streets andlilled thecellars, inundated the gardens and done ather4damage. A priest, claiming "to walk in the ways of the Lord", is before the court in a divorce suit planted against him by his wife. In her complaint, she makes the following sialement of her grievances "When at meals, he has tried to make the children or mysalf eat the potato peelings and other leavings, and when we have refused to do so, he has done il himself. He would not allow me to wash the dishes, but would lick them clean himself, neither would he allow us to light up Ihe rooms or use any fuel although we had plenty ol it. It is stated by witnesses, that the par-son has been seen walking barefooted on the highroads, with his shots under his arm; no light, excapt the sun and moonlight was being used in this parsonage and in his anger, he has even brutally abused and illtreated his wile yet he makes claims to being religious, and is known have plenty money out on interest. A powder mill explosion took' place, at Kaipaias station, near Helsingfors by which s persous lost their lives ai.d the surronnding forist was set 011 lire there-by endangering a powder magazine, that is, located there. A TE8IUM.E FIRE. The fine estate "lkegnegaard" near Charlttersluml, close to Copenhagen was destr .yed by fire lately. The owner Mr. Kasniussen, with his family were just having their dinner when they were sird-- j denly aroused by the ry of lire, and I hurrying to the window, saw that thev would barely have time to escape with their lives, and succeeded in getting our in time. No human lives were lost, but six horses, two hogs and two dogs per-she- d in the burnm; mass. ROLLERMILLS. EPPIBAIM 'UTAH. AY e announce to tire Public that about Auiust 1, we slial be ready for custom work, with a capacity of T0 bis. per day. C- - Willardson, President. 8 5 Olo Larson Supt, ' - - -J- ULJ'.'MiUJUL! ihj All Kinds Of Furniture, Window Blinds, Carpets and Wall Paper The Ctlelrratea Charter Oak :uid Monitor Htovcs 5 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 6 3 4- - Ephraim, San Pet County. IEFBT . SAVINGS BAIJK AND TEUSI COMPANY- - Capital 50,000 Surplus $4,000 Geo. C. Whittnore.l'res. "I W. I. l'.rown.Yice-l'res- . Jonas II. Erickson, James F... Clinton, Directors. lames E. Farshee, L. S. Hills, Jas. II. Peterson, J Alma Hague, Cashier. Gencml Banking Business. Interest MONEY! MONEY!! TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 2La 3 SMS cHH KaW eSsai Investment Company Is Making Loans on very Easy Terms. For Full -- Information Ect., Call on or Vrite to W.D.SHTJLTS. EPHRAIM CITY, UTAT1 Office over II. V-- Larson's Drug Ptore $,' - " I IIWW lN..-- U s I ? b f s V) tig ? & b tm p 5. 5. p ! 1 o H. P. L A R S EN, flL-F. Y. JENSEN. T I N N E B '. Manufuotrer of Tin andCopper Warr. Roofing and Guutter work. 3rd south street, East 3 blocks. Ephraim, Utah, 1 t 0- -1 John ITelson BOOT and SHOE MAKKT) and SHOli MAKIiXV. WORK-fjG- a Neatly Executed and on the Shortest Notice. One Door West of City Kali, Ephraim Ephraim City, Utah. ' DEALER. IN Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Druga FairjLs)0Il8,Et. ' 'GROC333U33S,. Eg? Dye Stuffs and Pue Spices. g , J ujii-- f Sundr.es, and all Goods usually kept in a Eirst-Clas- s Drugstore, ri also Spices, Teas, Coffees, Coal Oil nd full Line of Groce's? Drugs. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. Agent for tho White Sewing Mcchlne, .'Kingf of ull. . ' ' ' ,..'.: ',."'' ", ' C. C. Larson, HavMd,Utah- - Carries a Full Line of General MERCHANEISE, Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, and all kinds of Agricultural Imple- - ments. Also Agent for the champion and WHITLEY Machines. Extras For Both Machines always on hand. The County Seat, The Question is Sprung by One Interested. V. A. I,, of Munti Tires the First Shot. 'Mant i's Address to t!ie Peo- - pie of San Pete. We are quite willing to print the "Address to the People of San Pete" forwarded us by V. A. I,., but do; not wish to be understood as en- - dorsing all there may be in the arti-- 1 cle. We are quite satisfied with our paper and with all connected with it, and are grateful for the ap-- ; prcciation expressed; but request all our friends to curb their disgust of private people, or public enterprise in writing to us, as we are not in the 'Yahoo" business. Editor Register: The copy of your V paper which you so kindly sent me, al-though traversing hut seven miles, was three weeks in reaching me. Your face is bright and clean, and the matter con- - taiued in vour columns is of the ri;;iit tone, and vour general appearance is very attractive. I wish you well, and am truly fc'lad that the pioneers of literature in this county (the editor and contributors of your journal,) will reap the honors and emoluments of ollice;i.ilher than anoth-er, though I regret that Manti is not y tir location. '1 he causes that have lea 'to The Records show that from June 22d, iSss, to December atstli, liiSy, there were 91 1 marriage recorded, and that 53") of these weie eifoimed in the Temple. The Temple grounds will soon be male vtiy attractive. The Temple committee having engaged the service ol a skilled lloitieuluitist to layout grounds and gardens, uliich will be supplied with ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, and living fountains, which, when c jmpleted will present one f the most lovely sights to be witnessed anywhere in t rail Territory, and all must adm.t, will l e an ornament to the Countv Seat which no other tjwn possesses. Our cemeteiy dioining, this Temple site is a credit to the enterprise and taste of tlit people, being beautifully laid out and adorned with evergreens and other ui trees. There arc tlier attractive places in our vicinity, which are visited and enjoyed by tiie inhabitants of this and adjoining Counties, which make pleasant resorts in the hot summer mouths, places where money and labor have been expended to conduce to our happiness. W'e have reference to Funk's Artiikial bake, a beautiful body ol pure water, well stocked with fish for the amusement ol the angler and the coml it t ot those seeking health and pleasure; and the canyons and beautiful scenery adjac-ent thereto;thete is no other place in the County possessing these attractions. The recent discovery of immense beds of coal in the immediate vicinity of Manti City, is a strong argument that might be used in lav r ol Mann's claim, did we need other, or stronger reasons than those already adduced, to retain the ' County Seat, as this insures to the County Seat, cheap fuel in great abund-ance. The Southern part of this Count is susceptible ol greater development than the noith. The enterprising people of Gunnison have in course of construction, reservoirs, which, when completed, will iiiovide water sufficient to nitrate all arable land south of Manti tolhe line of; Sevier County. This will maleri..lly in- -' crease the population and wealth of the south end of the Couiry. Tile ouly route by which peopie can travel to and fro Iroui Emery County ill the winter season is tluo-jg- Salma canyon, and then buis-- ness is geueiallyat tiie Temple and the County Seat So far as tiie buildii'g of the neV Coutt House is concerned, that wiil he submitted to contractors, and hk to Lie lowest responsible bidder; and one town will have an equal chance with the other, and there will be an oppor-tunity for all efficient workmen in Sau Pete County to secure employment; as you are aware San Pete labor was well represented on the Juab Court House at Neplli. .Manti certainly has the best claim to the county seat, as she is the oldest town in the county, and all must admit that her people fornred Ihe bulwark of delense in the most trying times of San Pete. County and is therefore justly entitled to tins favor bv rigut of conquest icatiou of the County Seat, which how-ever, wa do not admit, d )cs it not occur to eieiy unprejudiced mind that she is justly, and rightlully entitled, to at least a share ol tlitm, in view of tiie fact that she has, in the last fourteen yeais, paid into the County Treasuiy the sum of $555357moie tiinn Ephraim and S7332.73 more tn.111 Alt. Pleasant, which fact places her justly and properly in from of any other place in Sail Pete Cotiuiy But this will not satisfy the agitator who would tear down every.landm.uk, and every established right, in order to satiate his own avarice. Hut the people, the pion tieers of Manti and Sau Pete County, are not aft aid the County Seat will be removed: but we desire to call the at- - the removal of the learning and literary centre from here are worth locking into. ' Also why so much :f our local trade goes to your town. ( )li! Ephraim. T.iis brings me to Ihe eotiniy seat question; with a little p ing of anxiety I wonder if that, too, will be lost, and ov the force of an unseen influence gravitating north- - ' ward. It is said that "those whom the Gods would destroy tiny lost make mad," but it seems fatal to be lulled to sleep by prosperity. The "Address tc the People of Sin Pete County" was signed by two new, comparative y new, citizens, while our old sagebiusn stock held their peace. There was no medium of communicating that document to the public in our midst, except through cir-culars. Main' people have asid why, in so important a matter, our shadow of a newspaper from which Ihe substance vanished last 1. 1!! could not find space, but ihe answer is not slow in .coining; thev could not do it for in event of the Couijy Court being re-moved they exiLled also to migrate inn, ' 4,1,1, d. y,i.inr, l.,r4.a.ri .ga.uly.tQ'd.i'.i,.- r.toofl policy, I feel fiee to at;k you To publish the address referred to, thai San Pete cou ity mr,' b;CJine acquainted with its contents. 1 have heard nothing but kindly ex pressions about your enterprise, an I hope that private sentiments publicly expressed by a set of ) oops will trouble you as little as they are n ied by any body above feather-braine- d in-tellect. 1 on't forget, amoirg your deep-er medinti. ms, that thev who out-stri-mankind must Uk k down on the hate of those below. I shall take pleasure in sending you any thing that falls in may way. and may vour career be onward and upward, V. A. L. Manti, June 22, 1S90. tenlion of the people to these facts lest they be nude the victims of unscrupulous agitators who do not study the best inter-ests of the County, and we ask the peo pie to be with us 111 bringing the County Seat to that state of perfection, and beauty, that all Sanpete's sons and dau-ghters may be proud of, instead of trying to weaken by experimenting on some other spot for rro other causes than self-ishness. We claim that the records of San Tete County are second to none in the Terr tory, are kept in a good and eilicent man-ner and are a credit to the county. We recognize the right of the people to elect whom they choose, which they have done in the past; we also recognize the fact that qualified electors ate elig ble to hol County offices, no matter in what part of the county they may reside; so that the change of officers does not, as some asser t nessilate the removal of the County Seat Manti City, Feb, r, 1890. Joseph Jndd, Chairman of Commttttee W W. Billings, Secretary. MANTl's CIRCULAR . An address to tiie people of San Pete County; An attempt is n w being made, as you are doubtless aware, to move the county seat from Manti, its present location, to some place north of Manti; and while we concede t'.e legal right ol the people to make such change if desirable, we protest against such change being made without good and sufficient reason being set forth there-for. We bold that 110 plausible reason can be given tor such change, and the only . asori that occurs to tiie mind ol an impartial public, is, that it is the ctilm nation ot envy, and a desire f ir agitation on the part of :t few, men who, to gratify their indivdual interests, are willing to sacrifice the public goud. The people o! this county cannot afford to yield to the whims and caprices of a few ,dis-aii- f lied agitators, and spend thousands of dollars of the public money simply to gratify them. The public interests are the first to beconsidered, and subserved, and should, under no circumstances whatever, be made second to individual or local interests, the county as, at present organized is in a htalthy condi-tion, out of debt, and a sutplnsin the Treasury; and it being deemed necessary to erect a more commodious building than the one now owned by the county, and oye more in keeping with the tims, the people of Manti City generously bought, and will present to the countv , a suitable building spot for such building, which is contiguous to the building, with all the rock necessaiy lor foundation and other purposes, that may be requir-ed, on the ground. Another advantage to be considered is, that the preser t , building can ne used for all eotiniy puiposes, while the new bu Iding 6 Den g erected, w aeieas, if the county seat I e removed to some other locality, the present building would be cf no practical use whatever. And further, the County some two years ago, erected at consider-able expense a Fire Proof Vault in w hich the records o: the Countv, from its oigani zation to thepresent time are kept secure from anv accident of flood or fne, which is a consideration not to be lost sight of. The Records of the County are of such great value lo the people, and the inter-ests involved in them is of such a na-ture, that the loss of them would be The people will find, by consulting the. map of Utah that Manti City is nearer tire center ol San l'etc County than is any otner County Seat in the Territory, ' with, perhaps, one or two exceptions. Our natural sanitary advantages are un-excelled in the country. Our natural res mrces are unexcelled, and the con-veniences we are able to offer to the .public, the most reliable and best water supply in the County, We h ive other advantages over our ne'ghboring towns which should be considered. The major part of the people visit the Temple; and as ail must procure a license who come there for the pin poser of being married, public Convenience lequiies that the County Office should not be distant from the Temple, that being the only place where license can be procured. jEpIiraim's Frogramnie 1.,,. For the Celebration of the Glorious Fourth. I. At d nlighi salute of J. gur.s. under the direction ofCapt l'.N. Christiansen II. Siiiuise hoisting ct the tlag by the Citv Marshal, A. I'ehrson, followed bf music by the Hra-.- s Hand. HI. Music by the lirass ii.iudat 9 o'clock as a signal for the people to gather in j the r.tbeuiacle where will be rendered the following I'kocrammk: 1. Music by the lirass Band. 2. Singing by the Tabernacle choir. 3. l'r ivtr bv the Chaplain, A. Thomp-son, r. 4- Singing Tabernacle choir. 5 Keidingof the Declaration ol In-dependence, A. C. Lund. 6 Instrumental music, J. P. I.arsen. 7- Oration. t. Music lirass Hand. 9- - Song, the ' Star spangled Banner," by Miss Cuyner. 10. Recitation, Miss Jennie Thompson. 1. Song, Miss Lilly Greaves. 12. iitiniip Speech, Henry Lund. U. Song, John Greaves Co. 14. Reading ol original poem, Tilda R.ismussen. 15. Solo on claranet, J. C. Jensen. 16 Song, N'orah Dorius. 17 Toasts, C. C. A. t hrisienscn, John F. 0 onui, ;. R. Donus, George Tay-lor, e:c. iS Closing tern arks, C.C. N. Dorms. Marshal oltlie Day, C. R. Dorius. Com mitt Mi. J.C Pftktson, Maria Willardson. D. P. Madsi.n, Sophia Dorius. a. Oi.skm, Jos. K. DoRti's, C. K. Domoi's, p. C. Anderson. COUNTY LOCALS. The streets of F.phri'im y present a, metropolitan appearance owing to the Jubilee visitors. Ilon.W. K.Reid and county clerk John Reid went over to Castle Valley yesterday. They wil return next Saturday. Manti is' getting out an interesting programtnee for the Fourth. The city fathers, as usual, arc taking an interest in the matter. Sttp't Greaves sends us a circular about school matters that will be of interest to trustees ami others. We shall publish it in our nct. It is said by parties whobave lately visited Hursville, (irass 'alley, that the settlers of that place propose to emigrate to Old Mexico in a body. Mr. Ililes Bradford of the Scutiuei made a call on the Register yester-terda- y. We extend to Mr. Bradford fraternal greeting and say again." Soren Neilson of Kpliraim was arrested Saturday last for disturbing the peace and left $10.00 with Judge Christensen on Monday morning for bis little spree. "Talk of icecream and soda you get at II. IV Larsnn's' tVrlors just south of the Drug store." It is stated that at least three new business blocks are to grace Eph-- , raitn's Main street this summer. This with a number of new resi-dences, will give EphraiiB considera-ble of a building boom. It is said a party of gentlemen from Manti v. etit up the county a ievr days ago in the interests of Ihe coun-ty seat question. They will stump 1'otintain Green, Moroni and proba-bly other places before returning. A. C. Olsen wishes to announce to the public of Kphraim that be has now got his famous stallion "Rous-tan,- " at J!p. Dorus' stables, and will be there during the" month of July. Rates $10 and 15 for the month of July only. Those inter-ested will please apply at once. 'e are gratified to learn that the services of our esteemed friend, Mr. Ward Stevensen, has been secured on the editorial department of the Sent in Mr. Stevensen will, we feel confident, bring the tone of the paper up to a par with others. Here's our hand, friend Ward. We con-gratulate. In writing to a friend Mr. W. D. Kuhre of Salt Lake County writes: "I received two copies of the "Reg- - istf.r" from you yesterday. I was going to ask you to send nie a copy I think it a very creditable beginn-ing, and by the display of ads. Kph-raim must have grown considerably since I was there. Send another sometime." Mr. I. I?. Brunei of Manti, took a Registkr reporter into his parlor and showed him a scri'n made by Mr. John J!railhwaite. .' The work is exquisite, being, a combination of hundreds of figures, cut from card-board paintings; and these are pasted on in an irregular but tasty order. This is only one of many handsome articles made by Mr. Braithwaiie. The County Register, irinted at Ephraim, San Tete county, reached us last Friday, after being on the road eight days,. Jt is rather late to eulogize upon the merits of the Register, but, "Better late than never;" that is what we have thought of our mail for some time past, T he Register is a bright, newsy, seven column paper, and if it keeps up its lick is bound to meet with suc-cess.' Wasatch H are. Caned: At the Sunday School Jubilee on the 19th, at Moromi, the superintendents and teachers of Mo-roni, Spring City, Chester, Meadow-vill- e, aird Sanpitch presented Supt. J. I!. Maiben with a beautiful ebony gold headed cane. Mr. David Candland ' made the presentation speach. CONFERENCE. There will be a conference of the Y. M. M. I. A- - Conference of this stake held at Manti, Saturnay and Sunday, July 19th. and 20th. J. F. Allied, President. ; NOTICE. Dr. Olsten will be absent from the County during the first week of July to witness the carnival at Ogden, and the Fourth of July celebration at Salt Lake city. ' As soon as cholera appears in the MediterraneanJportSj this country is in danger. It is not the part of wisdom to ignore the possibility of a cholera invasion even so early as this summer. The Cornplanter Indians of the Pennsylvania reservation are a rem-nant of" the once famous Seneca tribe. They have no vote and pay no taxes, but seem to be much like the white men in other respects. Cropping should be as various as the climate snd soil will admit of. Ami farm values will recover in such measure as men farm every acre well and variously. That will remedy the distemper in time, if persisted in. In answer to the question, "What has become of the German carp plan-- I ted in the Kansas streams?". Secre-- ! tary Graham, of the State Agricultural college, says the less said about the carp the better. The catfish look wise and say nothing. |