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Show THE WATHR WE DRINK. The Ijllowing correspondence a handed in by a ueiillcman, of Ehraim; but a it is of a general character thouhtout our ounty, that such thins occur, we h it will a;jly universally so far as tin ci.mtv is cuiicerned, ut least. Editor Rk,i-th: Wlnle 111 any schemes have been suggested sug-gested ami cmieJ out, t give the tiiiuty soil water, and the (aimers more grain) yet the owner tithe soil and the claimant-. t the w ater, set-in to be content with diluting the should-be lile-giving lile-giving fluid in a state and condition that, no d itibt, makes it the cause of a great deal -t sickness and the food piepared from it less palatable to thote who letlecl u-n its component parts. One may bejin his investigation of this subject by taking a walk through any of our streets, and he will find in many plares old tubs put in the water ditches to soak, ami sometimes a filthy lotofw.uii irarments filleting their obnoxious ob-noxious lluiil out in the water that other people must drink. In some places the corrals with all their tilth are in immediate proximity to the sources of the water which is used Ia eiiliraiy pui-poses, pui-poses, while stock, both alive and dead, occasionally help t make it still woise. Vet ths is not all. Several large herds of sheep have been lor a lung: time in our canyons, and ;ire theie vet, befoulir-S ai.d roisoiim the water, that the people of Ephraim must drink themselves, and offer to their visiting visit-ing Iricmls. 1 low long is such a condition of things going to be endured by that portion ol citizens, who would rather drink pine water, than such an unwholesome composition, com-position, as the water we must now j drink? I Through the Register, the avowed i monitor 1 f San 1'ete interests in particular, particu-lar, this cry for relief conies from one that knows what sickness ciftts; but no I doubt, the sentiment is shard by a great number of our citizens. Have we not a sanitaiy board in this city, that should take steps to have all such nuisance removed at once? and can or will' the city fathers do nothing lor Ephraim in 1 the most important of all matters for j the benefit of the people, by geuint: the I water from the mountains down to us in as tfooJ a condition as nature, and other I circumstances will allow, and nexfsee to the removal ol all such obnoxious substances from the ditches, that make the water anything but wholesome or I tit for culmaiy jiuipi set? |