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Show It (.TICKS SIKEIA. SPRAINS. CRUISES. OhloiMiss.Rnllnrav. Office rrcside.it end M Dolrhln UciuTal Uincn, Baltimore. JM.. Cu.clnnuti.Ohio Jan'y 18. 1M0, Mv font suddenly WBS Ln,isf J u1- turned mil pave nin ly in hip and sido bf a Tery severely a full and suffered so- snraintu ankle. Hie ... .., . ..nit a p p 1 u- a t i o ii of St. xm- H- Jacols 011 JaeobaOll niilttcl at complctel r cured once in a relief from me." Wu.C. IUrlus, '"w"w. PIABOI.Y, Kcmbcrof sto frest-A Gen'l Man gr Legislature. THECHaPf'' ' " "V. Baltisiora. MA ( TeniT wise and pound foolish" are those who tblak It ecouom to use cheap aola aud roeln avi'- Instead of the cood old lobblns' j Klectrit toP; for stile by" all proeers since IS64. US " ouce. 1 e sure, buy genuine. Wbea a man btpitis to know himself real ! well be bh a Terr poor oj'iuion of other ' people. j II. (;ze A Son of 910 Broadway. New Tork ! CitT, ainounec Tery attraetive 20U trips to ! Europe rt class. t'C advertisement. J A good deal of the devil's best work Is j done bf careless people. Hn.Wlnalow'a uoi king Syrup, for Call-iXrmn Call-iXrmn ttthue, softens the num., reihicvs inflammation. inflamma-tion. alOTSpalu, cures wiud colic Sic. a bottle. Put n angel where there is no love and he would bebouie a devil. j am eUDlES eP W. L. DOUGLAS S3SHOEcENFTLHEMEN. Vf ,ou (imiulne IImiuI m-wot. an eleiiantan stylish dres shoe which comraenua tuell 0.00 Ilnnd-eweil Wlt. A flneealf shoe ua-" ua-" equalled for style andduraMIUy. O.SO (loodvear Welt Is the standard draw Shoe, at a papula-price.' V 0. 50 l'ollreuian'a Khoe Is especially adapt for railroad men, farmers,, etc. All madein'ConKrew, Button and lsce. to. 00 for I, miles, ts the only Imnil-Kwod O shoe sold at this populnr prli-e. to. SO I)oii(rol .shoe f,,r l.adiea, Isanewde-pnrture Isanewde-pnrture and promises fc become popular. O-OO Mum for Ladles, and 1 .1 A for M iaaea still retain their evcellence forstyle, eux A 1 1 fronds writmiumI and stamped with nameou bottom, f auvertlatit local aant rannot supply yutt, send illrwl a) factorv etn-loalntr advrrltsr.1 price or a pnatal for or. lerblanka. W. I.. 1X11 til.AH. ltrorktnn. Msm. WANTED. Shoe dealer Inewery eltw and town not occupied, to lake exrlii- Iveaiferiey. All aiteuta a dTcrtlaed lis local paper. Seud for llluatrateat catalogue. oru ENJOYS Both the method and results when 6jrup of Figs is Uken; it is pleasant tnd refreshing to the taste, and acti fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the system sys-tem effectually, dispels colds, headaches head-aches and fevers and cures habitual Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pro-duced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable ac-ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ia its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com-mettd com-mettd it to all and have made it the most pomilar remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. drug-gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure pro-cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept ny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHOISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, f. W YORK. I f. nawaw 1 aToo PIVV EEK " B Hi'taiSinT S U'&Jv daouft lUc luuullu of Artl, Msy, JaBS.D H Jul. t! Aiicatl- hr t. fn.rffyla Hj 9 ILapv or centlemanTI H Ht ha?" a aui.! i iii ' mt;li '11 ou aitu u litjuiatrTT'll KltDil BUvi to w? pari of tb l'oltsi Stuil t i4 BE H 1 1 you ini-an huilnrn n-mt aft Plamr. anrt jnq M B WILL RECEIVE FREE SAMPLE1 H B W .V.L W J 11 I so , I Vorl h r a ti Hit ''ti''j'lJi JESST ONLY DIRECTOnYON EARTH JvA'iiij ..r,ytiuraw ill It l."rW aS wvy mt. M JlK dj.M..iiiilrl.( .llle'flk)" t 'aliSmiluitWll .hO.S.r.,A"Owt.. f Hft'CS I aiB-S.S.Ikrr.. lrilliw allliwlw Vlll1,Si3ki,Jrl..S fr.l..hlj thMnaafesftslulila kBW iSJ5 V.- h ;.. v.. i k...iiir t Si' -T r,,rW, Nr..,l. aiMblrt, lili.l.-l.tH""" ill tUll 111 UUm-TOHT CO., (a. t;a, Salkis, 1. 1. What is lacking is truth' and confidence. j If there were absolute truth j on. the one hand and absolute confidence on the other, it wouldn't be necessary for the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a $5x guarantee. They say "If we can't cure you ( make it personal, please,) of catarrh in the head, m any form or stage, we'll pay you 500 for your trouble in making the trial." "An advertising fake," you How's This ? We otTer One Hundred Dollar reward for any case of catairu that cauuot be cured by taking Hall's (.atari h Cure. We. the umlcn-lyned, have knowu F.J. t'beriey lor the las-t 1ft years, and belleye blm pericctly honorable in all business transactions, transac-tions, aud liiian ciallv ai.ie lo carry out any obligations made hv their linn. N Est ii Tkiax, W'LoIesaie Druggists, Toledo, Tole-do, O. Waldiso, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drurglfts, Toledo, O. Hall's Calairl) Cure Is taken Internally, ectiiip directly upon the Uood and mucous furlaces of the system. Tcatitnonials sent free. Price 7ic. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. GERMAN Sweet Chocolate. CgptjL The most popular sweet Chocolate in the market. iTl'-i'S ' nutritious and palat-fhRl palat-fhRl fc, particular favorit ii J with children, anil a most r i 1 V eIoeucnt article for f aniiljr i 1 Ifl Served as a drink, or i j I fcatrn as confectionery, it In J j n II is a delicious Chocolate. M' I illLJ The (rcnulne is stamjied ir" IUSupon the wrapper, S. German, Ger-man, Dorchester, Mass. Sold by Grocers frorywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. f Piu'kszsj mitt" S Unn. ivtldoot. parklln anrt tppriftlag. Held t all tltiera. A bytiM ptctur Honk and ctnt trnt Ofs w uyu KUdiuc iililrMi w THK C. K. HIKKS CO.. rbUsdrlpbla. f SELF IXKIKG STAMP Ogfi ' rT With natuo and aodresf complete. fawW I t"L-l 1" Mall, rluh of Hve for one Dollar. ; c JfHiOpntfe Cntnloiiuc mui A(;-iitH' l.lst. for ID ; fNjlcuntii. A.ldreM.M'inVAAIlSl'AMl' ti PtiKAL CO.Hl'AMV, Mt. t'uul, Minis. j MANHOOD Ofliilny, i.oit MaiiliiMiti, Ac, liaviiiy: ti K-J m vain rvcrv kit'iwi) rfimulv, Inn) UiwuveitHl it simple mt-nns if m l)'-curr l)'-curr winch he wi.l mmmi ( ..;il-'il) FiiLK ti hn f-ll-ivv-mf-furert. AtlUrutw J. Jl. liKKVlC-4, ,. ilux Saw, N. V. lty.. AffinStlC Mknnkn'8 onr Cous KlllKH. GillPiili Ouick. I'HinleHH. P I'ern.itiMiii. VvllllV oulv nurncnrB for Haiti ami H-f CuriiB. Hunldno, Mi li-s. Wurtf, I'ltlltniffn, At'. 'JtA yearn the Stamlaul Hen. rtv, 25 (it, m UnutistH .r puH(aid fruiu ii. Wennk-n, CUemist, Newark. W.J. M fak CFNT i?for four at1mln Dfpui'a Afrnt-' Dlrco-I Dlrco-I I 1 lory wtitfh gisra wlitriliiR sllover Uib 1:dIi1 and B I I Joa will ffi liur)dn-iof ajjilr-, atreulara. txxtk. nia-E nia-E 0 papers, maariUFt. rtc., froiu tbotewho want aRi'im- Y-ttt will (i-t low of $oai rvatltnit rrc ant will h wrll plraM-il (tb tba small Inrraunroi. fj f l.tMcooialotui nwut ivui UiauL par- 1 aoa auawertuf. C. C. Ucl't I , fey ravine. IS. V. r 7 II iftJ k LP 6 HhUhid cut. KnurfMia IflU I ff&rtQ BEDWETTiNQ.) Fur cirualsrs ami Uwi imtmiHis aHilrww, with stamjia i I)r. 0. W. HNYKKU, Mcviokar's Thaalrs. Oliloaxo, IIL pe-for tale by all Oruggista. Price $1.00. ; -paoGREiaivE euchre, 8nd Postal Note to Johm Hsbastuh, O.T. A. C-, R I. P. R. K.. t'hicao. and rctfet poiiaga paid, tae sIloknMt deck of card you sver.r handled, j Taa JmU yes pmek, ou or tiiauy. say. Funny, isn't it, how some ! people prefer sickness to ! health when the remedy is j positive and the guarantee absolute. j Wise men don't put vtoncy back of " fakes." And " faking " doesn't pay. Magical little granules those tiny, sugar-coated Pellets Pel-lets of Dr. Pierce scarcely larger than mustard seeds, yet powerful to cure active yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever invented. Cure sick headache, dizziness, constipation. One a dose. HOW 18 EARN ,200 MONTHLY Write for particulars to the Stab Tontine Association, pays to its members mem-bers $100 in 3 months. 2000 members in Philadelphia first month. Our pay to Secretaries is extremely liberal, write ; STAft TONTINE ASSOCIATION, jS31 Walnut SiaUT, Philadelphia, Fa. Jw. N. U., Omaha, 66719 I nr I EWIS' 99 LYE S I- wmb aKb namoo I Vjfjf (PAT1SNTSU) iT The strnnprst and. wrest lT 1 InA made. Will make tlio best ocr-J ocr-J lA ati"ed Hard Soap In SO minuu lm u'itJiout ooUiiifJ. I " h" 1 I for softening- water, cleansing K I waste ple, disinfecting mnae, J clown, wualilng bottles, painu, I. J trees, etc. IL PENNA. SALT M'F'G CO. ft&!Ua Gen. AgU.. Flilln.. P. 'SS! Thompson's Eyi Water. "German Syrup" ForThroat and Lungs " I have been ill for Hemorrhage "about five years, "have had the best Five Years, "medical advice, "and I took the first " dose in some doubt. This resulted result-ed in a few hours easy sleep. There "was no further hemorrhage till next " day, when I had a slight attack "which stopped almost immediate-"ly. immediate-"ly. By the third day all trace of " blood had disappeared and I had "recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate " my dinner, the soljd. food for "two months. Since that time I "have gradually gotten better and " am now able to move about the "house. My death was daily ex-"pected ex-"pected and my recovery has been " a great surprise to my friends and " the doctor. There can be no doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, ! "as I had an attack just previous to "its use. The only relief was after "the first dose." J.R. Loughhead, Adelaide, Australia. When Baby waa sick, we g&Te her Castoria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When atae becatpj Miss, she clunajastorla, When she had Children, she fare them Castoria, CHICHE8TfR-8 ENGLISH, RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A ramom riiS & THE ofllOINaL aHO OENUINC. Th nly Dafs, Sin, Slid raUaMa Pill Hot Mia, VYjr L4I, uk lru.UI for C'SuAMlM-'t Xnflf. Diamond Brand In Kr MI4 tMd fnMsMIe V box, awtled wltb blua rltHMm. l'ak. Bo atlaer ItlttO. H.UM. AiSflfUuMona and ImUaMam. V ill pill. ID putboard boiaa, (link wrkfipara. ara 4anwron.eoMntrfVlts. St Dmig-lata, ar MS s - 4. In aiarapa tr partlaulaM. taaUaMBiala, and "Kallar far Laaira.1 la lattar, h, ratana AfalL le.OOOTaatlmonlala. Aim. 'war. CHICH.T(S) CMCMICAL CO., Madl.c aaaara. ald r aU Lecal liraaatlsia. a'lill.ADKLriUA. FA. ! The only sure way to keep from back sliding Is tb keep sliding forward. If an alligator could talk he would probably proba-bly declare that be had a small mouth. ' Why aliould pawnbrokers be reviled? Do ' they not keep all their pledges) flolmaii'a Liver Pad. riolman's Liver Pads cure Malaria. Holman's Liver Paris cure BlLloosNKsa. Holinan's Liver Pills eure Indigestion. Paniphiet free with full iiigtnicttone and commendations. commenda-tions. IIolsun Lrraa Pad Co., SI JUm street, H. Y. The world looks at what a oian does, but God looks at what he means. BOW TO MAKE MONET. 1 read what Mr. Bell said about making eso per month. JalftO sent to the Standard Silver VYareCo., Kasei St.. Ho-lon, Masa.. anil rwelved a fine case of sample. I tfiok ordere the nnt dar that paid me S10 profit l mads S40 the Unit week, at the end of one month 1 had Sits clear profit. Any one can pet circular and airency bf writinir the above firm. 1 hope oilier may pront by my experience. Vonrs Truly, w . F. WUXIAMS. 1 be more we do to help others the lighter our otvn burdens will become. OHrttelil Tea acta on the blood, renovat-inor the entire xYRltnn i Cures Constipation t bring the Into of health back to faded cheek. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Palms, Dracirnas, Vc, cheap. Sweet Potato, Cabbage Cab-bage and Tomato plants in season. Send tor descriptive catalogue. W.J. Hbhskb, Pluttsmouth, Neb. The man who never prays for anybody else nt ver prays lor himself. You can't stop your neighbor's tongue but you can stop your own ears. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. 1 WILL MAIL A COPY OF K The Ladies' Home Journal From Now to January, 1892 j f!S55s (Balance of this Year) fi 7 jita? To Any Address on Receipt of pi I Only FIFTT CENTS -rJr I will give One Thousand Dollars 53 fsl's tne P"50" sending me the largest number of sub- Y j " scribers up to July ist, at 50 cents each, for the F Ja&fa - balance of this year. Five Hundred Dollars, July ist, J ijhfj j To the person sending me the second largest number i I rty&Vvkffi1 Sul)Scr'frers UP t0 Ju'y ist, at 50 cents each, for the V J lS balance of this year. fe. I L fx ( 1 One Hundred Dollars each j tr&fo R ' l To the five people sending me up to July ist, the next j 151 ' y 1 vc largest number of subscribers, at 50 cents each, A I Tj. V Fifty Dollars each J V. lfS t'ie ten 1$ sending me up to July ist, the fc" "J (AyLf VMWa next ten larKcst Iists of subscribers, at 50 cents fi"' J. I eacn or tne balance of this year, fiiL 4 I 'fjr JirVi Every Club-raiser shall have a liberal Cash y- J, V Commission, or such Premiums as desired, for every I ntfjt t viWV subscriber secured; but the 17 largest agents will I ifffil"! . r5 be rewarded w-ith the j5oolivided among them RT 2& 9 i M? ac W4 The Ladies Home Journal fe, ' iVim t ii '-rTA "ilwikSi commands the best work of the f "id&A Hi ijGamlK ti V7 fiiMft4a A - most eminent l'ving writers and Xr 0iMl3Hm A artists, and presents the most costly kl ssfflBwij mliL and elegant periodical ever issued j' " K vyJ -v vVL for ladies and the family. Itscir-W vZftxh "illuS TS culation is far in excess of any U 0iL "'tiryW XV ri periodical or magazine in the world ''yw i vl w!SYr v v now 7S0'000 C0Pies each issue fi. V ''t$f j . 41 (, J and lts management propose to v-7 v-7 flA J 4! ttfL- SWaV ' make a determined effort to push J 1fS SlSrTO its circulation to the highest possi- y 7ft, ytfttX X" e P'nt (a round million, if possi- lf- ht imns' ble before uly ist' T ? "D?n J" HtSr Address f ij V, . --ii Curtis Publishing Co. K- . Philadelphia, Pa. Hunger the Best Sauce. S. S. gives a good appetite And causes a relish for food, Which buiJds up the human organism. ADDS TO THE STRENGTH, BTJOYS UP THK SPIRITS, INCREASES THE VITALITY, AND MAXES Y0X7 A NEW MAN. Swift's Specific S. S. S. Has no equal as a tonic, For convalescent patients, It is invaluable. Treatlae oat Blood and Skin Diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. Before you buy oJiytfsing.&sk two questions. "Do I ea.!l4rfe5n I do - these quesHorirnay n)d."ke you rich iul-they will neverEprevenl- you from buying SAPOL1 O Us uses are many and so are its friends; for where it is once used it is always used. To clean house witlwut it is sheer folly, since it does the work twice as fast and twice as well, f"''. ,1- |