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Show T.if people of Cjdrii.Oi reat m ii.y ' r- ri l I ve iH'men.t'liiig the tiirdi rimi ei'iiii. Kacli cm. uj a crowd of humanity is surging Lack and lorih, and stores are always crowded. "Tripping the light fantastic" is all the rage again. Nearly every night in some part of the utv, a public dance is given; and thev aie really enjoyable these cool evenings. A great many fires are to be seen now in the mountains about Ogderi. Asphalt cement sidewalks are being laid 111 all parti ol the city. THE QUEEN CITY OF THE WEST. Oaden. L'uli, S-pt. 9, 1S90. A few items occasionally iruin the "Queen City of the West" from now on-ntav on-ntav do moie good than li.irin; for, though Ogdnu's woiidoiliil les ances, eiirerpr.se and prosperity may be, and undoubtedly ate, better known in vcr and other large cities farllir easi, and hi the cities 011 the coast, than 111 Southern Utah, I mil confident Hint the tune is near at hand when especially die Inuines men in your vicinilv, wh cit ol comse tifletis all, will Link upon Otfdeu as the main city o( the Territory, hich ii is destined to be. For this leasoii, mainly, I wiite .1 At this writing the V.ould be-owboy, who shot Mis. frrsham h.le she ' was on ihe train at the I bt Springs, a cw j mlrs n.iilh ..Ihcie un tins md, mst., s siill at lar.ie, 1; is lo ha hoped that ny tne rime that this is in print, he will be caught. Thiee ' po-,es are in hot ,)iiiuii. The average c wboy m;iv be irftty wild, but he usually has sense j and knows where he is shooting when ue lets his gun go of!"; but tiiis fellow d.d.i't. Teu Cowboys on Ihe wildest1 prte are preferable to one like tins j (ellow with a glass ol beer in him. He I nas smce been captured, j E.p?ctin;( thp new tabernaclr on I Wash, no 011 Avenue to bo comp eted j |