Show territorial topics SEVIER coubry several teams left richfield Kich field laet last week for pioche nov nev heavily laden with the fruits of the soil there is a move on foot loot among borne some of the politicians i ians of richfield to all alc organize a civil government dab club in that city propeller daviette Davi athe ethe noted real estate man who figured BO so conspicuously on the street gome some time ago left big his boreo horse at the hotel in richfield aa as security for his bill when leaving and mr sir seems sms glad that the animal was not redeemed as be he I 1 is a fine single single footer and will bring him a ban handsome some price richfield advocate A few evenings ago the subject of girls wearing short hair was being discussed in the family of albert faglay which bad euch such a weight on an the mind of the hired girl miss bliss martha peterson that she arose in the night while fast asleep leep got t a 11 pair of scissors and nd clipped ire her r long hair all off close clos to he her head she was more surprised than beautiful when she looked before fore the glass the next morning UTAH COUNTY provo Di Vatch the beet raisers in the west fields have inaugurated a new move they have e entered into an agreement with the provo city street railway company whereby cars care are run ran down into the fields on the lake resort line where the beets are loaded and taken direct from the fields by rail to the factory at lehl uhl several email small shipments of sugar beets have been received at the factory at lehi uhl since it started op up for the purpose of having them ans analyzed lyzen the richest lot which has turned up so far was that bent sent down from montana which were grown by a chinaman the analysis showing them to contain more than twenty two per cent saccharine dr helmer elmer II a noted physician asserts as its that a dose of per oxide of hydrogen twenty drope drops in water every day will do more toward curing con than anything else previously used for that purpose he further t a tea that sixty drops of per ox oxide ide 1 will I sterilize a quart of milk and render it harmless to children |