Show telegraphic NEWS extradition tradition Ei of tivo two of Salma tedas min aters demanded THE BILT IID SOT nor ACT IS 13 I 1 spy threatened td attack on tha the hailed stiles leca tion at HK the famine la in russia the tt election Elect ioB la fit cork ett eft CHICAGO nov 6 A private letter received calved re loday today lo to day from benjamin W wells one ot of the U 8 8 Balti baltimore mores officers by bia his father in this city explodes the assertions ol 01 the british naval officers ficera of that the baltimore act ej ad as a epy opy on the chilean insurgents ina when the latter landed at quintero the beginning of the lett letter par dated august bays says aly last letter to you was from the dault day it was mailed we received word that the insurgents nta bad had landed near dalpa raio ralso 11 the extract shows that the baltimore instead of being alongside the british ship champion on the day of the cointe ros landing as the officers of that ship asserted was at Jo Co and not hear quintero sir ir wells well says the news of the landing reached ached re him at it breakfast and the baltimore did no not t leave Oo until midnight the first thing that attracted attention on reaching valparaiso harbor at sunset the following evening was the insurgent war ships abtao ablao and magel lanes with flira flags flying at all masts in celebration of insurgent success in the first days do gla fight the letter then described the a scenes attending the fall 0 of I 1 valparaiso including the taking of the wounded offic officers erst women and children aboard the baltimore and practically lythe tha accession of the junta to power then it adds prophetically we will not be in good favor here that may be taken for granted after capturing the itata and cutting the cable at aquique the chances for bare politeness are slim 1 the letter concludes as follows 1 I beard heard the minister of war say last night that as the tide of the battle attle w was 08 turning against him he turned to the commander of one of the battalions and said to him major where arp are your men post them in anch such and such a place the officer 0 M car answered sir to me a battal battalion foll no longer exists just think of it entire battalions completely wiped out and this was only one of many there is no doubt about it the government was frightfully beaten all the doctors we can spare are ashore wo working I 1 king in the hospitals one was sent ashore besterda ieSt yesterday erda I 1 lie went up to the battle aid an and worked ov erthe wounded there 1500 were brought in fast night it was after this letter telling of the baltimorean Balti morea mores surgeons work of humanity for the wounded chileans Chi leans had been mailed that a portion of the balti mores crew was frightfully mal treated in the streets of val valparaiso aral mr velis wells was the officer in ct charge agga of f the boats that landed a detach detachment me n t of american blue jackets and marines marin e a during the disorder following the I 1 insurgent n victory SANTIAGO chile nov 6 0 the newspapers here for several days have been publishing wild stories about a conspiracy among the refugees at the american legation to kill Gol general leral canto A notice was circulated today to day calling for a meeting of the people in the plaza to din denounce ounce the conspiracy egan unit d states minister informed the junta that threats bad had been made to attack the united states legation and capture the refugees and he warned the junta that it would be held responsible for bach such action later war in the day several thousand men assembled in the plaza and applauded several incendiary speeches in which the supposed conspiracy and the united states legation were denounced the junta up pon receiving the egan letter sent a troop of cavalry to guard the united states legation and as the meeting in the he plaza closed the intendente published a notice saving saying the stories of a conspiracy were devoid of foundation a serious trouble was doubtless averted by this notice although the government did nothing to prevent trouble until receiving mr egans protest |