Show THE on the presentation of f I 1 miners rights idoa adopted led at omalia omaha the trans congress con grens which met at omaha passed the following resolutions having special reference to the northern pacific mineral land grab WHEREAS the interest of mining creates and adds to the wealth of this country nearly annually of got gold and silver alone a product scarcity means the depreciation i ot of the values of the farm the homes and all the real property of the country as well as the wheat the cotton and the corn produced by our tolling millions and and whose abundance I 1 means increased comfort and prosperity to the great mafia mass of our out pe people 0 ale and WHEREAS V there are millions cf of acres of the best gold and silver bearing mineral lands of the west on which are thousands thousand ii of mining properties both patented and patented nn within the limits of the grants to tt ill 9 pacific railroads and which are in imminent dinger of becoming the property of these railroad companies now therefore be it Res resolved olred that this body earnestly ask of congress euch ouch legislation as will protect and sad foster our mining in aereal te tere real ator and forever prevent our mines and mineral lands bearing beating gold silver cooper or lal loal tom becoming the property of tuese corporations under their grants and that the president of this body shall select one of the citizens of eich each of the territories of arizona utah and irid naw now mexico and the elates states of california nevada colorado oregon idaho and Mo montana stana which have a common interest lote reit in this subject who shall form a committee for the t of securing each such united and efficient action as will save these mines and mineral lands to the people and in conformity with this resolution president thomas appointed the following committee in the order named thomai thomas G merrill montana monti B gwynne idaho A E hyde utah M J smith arizona arizon zon a william M maguire Magu lre colorado it P keating nevada J it bronnan bouth south dakota 8 6 M 51 white california F FE E wyoming |