Show tile city of Orde ogdan 0 ii Is its wonderful resources the tile great development bow taking I 1 place there from front llie the san francisco F starch march sah copy of an address delivered by 0 E E mayne president of the san francisco syndicate and trust trusi company at a meeting of capitalists held here last evening gentlemen you ask me to tell you upon what I 1 base my prediction that ogden utah will contain a population of people in five years if I 1 were capable of doing the subject justice and could make you fully understand derst der stand the one half of 0 den dens a resources tile gold you and other api zapi calist a in san francisco have lying idle in your banks would soon solve the problem and I 1 could with confidence increase my figures t to 0 the ogden river fust attracted m my attention t last fall tills stream pouring into the city 0 of f ogden out of the wasatch mountains hag has a fall of goo feet in six miles and would furnish power sufficient to run mills and factories that would support a population of people this immense power will boon soon be utilized san sao 1 francisco au capital being largely interested in the enterprise ane more I 1 have investigated ogden the more I 1 have been impressed with her unsurpassed advantages situated on the great salt lake at the foot of the wasatch range of mountains surrounded by the moat most prolific farming region in the world with the most healthful and arid invigorating climate ogden has eve every ry natural advantage lor for being the railroad center of the intermountain inter mountain country and having at her very door and within her corporate limits more natural than any oilier other city or place in the united states and I 1 to might glace bt eay ay the world her tier mountain of iron is ia superior to any other in thu like world excepting only that of sweden the whole w ole mountain being from 55 t to 85 per cent pure iron this industry has not been worked heretofore ch oit account ot the hostility of the r railroads a il That objection having now dow been removed great pig iron plants will boon soon be put in opera operation tiou thereby furnishing employment to thousands of laborers a and skilled mechanics we have the finest beds of bf pottery clay in the united states brick made of this clay are as hard as granite cra the only workable deposits of sulphur in the united states lie at ogdena doir dor in vast beds ranging from 00 60 to 09 99 per cent pure near us are great beda beds of saltpeter we have extensive deposits of asphaltum aspli altum and gilsonite gil A pure asphaltum black and arid shining ilk like jet and very rare also mineral re to in in extensive deposits of manganese es 0 also anti antimony mon oclires and kaeslin and inexhaustible quantities of pure and of minerals for making portland cement in in great purity quicksilver in con considerable sid erable quantities tripoli mica obtainable in sheets a toot equate and anti slate rivaling that of pennsylvania end arid vermont as a well as a material for honea liones superior to the tile famous turkey oil stones graphite 90 00 per cent pure besides the vast salt there there is is also obtained from the great salt lake a variety of eul ant phate ate borate and bromides from which are made salt cake epsom and glauber salts soda ash bicarbonate 0 soda caustic coda soda and sal a a isoda I soda it claps le and n d granulated silica sand is found in abundance and the following minerals in quantities cadmium copper coppee magnesium indium iridium bismuth jw jasper per jet malachite oolite talc tale tuf ni and alabaster little or none noue 0 of this great array of mineral wealth is as yet developed while most of it is a untouched and vast fortunes await awalt the developing power ower of capital in this direction E marble of the purest to textures X from the purest white carrara to the mottled and black lithograph stone sandstone the very finest bult buff gray and red exist in profusion granite finer liner than thin that used in the pyramids py ramAs of egypt lies ti es in in great quantities within fly five m miles es of the gan business center porcelain to compete pete with ith great britain or C china hina is heaped in great banks of wealth the ilia country immediately surrounding ogden produces over pounds 0 of I 1 wool annually and it is now shipped hipped from this point to E eastern astern markets but large woolen mills must soon oon be established liere here this industry alone in all its branches w would furnish furnish employment fur for an army of men and women omen gold silver copper zinc and lead are mined rained in the mountains right at ogden in fact the wonderful richness of the mineral products of thia this region ia is only equaled by their astonishing variety coal elouth enough to supply the tile world for a thousand centuries the development of this rc regions gions mineral resources sources te has not even begun tho the prodigious mineral wealth of the tile region tributary to ogden ia is beyond tile concept conception itin of the human mind bullice it to say nothing in the world worl a equals it add to this the fact that the petroleum fields of wyoming are located a short distance away al also so her tier vast mineral paint beds sod bodar u lakes and arid alum deposits A water trite power within three miles of f the busl nea nes center of ogden that will tarnish tarn forn n 1311 power to run every loom treadle lathe lithe and mill in new I 1 england T 11 a nd ia a now being har harnessed nested and n inside of 0 ninety days the ogden power company will be ready to supply lower power to mills and factories by the hundred undred ogden is the wholesale wh I 1 asale and retail center of ai litah tall and 0 a vast region of agricultural and minine mining country every element ne necessary to ansta 1 ning a gre great a t I 1 industrial city surrounds ogden her iler agricultural horticultural t ti cul resources are well in kee keeping ng with each other so that tit alie a ax advancement van cement of one assists the other ogden is situated on the great salt lake like bho she is a growing city of people has five ha hank is the terminal of eight railroads il has a S electrical lights gai gas aud and street ril railways il her ifer people are industrious b hospitable table and enterprising to an unprecedented degree the de development celop of her tier water power her limous famous hot springs the pure mountain water pouring an everlasting Y into her mains and conduits lier tier boulevards her unrivaled battling bathing resorts her tier tut drives and views unsurpassed mountain trout fishing in fact her advantages for b business and pleasure soro sure combine more of interest lne rest than cao can be mat met with at any other place on earth to san franciso with her tier surplus millions of gold aiden looks for the capital to set in motion the machinery that will utilize her tier vast undeveloped wealth the tile capitalists and the railroads of lie the pacific coast will be very shortsighted short sighted indeed they fail to grasp the opportunity i to nut not only en hatie their individual wealth eal th but to turn the enormous trade of ogden and its it tributary country west westward ivard before his rich field has been discovered and tapped bythe by the east to tan francisco rightfully belongs this hade and it will tier her own oa n fault if she does not get ge t it in conclusion gentlemen I 1 apologize polo giza to the tile city of ogden tor for inability to do her j ustice |