Show GUARDIANS SALE OF REAL ESTATE OTICE IS HEREBY IER EBY GIVEN TH THAT AT IN pursuance of an order of 0 tho the probate at court of the county of salt JA lake ke a and d terri for lory of utah made d 0 0 on n the e ath th d day of F febra eb ary ry 1890 sah in to the matter tte r of thays the estate a and rum guardianship of george tt young a minor no r the un undersigner undersigned under 1 signed I tied the guardian of the person 0 o and estates of raid mig minor nor will fell sell at private sale to the he highest bidder and tor for cash 1 legal 1 I money of t the he united states or upon such terms as a m may ey be ap approved pro luk by the h probate court of the county 1 of f salt 1 t lake a and nd territory of utah and subject to confirma alon by said I 1 probate court on oil or after the biondy 1 alth th day aa 0 of f march arch 1830 all the right title interest Int ercil and estate 0 of f 1 the 0 said B d in minor ir 0 r i in and to all that certain cert a tn lot piece or parcel of land lad INt aleco situate e lying and a n d being 1 1 in the tile said mid county go u illy of weber e b r territory of utah and bounded and described bed an as follows tott to tt it the tile undivided one halt half interest in and to a part art of lot one no in block 20 21 in I 1 n plat A of ogdan 0 city survey rv jn beginning b at the he a irth east corner 0 of said lot one and running run thence south 8 rods thence hence t west 16 rods thence north 8 roda rods thence east 16 rods r to G the place e of beginning beg nning terms and conditions of sale calheta cash cal hega legal 1 oi evol ile united states or such other othe r terms te r as may be agreed ol 01 ill upon in between b e t w cen the guardian 91 adlan of the person it and an d estates es t a t es of said minor and the purchaser and bo be approved approve by the probate court of the county of salt it lake territory of utah and subject to con id banol firmat nr matlon on of said pro probate court de deed ed at t e expense os of purchaser r B gilds I 1 d or 0 may y be made it at any time after the brat first publication of this notice and before I 1 re the making of the sale all bids or offers must be in writing and left at the of flee 0 henry 11 II llla att attorney orney at nt law on the tile corner of ngo g avenue nu and nd ewt twenty fourth U street in ogden d en city c county 0 of 1 tt eber and n territory r arto r of utah tah aird or ll 11 rg to tile undersigned undersigner under signed personally no 17 JOHN M guardian of the person erson and estate of geor george N youn young a I 1 minor nor laclar attorneys tor for guardian guard laa td |