Show TUB THE il MIL AIL IS TOO HEAVY tolls bonds placed at he lie will raise LYE EYE TO THE SCOt lG HEARD FROM FROS tol tod is man to the penitentiary to await awalt the sitting of the grand jury jau la in bay may aw T S tod aill ill probably find it a pretty hard matter to obtain the bonda fixed by judge dee yester yesterday day the amount is mr a brother will make ah effort to obtain the bonds but be he said to a reporter last night that be he bad had n not ot mum much hope of obtaining ha the amount deputy united states marshal iloah took foil ro to salt lake yesterday over the utah central where he will be held hold at the penitentiary until the grand jury sits in slay may A few minutes the train started a STANDARD reporter had a chat with tod and he ap eared at ease and expressed the belief that ho be would come out al all right on jury trial should it come to that 1 I am satisfied with the way TUB mir STANDARD has treated toe me he ila said it has presented the facts as they appeared and reported the evidence correctly 1 I was not pleased of course with the commercial Comm Comme ersial reial for foi reprinting that pueblo star itom item and it if it had been true they would not hae have let it drop II 11 iw ever wever I 1 am willing to let things take their course after leading leaving tod the reporter met a group of men who were talking of the killing ag of desmond and one of them remarked that he lie bad had seen been in salt lake one of the strangers r who was in the saloon at the time of the tile kii killing ling this man c claimed that ted and desmond were about to take a drink when lie first noticed them and that tod biank first that I 1 hat as desmond turned his face to too the counter to take the glass in in his hand band the back of his head waa was toward tod and that tod placed the gun to the back of desmonds head and fired that he thought at first tod had a pair of knuckles in in his band hand but the report of the shots of course murse proved that not to be the case cas a if I 1 these hese two men who are said to be commercial travelers can cut I 1 bo be found by the prosecution their testimony moll will moet most likely be obtained whether they the truth remains for the public and a jury to decide deide |