Show NOTICE OF TAX SALE JOHN COR KIAll TO the territorial school and county taxes against aud and upon tha tho property property of john corkish for or the year AD ishii amounting amount lm to three dollars dollan anil and eighty eight cents remain unpaid therefore 1 I john V bluth collector for weber county utah territory by virtue of the alit authority hority vested in me by bytho the provisions of 0 an ali act of 01 the legislative territory of utah entitled an act to provide revenue for the tile territory of utah and the several counties thereof ap approved roved february 22 21 2 IM 1878 and of 0 the amen f nientai thereto have hae levied upon the fol following low ng named property to wit 12 by 8 rod la I 1 lots 9 11 and it 10 block back 1 plata ilat A oden ogden Ci will and n d will sell the th saine or so a dinue gurvey thereof ai as may be nece miry Kiry to pay the taxes and costs at public auction at the front door of the county court house orden ogden city on the ath day of february ibao at ten tell am jol JOHN N V BLUTH collector for weber county per MORONI cR deputy county collectors Col lectora office county court house ogden city lice 31 ibis dja at |