Show THE BOOBIES AM aill their trouble hai att ret yet reen been itania dently settled lad F t chronicle Cron icle service J S dan Dr faa 2 the agitation over the fort elrre troubles has ha somewhat an subsided baided from the news that the bomers at a secret meeting last night revolved re olvea ved it if possible to purchase pur chaee chatie the desired land of the ii half if tur breeds reeds with whom hom the trouble la id imminent m the boomers are fire very secretive and arid in move ove cautiously lute this evening word was received that the of officers ficere at fort rully gully had received orders from the interior department to send two or three companies of regulars regulate to occupy mile square and arid preserve 0 orber rd e r last night the halt balf breedi who were victorious in the tight fight with tit alie e boomers boj mers git gt gloriously drunk and drove up and alwn the fort pierre settlement discharging firearms and maziota making a perfect beulam the leader of the boomers bomers was hune hung in effigy it is is also aeo learned that the in inhabitants habitan is of fort pierre have formo I 1 a secret society in which they ara bound together fether with an oath o ith to hod together for or the keeping of the land they have settled on one settler w lio ito refused to take the oath nai was crivea across a ross the nver river barely escaping w with th ins his life |