Show BABI S HIM litis anderson said to be betrothed to 0 o a tl yorker STANDARD special S F Chron lele lete service NEW YORK jan 2 the report that mary anderson had ball become engaged to a and rich new yorker was in the theatrical A circles today the fortunate suitor is said to bo be antonio P F ue do navarro Na arroa bon of 0 f joee jose do navarro bui builder ider or 0 bo de soni esav v arro flats on fifty 1 ity ninth street with his elder brother alfonso AI fonso young do navarro haa has law offices in youn broa Y I 1 ho I 1 0 is is 28 98 years of age of blight light bull build and dark dar alears complexion I 1 iio ila has a been raveling traveling in E lurono cropo lele bently for his health accompanied by liia tile mother and of late ailse anderson has been traveling trait ling with ith them the de Nav navarros arroa have kno known n the andersons tor for some time and antonio tonio de do navarre navarro was an usher at the wedding of joeeph andeson An andi denon ron to the daughter of lawrence barrett mr air de do navarro ia to as its devout a catholic Calli oln as miss anderson An derBon herself miss bliss anderson is to at it present with the tile do de navarros Isa at nice 11 re in fit new york repot report t of alias andersons ga gement ia is received with some doubt young de do navarros Nav arroa family and friend eay say that if it such an en pi Rement t exists their know nothing about it alth ough asa anderson And ereon is f frequently mentioned in letters of if M it both mrs airs do navarro and her son henry K E abbey is in chicago and at marcus arcus mayor and charlea charlets mat t hews life representatives were mere not riot in town to oday today o day hinry matthewa matthews bald said no I 1 dont believe miss alias anderson is enraged engaged io 10 bo be in married and let 1 et she may way be the rhe fact is is nobody knows anything any about it mr air and mrs aire shakespeare camo came up from rom iho the capital baat last evening I 1 I 1 7 I 1 k aa I 1 1 1 1 I 1 ay |