Show ilia A of f the cronn princia if f greate special A p ch 1418 BER joly july 28 great anxiety exists in coul cobit t circles regarding gardine re the condition of the crown princess cf of greece sister of emperor william and granddaughter grand daughter ol 01 queen victoria ir le torla on the letb just aha abe was I 1 prematurely prem mural Y confined she improved for a few Is W ilaya days and then dangerous sympho symptoms in a developed and the result r wm was an in internal a rupture the king 1 kina and queen ot of greece or bece were away and an D dr had ad I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 d 1 the physician was absent absen tin in vienna the empress the mo mother aber to the princess waa was on her way from n Engla E n glaud uJ when the event occurred acu r re d I 1 only oly a nurse waa was in attendance dr D r mangina wai called but arrived 11 ahrea tree hours alter after iba the birth the princena prin cesa I 1 I 1 ia ta now weak and in a critical condition arf chiei chiti cl of the berlin hospital left yesterday for i athens by the orders I 1 victoria ia is evidently alarmed I 1 i at ab sha slid ia IF maltine making inq inquiries cirlo i by telegraph abina the prin princea ceo |