Show THE POWERS THAT BE the increase in population of cities as opp opposed ased to country diet districts ricas is one 11 of I 1 the wonders of the present perica at the beg beginning of the century there ne ere renota not A bait half dozen cities in the united states with a population of in 1850 there were 85 87 and this census now under way will show nearly lya 30 onehundred one hundred years ago not one out of every thirty of the settlers lived in cities now about one fourth of the citizens reside in ao loua lous center the population pop of the country has increased since 1830 about the census will show that this increase is almost entirely in the cities and the tile greater gre a ter portion will be found in fifteen to twenty towns the principal ones being new york chicago philadelphia st paul minneapolis denver portland los angeles Angele 3 anaba tacoma salt lake city ogden kansas ita seattle the gain throughout the whole country since hae has been 23 28 per cent while the gala gain in new york has been 35 per cent in chicago per cent and in some others as high as per cent in 1880 tacoma was not riot in existence its population is now over for this tremendous rush of people for populous centers the causes are apparent soma greatly to be deplored in general the phenomenon is no evidence of healthy progression on the other hand it is tho the surest possible indication di ot of a decadence of a quality of social character the most essential to national strength it testifies of a mighty growth of corruption in every form feml not lot as an antecedent but a necessary resultant of the crowding together of these masses of interior inferior humanity it shows that tha the excitement and bewildering fascinations of city habits are poisoning the minds ot of the younger generation the vigorous and unpolluted blood of country breeding w which has bean been the nations mainstay 8 is being rapidly with the corrupting of rapid living in g young men are growing restless and dissatisfied with tha the donoto ny of country manners and aro are rushing in a it boly to the densely d populated cities to pursue their wild ambitions or lose their a moral identity ity in the bustling throng the farms and rural pursuits pur suite are becoming utterly destitute of american character some are even now destitute altogether the desertions that have aken taken place in a number of the new ke w england states have for ears been in n some beuse the subject of alarm whole districts hava have been abandoned and remain in idleness while bile their owners are struggling in the tumult of the towns some with a princely acelY competence from speculations and trade tram some in respectable but remunerative professions fes and a vast majority in the ruder toils tolls eking out a menial existence or wallowing in hopeless degradation this is what means the gro grow th of cities thesa are some of tha the attendants upon the massing messing of humidity humia humn ity as it ia Is being dono done at tha the present time it means the rapid accumulation of millions and the ready acquirement of power by the master minds and the inevitable enslavement of the arong throng whose moral and arid mental powers are too feeble to sustain ithe the strain of each such a multitude of perplex ing ng forces it means that gradually jut but surely the nation is to losing its character and the people their liberties A burning testimony of this is the corruption and wholesale esala and uninterrupted crimo crime that is taking possession of the nations politic politics the plotters and intriguers intrigue rs and adventurers aro are getting possession stoa of the reins of government partisan organization which bastoen has been abede the dependent strength of liberty and progress is passing from the control of the people into the hands of scoundrels who with neither patriotism ism nor loyalty to direct their aims alms are making tho the government their stronghold and its roost most sacred functions a lash laeh in their hands to whip the people into their personal service it Is not an exaggeration to say that one halt half 0 of all tho the men in office in the united states are ara either without any patriotic incentives or are the tools ot of a political boas ahse ambitions and motives are ent entirely 1 ely and corrupt and unscrupulous after the political pick pockets packets como come the respectable confidence men our cities are making us a nation of gamblers beginning with tho the gamin gainin of bowery street and ending with the impudent and brazen ecamp scamp in the national senate who with ill hie fri friend endi of the blood to share th the spoils appropriates the public funds by the hundreds of thousands to his private uses on change at the races on in his favorite game dot but why multiply examples while tho leadore are their normal balance the people aio are crowing growing correspondingly dull in their discrimination A smart rogue in the broadest broa debt moral lights that we have on the ilia lower stratum is an infinitely more desirable gentleman of society and trusted public servant than the man who carries amee a conscience conaci enco into bis his field of usef ulcese while the people speak ing ng of the voters the country over are fiddle addle geddling with their petty in and plots to worm their way into intrigues more extensive exten elvo end and sublime in abe popular american idea the bigger beads are at work robbing them in broad day and gall eg ring and binding them obese are some of the effects ol 01 this monstrous rush into the cities As to where it will lead well that ie Is another matter for till tour four cornered dialogue was heard in silt salt labo lake yesterday the characters chanc tera being all real et tate men merl first speculator laminen is fearfully dull it second ditto 1 II I should a way so I 1 i cant ca a t make malas enough to div office rent i third ditto and I 1 dont think the future looks any brighter fourth ditto neither do 1 I 11 THE tim FOLLOWING from an idaho exchange lias has a which needs no comment they had bad a rousing democratic r M n at t Wont peller oa on n g which us as aldress eaty ty the atlon ja jamen hawley and itis paid 01 that 10 a argument u ments were so u conclusive upon the political mcg i ibue alii are re now before the th a people pe 0 that be he completely p I 1 annihilated the ulon zo chyme iceme it tempted tw yd to be mt set up by the uon non fied 1 T dubols the night before it wont do 2 mr ir 1 dubols boia you cant make it will as a th the 1 democrat eloer is are onto you in thi this campaign surria did allude to one new incident fur him himl at last saturdays liberal rally lie touched off the old XeDa mcdaniel rifel grievance relating to winding the tile county clock it is conita conn only understood however from macs st fenity that bo he has been attending to that jot job him elf of late TUE D lets out the malodorous secret that thalita tits corres ondera in salt lake ii ti joseph lippman and it calla calls him a very capable and a very reliable newspaper mn man here is a clear cabe a of distance di lending etc THE titz CARNIVAL furnishes furnia hea a text upon which mr II 11 W fairfax writes for the spirit of the south an nix interesting two column article mr fairfax was a member of the new orleans party and is connected with the item of that city A cinoc double column advertisement beaded headed A coming corning gret city ll 11 and eloquently setting forth the advantages of og ogen on ap acara in the lie san francisco bulletin of last 1 ay iy 0 E mayne aco A co are at tho the bottom lot toni of it party prefer to we the murder lerr ra and thieves at large IL amui at tut the deml rally dont they also work willi with grand juries and members of grand juries to recall allor or smother probable indictments oris or is it some who does that sort of thine thing |