Show TWO DAI DAYS V 6 LOCAL an ogden boy charged with shoot in inz a man 1 V bupp HOE A TI tussle I 1 fire alarm Se riou A nu its to in ito 1 engine anil and horst aar lor lion cf of city lots charged WITH TODER MURDER I 1 au an ogden boy gets into trouble at green river rim A dispatch was received by sheriff from the sheriff ot of green kiver river sunday to arrest alex wilkinson ot of this city for murder the particulars of 0 tho the crilio are very meager age r hut but sheriff B elnah furnished n lab d t the d following lowing account home some time on oil the night of therein or morning of the at green river wilkinson and a man named black shot and find killed a man whose name could not be learned the trouble being over a woman after the sho atins both man swam green riv river r on reaching the opposite shore black was captured but no trace of wilkinson cu could d 6 be found black stated that wilkinson naon had sunk and anti been drowned many bali believed eved however Yo wever that wilkinson had bad reached the shore in safety and was concealed in tha this willows their suppositions were confirmed cirit ae ci yesterday morning w when hen wilkinson Wil kingon delivered himself to the shed if of green kiver river lie ile claimed that the shooting was done iu in sell self defence alex wilkinson Wil kineon la Is a young man twenty years old and has resided with liia life parents in this city for the tile past ten ears tears lie ile hal ba 1 been employed us as driver of wells fargon caa cus eap exp express ress wa waon ion tor for I 1 the he past two to yeara in this this city but quit hia position on the first fir at of this month lie ile left hero here about two week ago and went to evanson evanston lie ile bore a good reputation and liia his many frienda friends are shockon that bo he should have brought himself into such serious trouble they firmly believe the shooting was done in ili self defence BROKE HIS RIBS RIDS A fracas Beti mcfeen veen V happ and a celestial last laet sunday a row took place between V kapp rapp and a sim sinic kee xee which it ia is thought by some may prove fatal to tho chinaman some borne rouble trouble occurred between tho the men mon about a water ditch which re bulted suited in the chinaman baing badly used up one party who baw saw tho the rov rom at stated a tea that rapp turned a stream ol 01 w water ater into the Chin Chinaman amans 8 ground round the celestial said that he did not want the water to run over the land A as he lie wanted to plow it considerable talk took place between the men and kapp rapp ended tho the argument by striking the chinaman with a hoe the injured tired man ia is over sixty yeara years old and dr powers who attended alte oded him staled stated that his injuries are very severe ilia ills eyes are black two ribs on his right aide are aro broken and numerous bruises appear on tho the left side and right t shoulder dei showing that th the man had tied been roughly used rapp app waa was arraigned before judge who contla tied th the e case one week to await the result of the wounded mans injuries furnished bands bonds in the sum of 1000 for his lite appearance when wanted hvala and fowers 1 owera stated what they saw but na its the hearl hearing ng will take place next monday the lite details which according to their statement is decided edly unfavorable to rapp will bo be allowed to refit rest until the trial AX AN ALARM OF FIRE caus causes es a serious accident Act ident to the lie engine and horses yesterday ay evening about 0 clock an alarm of tiro was turned in from box 36 the department quickly re responded d to the call and were out egnal in a few moments moments just AS the engine turned into tweety fifth street from washington avenue fred arnold id drove bis his express wagon across the street lie ile saw the engine coming coaling ng an and in a attempting to c clear ear washington ash tha the street be expected them to take he covered TA T tanty A ont hath which at that that point int is half blocked with building material A collision was inevitable and the horses on the engine struck the wagon aquaro square behind the front wheel the anhock was to break the we pole of the fire tire engine and knock ono one of athe tho horses down the engine was baked basked away from the wagon when it was discovered I 1 that one of the elgine horses was cut about the neck breast and forelegs fore legs the flesh b being log lacerated in a horrible manner mauner chief chapman ordered two heavy wagons to fasten on to the en engine gine a and r proceed to the fire it was wait a labo laborious ri job to climb the steep hill and several stops bad to bo made at last jefferson avenue was reached when it was learned that the cause of tho the alarm was the smoke emoke from a brick kiln tho the fire had just been started under the brick and a denee dense cloud of black smoke ascending upward caused the alarm to bo be given several parties who witnessed the tile ac accident to the tho fire ore engine sa say that it was a avery very careless piece of business antho on the part of arnold to drive ills file team where lie did when ho he SAW the engine approaching ine lie should have kept his team at a standstill until he lie siw what direction tha the engine would take at the same time it Is difficult for a teamster unless endowed with unusual pree presence ence of mind to draw bis his team up in the proper place when ha he eves sees the fire engine emerging horn hom the station a few cods away tho the horses being driven on a dead run I 1 I 1 I 1 L I 1 it was learned later that the fire occurred oc burred in a two tn 0 story brick on the cor torner ner of monroe avenue and twenty fifth street tho the tire fire was in in the stairway ot of the building and was extinguished by the boys on the liose hose wagon before af any serious damage resulted aiila was learned from front the hose bob bos while the former information waa was obtained bv by following the steamer and the crowd crow 1 A mounted 1 policeman n tin directed the steamer to the brick kiln on twenty eighth though the indicator allowed showed SQ 6 which is antho on lie corner of quincy and twenty fifth cm CITY LOIS lofs SOLD an ali injunction brought against UK tile sale of union square lots quite a buzz wa was created in the real estate market yesterday by the sale of city lots announced for the haq past t month Altho although there were not a treat great many buyers present the bidding wag wis lively and prices stiff the following is the list of lots sold and names 0 of the buyer with prices paid block 87 plat C lot no 4 joseph metzler SW WA lot no 6 B dunn ax 1 vh 5 lot J atao otao so 6 V R hana dun a lot NO 7 R kuhn low 1000 lot no a 8 W U ca compbell r 5 lo 10 IM t no 9 J jooeph 0 epli metzler 1050 1 lo 10 lotko no 10 josefh ph ble I 1 goo block SO 20 plat C V C t I 0 ot O no a A kuhn 1 I 26 loot no 4 1 11 II peery ic jr 25 le 1 ot t ni 0 o 5 otto klemer WO block 0 w o nt piet C lot loto no 1 D ii beery J r lot I atno no 2 willism iran brand 1 lot lotto 0 o 8 II 11 J fark lot no 4 joseph SM it lot no 6 8 joeph joseph jo eph lot ho 0 6 joseph metzler I 1 lt 12 biot no 7 metzler W lot lotho no SO I 1 J parks I 1 lot of no 9 1 I 1 ll 11 1 fb ard TOO lot no 10 joseph 1500 clock block 68 81 plat lat C lot no 2 joweph If etsler f 1625 1 lot t no 3 jeph m A strip ol 01 tend land in tit blocks 6 and 7 plat I 1 lit A one on tore sore william farrell I 1 block 61 plat 0 lot latno no 2 jimh S 76 7 lot no Y joseph it metzler etler ts 6 lot no ak kuhn aw atso lot no 6 K H kuhn aw lot lat no 0 6 V P kubu kuhn lot no 7 1 ll 1 ursel urel I 1 lot no SO onnell j ila sell lot no sw total 2700 the terms were one third down one third iu in one year one third in two at 8 p per 0 r cent interest the south halt half of tha the city hall block was advertised adert sed for sale but an injunction was enned saturday on the tile mayor I 1 or at the request of do Da heneau cheneau A apa inn will bu be had 0 on august ath the tho hi injunction junction sets f forth 0 rth that the blok aloi L was dedicated for the purpose of a public park and thit that the city ran can not sell it under HR iti charter kimball and allison ap feared for the petitioner |