Show THY DIE A IL rigid sib bat ba irian larian who in church alli auice or ofilio t lie peace pe nee in ill n western village rilla gc not long since went on a lee a of if fiN hoipo elfr six lix young hunters lly by conic he lost his 1 and much t to 0 his mortification lie ho found 0 on 1 t to c his papers on tile third day of the hunt that it WEIS was sunday Hiday Bi lie ii lisl had kuP supposed POSEd it was dY ho ilia ui morning orning with a drayer antl told ins ills companions compani uns thiet as a anzi and a ma gilante 11 lie could day clay fand accordingly drew curtit his pocket bililc and commenced read ing ine uia ilia TOrl dj mindle companions t thought bO tight with tho the baltimore bank ann that there wore were no Sabbat ba in pollution revolutionary times and took tile hounds nial aej star stalled led in the iha game it was not long bearo lore the whole lii leli were in full cry and ilia worthy on looking up irom from ane a discovered it a fine buck making for tile the camp without it a minutes deliberation ho he seized a loaded rifle land and plugged the ducr between the anglers antlers ant lers gentle alft r lie ile wilen when hia bill friends came to tile pot wil contrary to the laws of closes and the revised statutes of pennsylvania to tr cratl roxi odi Sund sunday ajr find and for that reason I 1 shot that fellow still I 1 havil have violated the sabboth sabbath its as it a while I 1 have ninino maintained the dignity of the law us as a magistrate act ing ingin in the latter anter capacity ifko bould scare up another III id shoot bahoot the rascal for fir traveling ou on sunday I 1 |