Show V i 40 1 i 1 4 j I 1 Z A 1 L 13 taj ai ll 11 ar IV M A LI 0 o 1 THE LAT LATENT eit 1 i lr sal sall we 1 UY BY ai T jsn nt T t 0 ICOM j A aw la L K 1 I 4 ce TO 10 BOX ELDER LAKE a j t 7 t wit 1111 ii i j atsy ar z w ri vm v ais r P E ETC rc 1 11 ll 11 11 tc I 1 SALT LAKE CIT CITY I 1 silt salt 17 li DL kiino jano ino secretary of od intel bior arld yn ly arrived iba thorning I 1 frilly califia california ilia they we acro re received by governor Gov einor woods anal airl other oilier federal fidor nl officials tho utah cin railroad is completed to iq L abc av i 0 IL hi j P they have foglia found it g great ramt body of ore run rtin 1 M j i nil anns it 1 l aullana dolli ira I 1 pir cr ton lod in ili tile the four hundred fuel foot 1 loicl eibl dolfie or ll 11 ie inizia li mine hubly two hundred thousand doll dollars ira in silver bullion were revived hole boto lust last week another cv cir load or of orro OTO from nj canon tun ten tons silver and andi gold netted eighty thousand a allars dill nr tile height business of the Curil ral anil and union pacific fic I 1 is said fail to be A greater chai aliah cv ever e j r baler a travel icing lie hamy it y additional pas seng etner r el tats rs bere put on trains to till lans city I 1 I 1 NAL washington muy iny 17 hama in Com committed mittet of the ilia whole oli oil ill the tali iff bill item ilon on oil paper r again amended tile hie ull bill fo EO as is to malo tile july duly on oil pi ri inting intine paper p iler whether sied cued or zeil equal and twenty per cent ad A large dual ber of hf minor N ere tondu to tile bill and neck beck moved to insert a 1 paragraph hilla custom duties to be paid in legal tender duller sug betted to modify it by making it one third sargent affred it A substitute to make notes of gold I 1 bariks batiks duly under ilia united states slates I 1 lini receivable fur import dubics wis was rejected hecks duties I in ill legal tender note anai n agreed to sargent oll urca al 0 o that bank autu required to be redeemed d c arned in ili gold may bo be received f act ii it d aties was agreed 0 blair Ill lir of iia ouri moved to nuiko tile ditty on 13 pe ile and type 1 racial nid and plates plate toi per cent 1 it being difficult to lo secure escure a 0 to vote lute v tint and on motion of if rawest dawes it NY ans its resolved to t all lumas lc bici of absence ib senco alter cindy londay next acl and grunt grant no niora more during the present sc sctt sjon ion armally fly ft a sufficient number vf rf it genteel returned and house again vent ent into a committee of the livi whole lole and lil Ill niia aills amendment was tile duty duly on oil plate glass v ft as reduced ten per cent the duly dilly on tin plates or was ced C ed ul lit fifteen per cowf ad v a t section 0 ethe bill aas as so is as to repeal till all duties an packages pac lilge P brokerage tian 5 I 1 A find and other like co busl and incidental charges in ili curac in packing and shipping i d diz iak yuey ali i sc cion n ilca il arca ca I 1 cliatt it I 1 wa s con call and tho the ful following lowing articles cocoa books in far tig 1 i aig jjr OS and bouks in tho ilia Engli Lii glish language langua liui guage gp that th il have not been fcc for tanty years quicksilver jute and jute bull tr ollied and elii tropical pl lla aritz ol ulE peter act a fur for tanning quinine licorice emery 0 ore 66 emedi eds and furgat trec tracei ji A niolion motion N vi as rankle made to add still Ns aich WAS rejected pcr islia blo fruits fruita were Ft front aiom the free jit lait Coll coming lill to the ile lightly ig lith section I 1 alii ili li I 1 aloni free aln 0 triin on 01 ial fur for the wodan a d I 1 fal 1 wi 11 ll fr for I 1 k fo r trade oliell C 1 I ii tho 1 1 I atlantic and ports of the united states slates halo alo macd ed to amend tile the section I 1 eq EO R ni to inako inaho it apply to all acs als iglich was was Iii jetted cl 61 to 63 an amendment by lynch to allow built under it alio 0 pro elisions llis ision ions of this section to engage I 1 in coast wibo trado two ill alio llio d so as to apply t 0 boits its on the interior of ofilio tile united Unit Cd t bics lifts IRs agreed to theaon Th the econ rd lec 9 ach alicd ilia internal I 1 of ile bill and after a motion by speer to repeal the internal revenue on which mitch no oto was tal taken tile tho house adjourned Wai hinston ton may 17 senate semite A k aronso resolution on anal on oil ilia dm ad of JUDO was referred tu to the committee on oil finance tho the river and appropriation bation bill was I with and made tho special order fur fr next tuesday amendments to increase ilia appropriations tu to tilty fifty thousand thou Band dollars and add an all item of one hundred anil and efty city thousand dollars for the removal of it ft raft on red river the habeas corpus suspension bill camo caa up and cafter an ineffectual efort effort on the part of stockton and ana others to hall haie a ilia bill post poet by request bayard who was wait absent rela fru scott addressed tho senate advocating the bill full followed owed by pratt on tho 1110 same side wile when n it was ordered that tho the billbo bilbo liken up agami on monday anti and disposed of on tuesday sherman moved tile 8 enata to request r the house to rt tural tile the senate resolution for final N on moz may ile said thill 1 OT too session was waa not now in fix to permit of rin im tact t on ei Z T f fk that date 61 ejected to ali afi 0 rz resolution lution as a tyous td tile the house and nd it amt I 1 t over 1 FOREIGN NEWS Loril london lont eliy 17 at ala a meeting of tile hie 0 chamber bamber of if sir ard forth rut te cia IQ fl calling 7 of oti lie li pro olinc tile II tr gning 1 if tic the of aaili ali ington zaid said lie understood from tire the liri liali that the ilia prociso given for fit alio llio would not be presented by america 4 an ali agent of the cunane line 1 ino received lit ii of the loss lois of tin tho I 1 teamer tripoli Tri puli from livera jB oton op alie alia Tri tripoli nent isioro off Carn point on the i irish ri h crew estil pit the tha N iw asif r il r acl 1041 Q hiiri siny may il 17 it is reported front from the ilia 1 1 bli fionte cr thattie troop ere artl a loss 0 of f many allany prisoners prisoner specie in j ti has lii in ili cromedy four million francs 17 i cabiero carier f 1 s I 1 I 1 cutlif min b cat icat 1 s t and k nd aa lod ollowa out May alio house bouie lau right pa ed it 11 bill giving cill et to the treaty of 0 all bring being re ducted tills practically rati flud the treaty so EO far fair ns as canala is ii concerned almli miscellaneous CEL LANEOUS ell ica 0 O liy I 1 17 1 the an cratie state slite cell t ral Cont bof W il conlin 1 called i state convention nt at juno june 1311 to elect cleft delegates cy co ca aio 10 convention nt at baltimore nw aw yok ork anny IL 17 the fisli lef attorney t d cynics nies the report alint the grand j jury ury of orllis tire t court of general sessions fourd in dif talents ngi int hull hill I 1 and ats cell |