Show application for vj uj S Pater lt NOTICE Is her e by given tw tha we w 0 D bartlit samuel ni L J D bresani E 0 rayne payne do claim twelve hundred 1200 fair ill ID length and not more than one cue hundred frit la in width on oil the tacoma mining beisig a silver bearing em of rock in place and the laud and prowl see sea appertaining to said mid nal mine lits all 1 l in lacarl I irID in the still nd territory 0 utah Uta hand and part in tho the beato of scads tho the location loca tiou and extent wore rully described t ea kollowa fol lowa lown to bovil 16 comm at a point N 70 dog deg 30 3 into IV one b buntion bunt iol 0 I 1 aud arid till ity two 13 fe ant t d distant from ful bcd states Sli meril monument no 1 the name be log we sou amest corner of said eald claim thence N 13 15 clog lp 31 rain E one hundred feet S 70 acs aj anlu act M gl ono one hundred rill nd twenty all ali feet tin till nee acob b 16 deg E 75 i 5 fet felt t thence 8 74 i 4 dag W V one hundred and nd folt thence X IC 16 deg ft AN alive 25 feet fott thence H N lari JO min W one oae linni linoard And nud bud sixty ia fott thence N 10 dg 30 min W V eight bundred and eighty me feet to tile the of containing delares of c two evil ili 1 2 3 I 1 2 12 acres as a firt forth ln in the dl blaco aco A and nd wo dj hereby gh ache e fortl tr aut ice that hagog becu onit I 1 1 I 1 the said nj lode and pr praises according to ahn loal aud rules of miner sin in sald ad culli hix ard bavido espi oded lu sexual labor and hill luj shercon an not legs than oue one tal doII dolle As und hittie at W alaio atul po pe coat c e aa 11 of ral ail Ino perl we a will mil I 1 aply pt ay iy lor cornsi R rii acy aud pint of ail ond and a for the tha game ull DT lee er tho the art act of odasa entitled an act arminog tile the bigla of way to 0 o ditch still adl birr 01 rr the ibe public lan landfa od foro lher pur approved july 26 2 IRA anil and tile tho act it al ap rord july efti E 1870 1970 ft atness our lands sul ni seals eeals thin min minh clah h day of Mal ul li 72 2 GD a W L RN APP JUAD jy i el C r baye A y IN il 1 atto alto t gould cliss if swit n vl rf D ettre davv LAD orr cr ili like lihu city uth ui h may 1872 I 1 certify that tl it a above nelile bolio oaid fl a disgrace of abc 1 sail I buhning claim As this day tiled lu ill this olle office laget ber i b h a ilutice at 01 lutent loa to horpi y fo fora rs our ury lcy slid and plat thereof rat roin thu ilia o L aud and s jandt from tile the of tile the vill uia ted led v iro vilu idd in nn an at act of congress pull goliti an ii act ite right or of wa at ki and ad cabal ower over the public landa for I 1 deposes approved july gali IKC and tta as tomeu tied by act of Lo Ogress op proved J jin lit gill I 1 direct arild fad notice to be citel iu in the corbino ft Q tic arelt the loc lee of tile tho claim I OEO GEO n R MAXWELL |