Show attak 2 0 fc A v 1 r outfitting outwitting OUT FITTING HOUSE ciki A sr ct lk Sti barott rott uh kb oth 9 ajl aar V OR I 1 N N Z UTAH ff A mah q constantly ou on hand at T i a OW i v HOLSA LEAND AND RETAIL groceries gro ce ies i as t JL 3 X 0 o TT C 0 ofle al 31 SS J tobacco and cigars n AND PRODUCE sk evo prompt attention given to orders it tm t it m JL ty by mail mr r SUBSCRIBE tea a FOR THE A WEEKLY REPORTER THE BEST SW PAP PAPER C v Z t s j C if ISO in the mountains send it to your tour friends lu llast east west north and south I 1 J q aw everybody will be clad to read the great creat gentile centile al of utah i t M L the Cheapest paper ever issue in tho mountains 1 1 only three dollars per year a miscellaneous t t aeji 0 o W ar GEORGE As A LOWEY LOWE att A full stock of the celebrated P Shutt lers calca chicago o bamis A ON HAND AND FOR fon acabi XI at t reasonable prices these wagons agone tre are thorough fh y mailo made of tie texo very best beat materials mt cill a anil n 11 are arc known all through the west as the bt bret a 0 01 d mort moot reliable wagon made and nil tre are WARRAN T ED IX IN LVERY RESPECT also 8 full stock clock of wagon 0 coers corers all sizes wagon bows thimble skeins wagon wood loois lq we wagon gon ard and carriage material ol of all licis for sale at the lie lowest cash rates also alja constantly edtl tu CD hand ft A ion fall supply ol of mowers re ropers apers and mowers solf raking reapers readers Re apers threshing machinas Ma chinos sulky rakes plows grain crain arilis gang cana plows and ADA all kloas ot of the best belt and latest litral improved farm machinery WAREn near the daliot Bc it eoll amo am JOB PRINTING 14 alt r E LOS LON ELY J a aj NEW R EW M A I 1 E n I 1 AT tin TIM reporter office AT t SA san MI 17 R a K a I 1 S G Q A R TO THE unfortunate aw NEW HEW REMEDIES dr gibbons dispensary TWO INO C ma 23 ketuny STI lEEr i corner fr ct commercial iao francisco private entrance on in commercial entail P in 1851 1854 for its ibo treatment of i be secal c I 1 rod and seminal bio iro ulca 8 as a icca 8 ric ture ure 8 phird in all alllen tto florain seminal eaknes Il 1 c i impotent pot euc ote ito skin di neaIl or of i ar ar and ulcerated logs att ctt successfully Erfa treated teti UK DIL GIBBON has ha tho ll plead of that ho Is ij rL returned turned from vIa biating tIng till the principal of europe and has hafl resumed Burned rip practice tho the doctor lm has pared neither time limo nor money in la a out new remedies and has ban returned with tb eil for the iha initiation of 0 human suffering seminal weakness seminal om larton Is the of tha ao tary vi tier e or depraved sexual indulgence is 1 practiced by th Iho 40 c f both poxes to nn an unlimited extent extant brodu c lug with unerring certainty certainly tho the following train ot of l symptoms unless by metrical measures viz vis sallow countenance dark akots pos andr tho the eyce pain in abo ao head ringing to la the abo carp r bolso like rustling of baves leaves or rattling of cit char charlott lots un ellaina boit about tto the weakness of the lemb confused blunted loir 1098 of confidence diffidence in fit p a to forra form now acqua irit ii a a to oba than GeO colloty coi loty tyis toss of nu nemory mory p coples I 1 red I 1 artous crup ilont dons about tho the face hectic docile flus flushes hos tarred tongue longno foitle brosic coult consumption night aceta acota aula and frequently itle aulty if relief br bo not obtained should apply 4 fiber ia deroon or by mid hvid hao bao a curo effected by big now new and self tille mode of treating this fails in a quick and radical curo core cirod at homo persons at a way may bo cured at home by a letter to IT dr gibbon stating case length of ofilio time the thU faRo bm bas and rd have promptly forwarded free from damage dandio dan iio and nd to ny dy part r of the country with full and plain directions for or use by inclosing tl 15 la in in i a registered letter through tho the post hobt office or through fl will fargo co A or 0 ins win will be forwarded by express to any part of the union persons antina to ahe doctor will slate tho the name of the tco paper they see sc tills this advert foment la ia AU all communications strictly confidential addrow dit J F Gill nox spa aia ly doi 1057 san california Calif gre ar av atts t are endorsed indorsed Indor sed and prescribed by more leading allf FO Y than any other tonic or stimulant now BOW in use they are A SURE for rover fever and ague 33 nou ariess aril au all dle die orders from miasmatic mias matio causes caneca bluj y are bighley recommended BB as an auti dyspeptic butt and in cases of aro are invaluable luval uble at an n Arpe and ind in casa ca of general 1111 debility ity they licy have never in a single instance filled jn in pro ducong the most lappy results they arn bardou barly TO tertale tE itALE strengthening the body invigorating the mind and ud givina tono tone and elasticity to the h hlo hla la system the BE aro m ith the flae greatest cart carp rod and no tonic stimulant has ever been to t ue to U o e public SO TO me castr and at t the timo time co combining mUning BO be many ft ai agents in doreen by the medical fraternity as a the lb best known to alo it costs little to give elo ua them a fair trial anil and every family should linao a dottle bottle we H e k ortry varr one ODD to read the ibo following from many of tho the most moet eminent lana in the country ST copia anly 18 1870 M JAMES A jackson J co gentlemen Gont lemon As you have bavo communicated to tho the tried mod ical feel pro luo profton flon tuo ro receipt of tho the name litters it cannot thoraf therefore re bo be considered as aa a secret or pat cahnt nt medicine no patent having been taken for it wo we have ova ruined the fory bonnila wila for making ibo file elthera Elt tera and siy tire combination all alo used in its composition aro are the boat best of tho claar to alch tho the belong being highly tonic 6 lant anil therode the mode of preparing them Is la in accor amor dinco with via rules of pharmacy han ha ing used them seen its effect in our private practice wo we take leasure pe p asure in becom to all persons persona desirous of taking elt bit tore as aa being the abo beet beat tonic and stimulant now offered to the public L CH SI D r a 0 routen U D 61 D 0 grbich M D aniie mcdowra cDoWEll aI L al D C A M U D J 0 L t 51 V D E A cliss clain M D dr 0 V Y F ludwica LuDwi cl 8 0 moms M D W A WILCOX 1 BE I D haimm 11 n U 8 no arnAl ST BT louia LOCK mo ito oct 8 1870 1810 JAS A co I 1 live bavo examined tho the formula for making the home hama stomach bit ft tere and used them in the hospital tor for the last four a ellis I 1 consider atheni tho the most valuable tonic and now in use nac L MELC tIEH ST sr excil july 6 61 10 JAs JAI A JACKSON 3 co ila edg exam foed tho the formula from which our celebrated litters are prepared and ban baalu witt lesse I 1 alo method of combining the ho diT ritZ crent erent in n wo can rarely hafely recommend them as aa tho the best tonic with chich wo we aro are acquainted from tho great care caro with which they aro are con on ded tod sad from the iho choice materials magerl ila which 0 enfer in into to ibern them wo we have live no doubt that they will prove as w they do serve to bo the moat popular tonic arld stimulant la in use nai respectfully yours T J vasti T 21 D T 0 COMSTOCK M D 1 avo wo cheerfully concur with ertry entry word contained in ibo above testicle testimonial confal JOI jons BI D jona HARTMAN HAnT siAS M D cina M djong jong TT guris M D G S M D r F 0 anti M D oct 19 1970 1870 year W C D kea KESE E tl co agents aehl houle bitters Bilt tra genta agreeable 0 to 10 3 our reque request at I 1 have bavo examined the ferkula of the iho name home stomach Bit bittera tero and find tho the reme lies it contains cont alna ouch euch as aa are in general use by tho the medical profession prot calon they aliey aro are very and pleasantly combined and at a stimulating lodics will bo be found essentially adapted as aa corroborant a to the iho treatment of low or debilitated of tho the system all hel ethor hr ablaing froni from digestion or cr from diseases dr D J L 1 I A J tims MD M D R 3 S 0 T M D W T M D B r P M D J J M D OS 21 D J 11 11 V D 0 W U M D W R M D 0 A U M D chicago sept 30 1370 J 1 uin esq WO we have bavo lined tire formula of the I celebrated stomach bitters and ud flud find it to bu compol of articles arll cles that are considered the iho bout boat tonics enod by the monett medical profession and one of the best beet bitter use very respectfully H H H S HAIT II 11 U D 13 n ra D j 1 awn M aid D 0 A MAILI TI r r N 0 P MAN 8 darnea MD bor I or hate ly by all H dic A Cro cerv JAS A CO props laboratory A N X ad 31 direct ST LUVIS 10 IO jol ay iy S L L COLUMN THE Y YEAH lk 1 nay where D will lo be found an ail STOCK OF wines liquors and Clor cigars ars AT S L S 9 southeast corner of montana and fifth streets alio bratle oi of elio X I 1 33 JE SS Z X C ca mi Is invited to this COMPLETE WHISKIES S rye 3 a nd 7 years year old virginia rye nj ca boni Cou colihan lion ihan ller ler s i Hou houillion ilion miller amra bouillon Buu ibon bourbon Ro urbon our ras orate do ides in III abbi bbl aa anit liili bill ilo A Boj noi ibon boix scotch Wll tsi G GIN I 1 IN sit si twit an extra Ix black swan A black saia anun IS BRANDIES cliar cliame rip V P I 1 M maupay MOu pay juan co cd SHERRY I 1 S co Dialo ild it POUT WINE P D da co 0 CHAMPAGNE P cuirca krugg N Ca cabinet bluet chai chad sick 1 co california WINES ENGLISH ALE CASE GOODS PORTER CIDER BIT BITTERS TEItS KEGS CIGARS WHOLESALE A AND ND RETAIL S L Ctr itic UNION moi j xv the grot great PLATTE VILLEY VALLEY ROUTE to 18 now na running olt daily 1 l trains t ra formslag 0 iraln id rf with t the central C n t U etc P c 1 railroad I 1 ill tail and all rail route to california uld ind the til II 11 COASTS through to bin ban francisco in less than four days avoiding the cangem ot of the ll 11 SL ati direct communication maas at 0 33 SS A with chicago and nl northwestern Ch chiero leRO rock idland and pacific and nd st josoph and counell council loffa T and missouri river lino of packets to bad irom from ill all principal castern castera and southern ou thiro cities tf FIRST CLASS HOTELS AND HOUSES at t convenient points on the th tm as pu maba 93 palace sleeping and dravin Dra room cars care accompany all 92 tor through rats rates oil oa frangu to a montant sweetwater Sweet minos and other points point fl apply te tc fr f freight arct agent omi T E F BICK 10 benl copt 0 W meada aset 00 ocal cupl supt FRAN CIS COLTON COLTO ocal ticket agent omita chicago Ra Rai ilnay shortest lino between aulalia sad the old C line fart trains and sure sore the PULLMAN PALACE DINING AND SLEEPING CAUS CARS BETWEEN AND chicago it two ailcy in ian with lri iOD UNION vats make sure aro connection concoction at chicago with EASTERN AND SOUTHERN RUN ROADS ra kip through tickets ticker and nd all lo formation ikirt gar 10 to Freight of 0 DAVID 0 CALDER s ca agents arcott salt lake city or tl of agents of bidou road nsf B STRONG agent council bluffs on H P a 0 L DUNLAP goul akl ot joni jon I st tf amt chicago dieb go gilmer Salis salisbury burYs ST age A V hat aid D EXPRESS LINE 0 0 3 R I 1 E I 1 IT T at TO VIRGINIA CITY HELENA and FORT BENTON MONTANA CARRYING THE UNITED S STATES T A T VS MAILS AND wells fargo co s express co for I Irgin W it city the coaches aavo 0 carbine dally daily connect with helena and fort banton run anton montin lh clurral baci do of trains both auw ways nall road booi gooi od stocal deiv ew Con clies and binl tack time TIM agenar coRn cordniz |