Show T H LATEST dispatches DY BY TUB V UNION CO interesting INTEREST INC FOREIGN FOREICH NEWS CV 3 1 0 ti X C 4 1 eroin 1 0 1 it I 1 ril nino ETC ETC congressional washington 11 14 tho the senate discussed tho ilia establishment of a district court in the indian territory and an amond ment was offered kofl crad by y nyo designed he be sail said to reorganize the whole territory until the tha expiration of the iho morning hour when tile tho consideration of the ilia bill to amend tha ilia enforcement rr coment net let wis wig resumed tile pending quenion Que tion being trumbulls trum bulls adding the vill after discussion ill alio motion to add tho the amnesty bill was rejected b by y 22 to 23 28 and tile the bill was wai then amended in id some unimportant particulars and pais ed cd by 36 to 17 tile the bill to continue in fore until march 1873 tho the act authorizing the ilia president to tha ilia habeas coi coitus aug was taken up lilt and lai laid 1 wide and tho the conference report on oil the bill win was discussed till a recess nas as tak taken entill till benin evening tho resignation resi of brook of massachusetts was presented tito tho bill to modify the pension laws lawa passed the senate amendments to tho the naval appropriation bill mere disposed of and a ordered on tho ilia votes the house went into committee on tho ilia tariff bill and beattie offered il a large number of amendments in succession Aon to file th item on wool all or which were doted down al most unanimously dawes moved to include in the ilia second section all sized printing paper so 90 ui as to reduce ilia present rate ralo 10 per cent the tha word 11 izod was TOI truck struck out and tho the I 1 amendment wits was adopted ni al opted A notion motion to include in tho the second section all deteel and of steel was ag agreed eed to watches jewelry and articles of ornament were wera added to the ilia item itani of metals and so us as to include inc ludi them in ia tho the reduction attar a long along an and l inao i emuil effort to t agree on a substitute fut fo ilia second section tile committee rose and tie the house toik a recess till even evening in g fists london aitay itay 11 in iho commons last night in the presence ofa of 1 full fall house and crowded galleries galleri oi Glad gladstone tono anade the ilia promised explanation of ilia negotiations regarding tile tho indirect claims claim and ilia position taken by ilia govern government inan it therein arter after praising the forlie forbearance of parliament during thi controversy lie ho fail lie would oom manca iho narrative with like isah of january N ahen ben lie first learned that claims for indirect daini wern were presented at it geneva in the amer american ican case tile tha english Eng lili government protested on the ad of rel aubuary luary that indirect were not v athin tile scope odthe of the treaty of washington nor within the intention of either cither party thereat liah fili replied I lied in april in a most courteous note lie thought the boneva baird might decide the 1110 entire question lit in the ilia meantime schenck suggested a course MIMI aich might be ba to england ln gland find Anie rici namely an interchange of notes selling forth the views terms and conditions ul wherein lerein both bogli would agree to proceed it with ith the arbitration wo we accepted the suggestion continued Glad gladstone tone and carried on oil the lie altogether by telegraph on oil wednesday A ath dinst president nt grant submitted our proposition to the iho united states stales senate on thursday we ascer mined that lint ilia proposition was not precisely es as we understood it fould tre be because of ilia iho brevity of tile the cable di dispatches patches in va which bich it was forwarded on friday a draft of ft hater covering our views was forwarded to Sc herik and telegraph td by hirn to washington on saturday schenck informed lord granville Gra avillo that the president had accepted and the senate criter entertained tai tied that dr drift ift aft gladstone Glad itono thought that this fad fact was toil tea ratification and lie ho begged the further of the house now flow that the question nu estion was approaching a conclusion saili satisfactory factory and honorable alike to both nations Glad tuno was waa loudly cheered on taking liia ilia seat mat disraeli lbanks ed the premier for his keaten lent and said lie ha should note not icca C cl to on embarrass lb arr a ss ilia government whatever differences existed dialed on other oilier subjects subject till nil parties were united in the desire fyr for a peaceful and honorable settle mint in the tho lords granville made mada a bifilar amilar to that clial of gladstone earl carl eusell again postponed his motion for the address to tho the crown to withdraw aroln roin the ilia arbitration and hoped tho ilia question was no longer bett between con the lionor honor of the crown and the tha reelection odorant of grant Orant paris 14 tho constitutional Constitution nt says the germans will soon evacuate more da i VM ari ariestea ested this morning mor liia ilia trial begins in a few days three li undred thousand francs franca bara been raised hero for tile iho ers calby by tho the cr eruption option of vesuvius rolt rf lt W tb t B copenhagen 1411 il 14 11 2 have reached heta that a senias of violent earthquake shocks occurred on tho the lelh anil isih of april at llo dioso ie iceland twenty houses were acro destroyed but no lives lost NEW YORK new 11 ew york I 1 I 1 alic the tribune tomorrow to morrow wilt will contain tho the follomon fol loins card tito the tribune i lias has ceased to bo be a patty party orgin lilt but tile hie unexpected nomination or of its editor nt at cincinnati seeing seann to it in a new einair ft all mut must bo be aware that tile tha position ulio 11 ho 13 at tile the sometime same lime a cand candidate ill ii nl at best irksome find dini cult that lie ho is fettered in action and resti in criticism by the alno ledge ot lloil whatever lie may say or do li is ii closely befu lacil by thou daod eager to end in it v what hat may ba W so interpreted it ni na to annoy or perplex elioso choso N who ito lira are supporter 2 him alm ns a candidi ito tind arid to ngooi his shackled ed condition aill not permit chinito him to lo be sen the undersigned undersigner under signed therefore n absolutely from tile the conduct of ofilio the tribune and Y vill ill henceforth until fu ther notice excer cise no control 0 or r supervision ision over oter its colu columns signed GrEEl rT tile the editorial management or of the tribune falls on Whit whitelaw claw miscellaneous scranton ta pa 14 the powder ponder cus cu milia near carbondale exploded yes 1 ilia I lie loss is fit at it aa tho lie woods woodi on oil fire which ire are still burning jy j A Y vast quantity of lumber and wood is destroyed and a and barns 11 A of the city ity press are arc milling extensive exten ive preparations to accommodate tile lii people 11 mill ill attend tile the pence jubilee charleston 11 iton alfred clug on ft a ell known citizen and conspicuous unionist in the days of nullification rind secession died today to day of paralysis in the year of his bis anfio philadelphia 1 i the funeral of T rn bit chanan pend head today todi to day di wits was largely attended I 1 including rony many persons noted in lift art and lik baure raure gener goneril il alector tyndall dill geo IV childs nud 11 C Town pend B ver ere camon among the pil pal bearers tito remains were interred at laurd till lull |