Show 1 1 hiie HE regular GULAK rE MEETINGS OP OF T JL collona lojero xo no 1 brur of bood Torn are re hold bold on at 7 SO 1 baloc it miltond a t tend by order of the W C T at ocl I 1 proposals for I 1 om cn cit mn plater PLA TIr 0 aua IN ini k li may 13 1672 SULED SCALED bida IN fr jtb satisfactory F signed by avo puritan pantos not milt 11 on mardof contracts non ill bo be received d it at tills ibis malco until devi eleven ED on Thursday june JUDO lai for iho of oae t million pounds jonoda moro more or loaa less of army from br an or other stati station onon on the pacific Rall rold to camp maill find nj 1 drown during tho the year leiling juno june will 1111 1373 tho the right W t raj tt liny any or ai 1 l bt U Is 1 Is resor reserved ved rull full conditions made illi on oil application al t this J PERRY nala ct chiat buarl 7 OR HAli AND SADU LEnY FOR go to icv W A t ifa N T fontana SIo it iho pout offic in the manufactured to cailor and the work guaranteed orders ty by mail will loiya prompt novi aru information wanted tr ROBERT abent obent HOPKINS HOt KISS I 1 OF CUEY CHEY alm ilm e do and a lamely cf corinne Cor lone u ill har alx lx ar c f so tb I 1 og to hlll I 1 d antano by calling it al or ad adars irs ing brig tho the ell office pa lm ICE ICE BCE ICE BCE sel THE entire HAVING aock stock of puro crystal lea from rom john jobu hill tile the undersigner undersigned under signed 1 Is biow ow prepared to NI orders by the iho pound hundred or carload tint the bat lea ice ever cut jn in ibis ibi ell hrnry mayl it garr ir Cua isit gal eAU eluoria ORiA j ASSAY A OHME malti Sri teet SAL BALT LAKE CITY ITAF I 1 have opened an office oi dac it at hie ell above li arili ce aud and rai bai looft do to do ril LI to of if a iaia lule UK I 1 tam MUI 4 of ova oro received taril or r rorup swayed rud caturi quile millie LIJO follo followill WIL day terms V reasonable J B U john EEL u p f r aej AN 1 s montano montana st corines in X IT 13 r A V 1 0 IT I T jnet 13 S aud of ali flojo analito C GOLD 0 Y I 1 7 1 E W tr E U L II 11 L aa Y pistols and mu sleet al cuy on ban I 1 daoa alti nui 1 l 1 ELKHORN ELK HORN CORRAL afeei ur TAH L AY OATS AND BARLEY AT HAT relan for teamsters and the tao public generally abo beet of glida horses constantly co c band for hire u ii ebl sm proprietor pacific stables ATTS A 0 i corner sit 81 aud and fa R hiis hi CORINNE UTAH C proprietor AVE ON nand AT ALL TIMES little HAVE the very bol beat saddle and carries Car rims noro horses mcg lac agles and all other kinds of ct vehicles tho the best ter cantio outs in I 1 U toi to a 0 deeds in all 11 ll kinds of horses homm aud and r P stock tilt taken n to nnie la in field cold by th the dy day week or mouth on most moet reasonable terms largo corral tor for augel if C 6 R finx U ssi 11 II lubbes and na dealer in all mods of meats feats etc at lowest prices FOURTH street T COUI on and a fritty of thadiest that iho iest mit analar bogir voted remo acon sausage beef etc elo ei I ac A C O tapi W WIN B of t ill BOOTS S SHOES 10 1 E S tell MONTA Mox VA T A perfect fit fil ani aill Silk fiction Ciaran lecil V orothy DERS FROM A DISTANCE MEET promptness repairs neatly vone done pm tf lt E Z r P W r JOHNS JOHNSOH HYNDMAN fl A t 11 t q v I 1 u 03 0 y L 14 in lit i L 1 tl ti M B J corinne y abuts EXPRESS COMPANY FROM carmne Corm ne atah utah t c s TU TO E A UJ U A 1 II 11 1 r 1 1 ald ill al points mats h HoI talla annis LINK LINE BEEN aplis L thoroughly re stalked DAILY rh tnt class mule teams now oud ancl harny harness under the luo lest best giving to tho the public A cheap and adl line hue for the acm of mer luer clial lAtell oua buil 11 WAGONS A S LEAVE AM DAMY DAILY mark packages package ps care caio i i if W n CORINNE E Q az co 00 S X 13 trivel tn 1 uli croci loit na floa and by appl lug log 13 U un cit chhor vit at coatne cr nelcia that chiy cu can c u thin still brienza bi ienza expeditiously at remona bill baurle bi rates urle C L U G tt CO I 1 inal if t f J t ro lt NT 0 i I 1 f I 1 ia j I 1 I 1 A SMITH SHOPS corner fourth and front froat ht roola xo nobui M side GOP ZIN YE UTAH UT i A W AGONIS AND CAPRIA om T rt siroj gerves aulls mulls an and d faith tools ool in an I 1 rr ft pu irett an n I 1 all ai kit do of done I 1 aro 0 10 incited tied to lo call and ork or and flud out the ha prices arla f I 1 I 1 B wholesale find retail I 1 it 3 TT Q O X r V I 1 blon tand street t I 1 atall tali ac lm 7 0 J IV ff 1 CO IU OO 0 A F V beg 0 corner bourth II i ats UTAH aff MA arket N up 1 cur cor montana and sixtita street LEVI cheapest pest lv la het poll 0 fresh meats mats and poultry ital r MUTI ON vear GAME I 1 ETC tt at hole selTa and t market open at every day I 1 1 tinn sc of nil all klinl from frock the hi in storo i t L i 3 af 1 cx jt 0 U 1 ft california TRADE tim I 1 PO POWDER DER WORKS 31 1 california CaU fornia 1 A MAN MA N vj mAP 17 CICCO anah and andrare arc tare t 4 j tin on aa fiand a Hll irN el aim r LP 0 W Z M 1 10 of aci ERion QUAT ITY mr su air 2111 WILLS MILLS it being collita n tiis hiis into tho the interior I 1 la a il 0 at ad to ea tl consumer conRu nier wither a few days dayd of t b 0 artime or of ftp and le la in ury acry bay adv other powder la in market wo we etc been awarded THREE MIREE GOLD py by tho the arid ut e STATE aa IRA L Y fr the th ell u rr lorly or 0 our it pill i over or til 11 chars oli crt we V 0 o also 0 o call to our HERCULES POWDER which all the iho force of other strong 1 now in use and nl the elie furco force of it the ir r row pirn rn MUG atu making je IV atly a superior to ally compound now la in use A A containing a mt of this can bo be obtained on applice tiou to our onico office or dr of any of our agents r P 1011 ST secretary J A CREIGHTON aco CO ns ly corinne Corio oe U T T TM A ellk ilk r y N T TIT ath I 1 la till ali in tone ilia inget powerful 1 1 1 alic CIC fillisher filli shed tho most durable anil and iv sill ill in tuno longer than llian any I 1 oilier all VA 7 oct icca frilo far cincu fir tb gair IANOS ir r duallo dur llo due tono tonii 9 rc chir k ilu 6 aill ii 1 low priced try 0 altor 1 liberally 79 9 them a all aro are ca alio rt e 3 Or gran to S 1000 Is the bubl anao Buyno buy no oilier other calland cull and hoerl at NORTH il I 1 ST LOUIS MO circulars balled on application VIELE MILLS general agents hussey dahler co sora to alson morion B M I 1 ML 33 W MF SS mi ma L E CORINNE I 1 tho the stockholders ors of tile bo first N national bank of 0 f U utah t aai I 1 compose the arai gold dust COW coin ge BOUGHT AND SOLD collections will remits attention eipl lf bank of corinne 1 UTAH 1 0 D CASS president IV T FIELD cashler Ca Ahler huy AND SELL lou lonelier colo coin dail aril and beau Kt hige e SIGHT ON corli I 1 1 ft IEgO san and the cities ett east tod and vest i vill 3 Prag oNIL HID w t 0 al tilly if ja ich ge af j miscellaneous TO IDAHO AND MONTANA MOril TAMA HARNESS AND SHOE shoemakers MAHERS 0 C j co 0 Trin nors and wholesale leather dealers dealba rs have a branch louse in id SALT CITY with i a fili tu 1 and complete stock or of HARDWARE AUD SHOE LEATHERS AND FINDINGS our stock stoc Is largo and corn com complete plate on embracing everything in our line aborn celebrated sa avab ra ali ft 1 T a e T 0 AT dote 0 do filed 1013 talla ant street corl corli apic nc dealer in G it orlim ap 2 0 7 G yot a i 12 P F 1 0 ozi i i i bif PRODUCE AND vegetables VEGETABLE S tho the cheapest storo store in corinne buttor butter and eggs t mado made a 0 speciality d till iy ay alo cair clotil tan second bana goods of tu all linda bought and sold old uong im corinne Corini ie branch or 0 TUE THE graat GRI ehilt r 1 I fujil ell mm co 11 or CHICAGO go RIT MI tl SIMY t 1 P It torney IV tt 11 CLA manager ED CO anil and sill I 1 adil sory noard board I 1 A of this solimio aclid Ille liable mm cohn antin hrco been ia 10 olar oil vill alty wa w OTO art dol no ready for business aud and earno ly pil pat monago go guaranteeing that ull all live rooks bill be bolier lar tied to at ta a fair rate ay iy 2 af IV AV 11 ga SCOTT manager asinger CITY reat MEAT MARKET corner of montana fortana and fifth streets 1 rail 1 li VIX r wholesale ami 11 ada al mitcher the highest cash prices paid for fat stock prices of meats bleats 8 to 15 cents per pound I 1 SUPPLIED IN ALL PARTS OF J attie uly lity irvia malto sold by tho the carca carcan n a wido ida or aarti aar tr conakry orders to 0 o at alc tlc G tf CASINO restaurant MRS L HERMAN proprietress day board per week tree florl ii aap i 80 w 14 flat cv HOTELS AND restaurants met metropolitan politan ro hotel street coxe riNNis llo lpuis 1 is 19 A FIRST CLASS HOTEL aiN Truty 1 aea ted sud aud aftel ell arranged the rooms et attro 0 neatly aril aid comfortably furnished furu lebl tho the tables lamat aro g ra alwa altti lT Ti 6 sOp idled ith the host bast the tha market affords aroah always alway ou on bud blind anil and birvon up in kuy guy viva alyo on lot t notice alia itar is IA blocked alth till ho be anekt wines LLIn cirs and nl cigars car ZIA tr if SILVER STAR ichel montana street west ot of tua the ciuk bauk of Diri silver star siar 11 toll conace ner or of nieth haild borth front 1 I diamond lai ion 1 B R LEWIS SILVER proprietor az y first close houses filled up A itle till the lb ern era improvements lra international HOTEL oily city Mout umi CAPT cilto Cil TJ J it II devis ron rb run ne TO HIS tt i ld hi tri culla and nd the public generally Roner lly he lina L oll n barg alif of ibl will known houe end and looe long experience la in tile ali burl nir oil a brict to tho of 0 tl an lustily bira lu in the people fir acht t ellas tile guilles jali bd ba on plied it kh everything it country ef fordi lainko lain KT by ele torning to the th capital cepl tl vir kl 1 in CUT city will HIKI find it to lo their fat creEL to hap it at he elie 7 atel loav 1 board by tb abilay ilAy c sa per weave SIC noard and pur pot sit it jam jati jm ahlf L i no SO 30 street SAM SCHWAB proprietor 10 HURNA 11 this hotel is id located in tho centor center of tho the city arid and Is tile the cheapest and bost bast in agg rocca miscellaneous J A GEO S 1872 SEASON 1872 J A CREIGHTON 9 CO i AAD commission assion will ivill give ther their prompt personal il attention atton lion to tollie tile ing and of freig lits i i r TO MONTANA A AND W D IDAHO IDAHO freight forr arced promptly at lowest going rates mark consignments Consign ments care J A 0 co dorinne Gori dori nue ri C G reynolds reynold Il helenn elena 31 T stackpole fuller fidler deer lodge S B D hice virginia city IV IV cope copelind land otalia neb PRINCIPAL D OFFICES I 1 HELENA NA 11 T CORINNE V T ra if f PURCHASE YOUR HARNESS AND P J saddles at t IS it 11 1 1 tau avry t L oppose op to tho the vogt ofeleo corinne Corl nue utah riah r avry ibias in tho elie harness line 1100 made and equated and fadd vork v orte e ardore bygall by arll will receive B 1 aa h M plu U t miscellaneous JW vt GUT ale arid relda dalce in fa 4 PRODUCE ANO AN s corina all 24 find and 24 d street stroet a AU an mudd klaila aff f fancy asid family groceries out fiting goods na V K tn cia lua bans CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE lr effii z ft a ar 69 orders by ma I 1 or telegraph promptly at ad tc verl its and ni clotio i lot M ronah ugh into i tf g teg W wes HULL anil and plasterer Plaster ci yino nano but the afat ILI llola 0 aa r tax X ance is GITTEN gire THAT anat TITI 1 roll poll ism fr r ill alif near et 1873 1872 is 1 bow duo dd to tile ALEX supervisor corinne april 6 3 1671 ts aw l HE CO afore fore existing under r file lie firm dimo of DALL BALL BLACK CO 02 in 1 tilla day dal by consent con either partner will veli t in ef cf elie business buH locas 1 1372 2 signed HENRY BALL 1 f fsr BLACK MONROE WU WM D DLACK BLAM la in the above dissolution 1 I atule buc A co inform their friends find end the pubic pub ic that they to close out ont their stock lalah A till so little delay BB as possible pos aiba and at prices that ill be an in for or all to 0 o aam from rom them they have also a very tory large atack of bafit 11 amonds emeralds rublee cameos ca tacoa etc which they ALI it 10 lo order tt at unus unusually ally low ley rates rat thell fd idill it to ed to enable thorn them to meet any demands la in bat that line 41 new bortt torii a wholesale nilo ani nj retail dealer la in groceries and proy provi sons liquors cigard and tobacco all kanda izi dei or of wines ivines scotch ales and english Englis jl porter constantly on hands hand street VW OR HARNESS AND JL F co gogoll to W A montana if at th root lot offelo corinne Co rince utah nh everything in tho burnesa lir in to 9 order and od fad work orjen by inu will ul receive prompt pro attention MOVI sin dm JUST ISSUED er expose poso of polygamy in ili etab by ur T 13 II 11 STEN HOUSE 0 of salt alke city by this abr book Is the only loveli if alou oil vt L THE INNER LIFE alifi bf THE MORMONS ever I 1 awo si 20 pages paper f si 00 clott botial f I 1 A 6 for sale ty by all book solito a allt CO yd id I 1 i ii ig go cut utie for abe 1 l t K T r n inn i A |