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Show SHOCKED IN HAUNTED CHAMBER Slatptra" Frljht. Howtvtr. Wat Not Cauted by Qhoata. John l.wh an. I mi-mhor of thu Mlllala family onen aio.l a nlatlit at fow.lray hall. In Kiiclan.l. Ihto. niMiiy Kui-ata Ih-Iiik pr.-m-nl. Ih- two frleiula hail no altirnutlv but lo serf se-rf il Ik-, I. n an laolaicl room aup-poacil aup-poacil lo hr) haiinlfil. In llio liihl.llo of the nlitlit Mlllala aok. hcllcvliiK thai aiiini- atlnnt n "haklnit him vlol.-nily hy thp annul. I. -r. Tliia was aiippoacl in h IIih fnvorllH ilf.leo of I he Klmat. II,. rilaliril Inlo ii rorrlilor nn.l founa la-h allium IIhtp t r.-riilillnac an.l ilii lnrliiR Hint h woul.l not for (In- worlil kii bark to hla room. Tin')- aprnt tho riMiinlii.hr of tlio iilxlil In th rorrMor. (ml In Ihrnorn-lug Ihrnorn-lug aald nolliliiK of llii lr ixHrlvnc-a. In Ihn nfiMrntNiii thnre arrlv-l an rvrnliiK paHr lolllna of a violent 1-arIliu.uake In Hi locality. Tlio rarlh-qiiakn rarlh-qiiakn wua what thv two viallura b lleved lo l thnlr ghoat. |