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Show JfnI: A 1 Carpets, Rugs, (Large and Small) Art Squares, will be sold this month at greatly reduced prices. Price good only during sale. ' Buy now and save money. $1.00 saved is $1.00 earned See our window display. Summit Furniture & Mercantile Co. KING OF THEM ALL! BALLARDS : Let the City ! . Vi all the sidewall city paved. This little p4 while the spirit is good, 1st factory. Perhaps one maj middle or the end of the bis j Refiim HOW LINIMENT Nwd Street, of the work satis tathe (starts Jf ST. LOUIS, MO. Thins ooooooqoooooqoqooooQ' CO A jC ASLSSnEsr jty; ul 4TTHE' -- WASATCH MINE. CiJ ml the i bdt tktri CSssa tad domestlo pcipoufi n tllNB U fSF' tilt search of a home r busineas'' loca tlon goes to a town and, find everybody Full of hope and enthusiasm over the. prospect ot ha, too soon becomes Indued vith the same spirit drive, downhia stakes and goes to work wtta equal inter est, 4he.-pUe- STOVE moooooo-ovoowooo- o' For Permanent Relief Take e, r v r.m - WANT TO FORGET ewau. acre direetlv on the Liver. It will eure CONST1PA-TIODYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, MALARIA AND CHILLS. is entirely free from all poUonona mineral substances, and Is com HERBS. It is adapted for weak and posed solely of N, UFE-GIVIN- Q weary constitutions; strengthens the weakened glands and organs; it checks all derangements of the body. - Try a bottle to-da- y. r'" ' 'mti a Bottle. Avoid AH Substitutes. d Snow Liniment Co. J,AUAtD-ST- LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. . - ClOold and RMommwidMi byCSSSSSS A Son. J Mi BoySea . JOHN BOYDEN & SON. 3SE If you would Increase your and prolong happl $1 5,000 in Premiums, $8,000 in Purses. One of the largest Exhibitions in the West. Continuous free special attractions, Afternoons and Evenings DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS EVERY GRAND EVENING j Spectacular ERUPTION of MAUNA LOA the Hawaiian Volcano Grandest sight ever seen' in Utah. , Melon Day, Friday, Sept: 1 0t- h- Come and eat our melons. 1, forget your neighbor's faults. Forget all lander yon ever heard. Forget the temptations. Forget the faaltflnd tng, and only remember the good points which make you fond of them. FdVget all personal quarrels of histories you may have heard by acci dent," and which, if repeated, yrould your-life- 000 SEPT. 6th, 7tH, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 1909 AT OGDEN, UTAH. 1 who is as tight as a mud fence with everybody else. And a neighbor of his ia Juet the other way bolds hii own family down to a pin and valuet every postage stamp, while he will bluster up to the bar and squander a half dollar Jn drinks to be a good fellow, or bet forty on a ball game and not even keep track of the stake hoIderT Isnt It queer what dffler-eucand what makes It? Denison Bulletin. WEBER COAL CO.. RRirq- T o keep cool and comfortable" with this hot weather Keep a good Temper. a. ' Bathe as much as you can. , . , - Dont eat meat more than a once 3. day, . 4. Dont rash, move with deliberation. ' 5. Dont watch the thermometer come around to our fountain for a really delicious Soda about twice a day. Cool drinks we have in bountiful variety and cool they are, not --only because theyare served ice cold but because they are composed of ingredients cooling to the system, t OurSoda is cooled by scientific refrigeration so is always' at the same temperature and best of all our serviceis ' ' prompt and cheerful . - - X. 000 in fammen. I could name ily you a man In this city who is as liberal as the spring raia with bis own family but . . e, What a difference there t-- A Summer Prescription Its a fact that when a man in TKB FKKX3 LFTifl THE TIMES Undone. 4 line necesarilly must bend terday. rather unjuat. , Are There las plan by which ew f body Auntle-Tb-ats an have a sidewalk and believed child-T- es, .he punished of the worry and burden of'ik eon- -' me because 1 hadnt done my ' struction. If ths city official would bond the city and put in paUi'i'ent, Disagreeable at Home. the property owners could Uvi ten to fifteen years to payTiit and Lots of men and women who are with others, get cranky keep up the Interest. By this plana agreeable home. Its not disposition, its the at large contract could be lei and At liver.Ifyouflndlnyourselfthat could be 3onr in uc h clieajp Ws nd you feel cross k round the house, litsooner than if the Individual took it. tle things worry you, just buy a botHad Ogden and Salt, the mat beau-f- tle f Ballards Herbine and put liver in shape. You and everycities in the west, waited for the your body around you will feel better for property ownerslo pave ths streets it. Price 50 cte, per bottle. Son.. nd sidewalks, they would nt have Sold by John Boyden been completed for years to come. We do only good printing. Can Any one can afford a pavement If we do yours? Prices are right. he la given time to jiay jor It; if the is as bonded city suggested, we can have the pavement. , 1 ,old and noommndd byl You cant be a good Summit Farmer without Exchange. Substitute. AH C0.f lh - ths pavement non parallel th th itinued treat and it were 4 block of the length throughout would not lie within the I dts of wruuiMATtoha. 1,00 . , We need lCH INS. ANO ALL , ? since 1883, and Hm ben CrwwnaS with Rhaaomlnal on the market. Liniment HeeeehoM Met the fawtay CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, r-- the Side'i alfe- i SNOW LINIMENT seem a thouand times worse than they really are. Xot out, as far as possible, all the disageeeableness of life; they will come, but will grow larger when you remember them. Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday, start out with a clean sheet today, and write upon It for sweet memorys sake only those things whtch are lovely and lovable. Pa : Excursion tickets North Good returning until Sept. 1 of Ogden sold Sept 3rd to th. 4th. Reduced rates from all points GENERAL ADMISSION 25 Cent; 1 1 |