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Show ON FOOD Tho Right Foundation of Health, Proper food la tbo fniindntlnn nf heultb. People can cut Improper food fur a tlmo until tluiro Is a sudden col-lapse col-lapse of the dlgeatlvo organs, then all kinds of trouble follows. The proper way out of tho difficulty Is to ahlft to the pure, aclentlllc food, drape Nut, fur It rebuilds from tho Inundation up. A Now Hiilnimlilro woinnn says: "I.unt Biininier I was smliliiily taken with IndlgeHtlon and severo stoma, h trouble and could not eat food with-nut with-nut great pain, my stonuich was so snra I could baldly liuivu nbuut. This kept up until 1 wus su mUi rablo llfo was not wurth living. "Then a friend tliinlly, after iniicli argument. Induced mo In quit my fur mer diet and try Grupc-NulH. "Althuugli I hud but lllltlo faith I commenced to unn It, and grent was my aurpriso to find that 1 could cut It without the uhuuI pain und dlstri-H In my imnut-h. "bo I kept on using drape Nuts and soon a murked Improvement wus shown, fnr my stnmiuii wua perform lug It regular work In a nonnul way wltbuut puln or dlntrena. "Vory aoon the yellow coutlng dlanp-poured dlanp-poured from my tongue, tho dull, boavy feeling In my head disappeared, and my mind felt light nnd clear; tho languid, tired feeling left, and altogether alto-gether I felt aa If I hud been rebuilt. Htrength nnd weight enmo buck rapid-Ijr rapid-Ijr and I went back to my work with renewed ambition. "To-duy 1 am a Dew woman In mind aa well aa body, and I owo It all to thla natural food, Orapo-Nuta." "There' a Iteuson." Look In pkgH. for tho fnminis little book, "Tho ltuiiil to Welltille." Kver read Ihe abut Irllerf " " o. ni.i.n.r-. from lln.e to II""- tkrr are . nulur, ru. and full ul knaiaa latsrsal. |