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Show THE KILLING OF A LITTLE GIRL. HHJ There In a shocking lesson in the iragedy of Friday night -which ended HHJ the escapade of two young boys and HHJ their girl companions The young Inters had determined on a joy ride and so the boys impropriated the first car that was available. With this ma HHJ chine they drove to the homes of (heir HHJ girl friend. None of ihe party HHJ was morn than 16 yearn of age Two HH boys and three girls were seated In 'he .niinmobile when the ride of death HHJ started. The time of departure must I have been close to 10 o'clock. Every member of the speeding group should have been In bed. where boys and .girls of 14 and 16 should be at that i bonr of night. Deing Friday night, perhaps tho. children were allowed liberties not ex-i Tended on nights preceding school , days. But what took place in Wilson ' iflne is occurring all m.r thi3 city unil In evert : !. r . . I ' allowing their children grciier Hber-tics Hber-tics than were dreamed of In the da9 drone bj. The automobile has brought new conditions, has Met a swifter pace arid mH 'homes arc losing control over the .young people. Once out of sight, ihe boys and girls can get Into endless mischief, and. if Hboy are recklese th readily can become be-come Ill-fated and drive along the road of disaster. All i ha i I s n.-.t-'a" n .laughing, oftrei'-e. can free bantering 'boy and girl in an automobile HH In this story of the sudden snapping out of a school girl's life, there la something of serious Import for the father and mot h i ol Ogden What is your boy or girl doing after the hour when children should be in ' I bed? Has your boy 01 girl the SutO baLii'i Are you losing control over the r .yonngsteri? Do you know theli ash ehei b( ure away from home? Are you too Indttlgenl ' It Is Just possible you have trans , terred some of your responsibility to ih police, but remember when you ! onfees your ovsn InabOitj to mftm'.i n tho fnndamt-ntjii requirements of a -home, the call, whether it be to tbej police or public, ?ua. come too late. ; Boys and girls everywhere are much llkeL They aro filled with life, they : nJoy a frolic, they delight in adven ure and court excitement Given the "Trporrunlty. they will throw off re train t a and carelessly invite an SOCi-dent, SOCi-dent, perhaps wholly unconscious of Klolng a real wrong That li why par ii t si havo a great iak to perform in safeguarding their boys and girls |