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Show BUSY SESSION IN CITY COURT Bill Ricards. H. S. Kearns. R. I Lilly. Clarence Burnett and J H. Brown, charged with gambling and! arrested Saturday afternoon in a raid conducted by the police at the Crestoni hotel at the corner of Twenty-fifth; and Grant avenue, failed to appear for trial In the city court this morning and t-a.ll of $50 eac h was declared for-1 felted. The case of the city against E. W. Stratford, Jr wa'-. dismissed on the grounds of Insufficient evidence. The case of George Poulos and others oth-ers charged with gambling was con-' tinned until tomorrow for setting. P. A- Dial pleaded guilty to being drunk and was sentenced to pay a fine of 950 or to serve 50 days in jail. William fratt and Harrvr Edwards, arrested with Iaui-ine Jones and Evelyn Vounu of Salt lake. on May 19 at Twentieth and Wall avenue, pleaded guilty to vagrancy and were each sentenced to serve five days in Jail The women were taken bach to Salt Lake by Detei tivs Edward But-terfleld But-terfleld and C. E, Noble yesterday and turned over t their parents. E1XEO S5tl W R Skinner, pleaded gufltj ta being be-ing drunk and was eoifnred to pay a fine of $50 or to serve 50 da.s In Jail. Joseph David .-am Smith. lee n-drews n-drews and Frank Johnson iharged With gamhUng failed to appear for trial and their hail declared for feited. Smith forfeited 50 and the others $25 each George Utif. charged with pettj larcency waa sentenced to pay a fine of $60 or serve 60 days In Jail He pleaded guilty to stealing chickens from J. Buehler, 269 Thirty-third si reet. Jane Due Anderson charged with belnjf drunk pleaded not guilty and the hearing of her caye was set for Jun 1 HEARINGS si. i Delia. Bowen. 51 year of age and Oracs GrMiiam. 39 years of age. arrested ar-rested with George McManus on the charge of shoplifting, were arraigned' and the. preliminary hearing of their caies set . I H a Bowen and Grace Graham charged w4th the theft of two taffi tS dresses from the Leader Milliner store will appear for preliminary hearing hear-ing on May 25 on which date they Will also have a prell m I nary hearlni o the charge of stealing 41 ards of .ik from a department store on Washington Wash-ington avenue McManus has demanded a separate preiliiiln.ir' h-annxT, tb date of Which wd set for June l According to thj police He Is Implicated with l-oth wo-i men in th theft- Th' ca of l'ortr Woodmansec! charged with driving an automobile h,!o under the Influence of llQUOr! was continued for setting until May 24. |