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Show METHODIST CHURCH NOTES The Epworth League Cabinet was duly installed during the week just closed, the installation being in the nature of the Candle Lighting Service. Ser-vice. All members wet present with the exception of the secretary. Miss Margaret Ireland is the leader of the Epworth League which starts at 6:45 p.m. This is the young people's peo-ple's meeting so come out. The W. H. Mi S. failed to win the contest for members with the Queen Esthers, the result being that they will entertain the. Queen Esthers at Dinner Friday, November 21 (today.) The Me'n U club will meet Wednesday, Wednes-day, November 26, for a 'business meeting when the matter of the Constitution Con-stitution will be discussed and settled. Regular services will be held Sunday Sun-day morning at 11 a.m. and in the evening at 7:43. The Sunday School has become the center of social and religious life. Organized Or-ganized classes are the rule and we are providing the children of the community with the right kind of supervised social life. Send your children to Sunday school, which starts at 9:45 a.m. |