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Show " " ' 1 " ' 1 i Mabel Neprude, Maude Welch, Lc-veade Lc-veade Stokes, Rose Hailing, Mar-jorie Mar-jorie Horsely, Pauline Philipps, Edith Borg, Ruby Knudsen, Annie Masters, Aliceilc Higgs, Verna Skanchy and Agnes James. ' . i ," The Sewing Circle of Martha Chapter Chap-ter No. 7, O. E. S., met with Mrs. Louis Buchman, Wednesday afternoon after-noon at her home in Markham. Completions Com-pletions were made for the Bazaar for Tuesday, afternoon, November IS at Mitchell's store in the Bourgard Apartments. Refreshments were served ser-ved to Mrs. Theo Chester, Mrs. Max Brisk, Mrs. Brisk, Sr., Mrs. W. H. Hull, Mrs. George Robbe, Mrs. James Jensen, Mrs. O. C. Jones, Mrs. Fred Robertson, Mrs. Mudge, Mrs. John Robertson, Mr. A. R. Larrick, Mrs. Earl Ncppel, Mrs. E. J. Jones, Mrs. Win a Thomas, Usb, Burt Thomas', Mrs. Fred Roberts and Mrs. Julia I Rbndebirs'hi The C. K. U. D. Club of the Methodist Meth-odist Church was entertained by Clark Barnard Friday evening of last week at his home on Main street. Games were played interspersed with piano selections by Miss Dorothy Barnard, after the holding of a business busi-ness meeting at which the formulation formula-tion of a basketball team was discussed. dis-cussed. Refreshments were served at a late hour to Edward Grant, Russell Thomas, Lloyd Prigmore, John Myers, My-ers, Kenneth Countryman and Clark Barnard. The A. B. C. club met at the home of Mrs. Raker of Copperfield Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon of this week. Five hundred was played, after which a three course luncheon was served to Mrs. Frank Meade, Mrs. Higby, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Cecil Bennett and Mrs. Bowes. jlN SOCIETY Mrs. Arthur Holtcn entertained at her home in the Chandler Apartments Friday afternoon of last week at a sewing party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Grace Cobbly of Baltimore. A buffet luncheon was served to Mrs. William Bower, Mrs. Alice Long, Mrs. E. J. Jones, Mrs. Albert Chcever, Mrs. Rowena Mork nd Mrs. C. L. Booth of Salt Lake. The Canyon Lodge No. 1J of Masons Ma-sons entertained the Masons of Tooele, Garfield and Salt Lake at a banquet Saturday night in the Masonic Ma-sonic Hall. The supjer was prepared by the Refreshment Committee of Martha Chapter No. 7 of the Eastern Stars, Mrs. Will Thomas, Mrs. Will Trevarthen and Mrs. , Geo. . Robbe. Those who assisted included Mrs. Theo Chester, Mrs. Max Brisk, Mrs. O. C. Jones, Mrs. Will Myers, Mrs. James Barkle, Mrs. Edna P. Wade and Mrs. Louis Buchman. Elaborate autumnal foliage and candles were used in profusion. , 1 ' . The A. U. L. Club met with Mrs. Corey Leiser, Wednesday evening of last week. , Bridge was played. The high score was won by Mrs. Louis Buchman and consolation by Mrs. Eugene Morris. A midnight supper was served to Mrs. Louis Buchman, Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Mrs. Gene Morris, Mrs. A. C. Cole, Mrs. A. M, Thomas, Mrs. Dave Lyons. - Jhe Nul Club met with Miss Ger-I Ger-I trudc Colyar Wednesday, evening at j her home in Copperfield. Miss Ber-: Ber-: tha, Bessie Keppcl and Miss Margaret Mar-garet Adams gave several musical and dramatic numbers. Those present pres-ent were Mrs. C. D. Abel, Mrs. Ros-wcll Ros-wcll CuNhing, Misses Alta Miller, Lilas McColeman, Bessie McCall, Alta Acord, Viola Robbins, Irene Connary, Teddy Ward, June Reese, |