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Show ALNAMBRI SHHMS 'HELIOTROPE" SUNDAY Why should an Innocent .-pi'iB of heliotrope placed upon the table occupied oc-cupied by a fashionably dressed woman wo-man and her escnrf at a cuh.irci aus her to biiinch with terror and paM Hwiftly from the kr.v crowd" Why did she barricade her door and Stand ready with drawn revolver. Just because she sniffed the faint aroma of heliotrope perfume hi her room, When you see "Heliotrope," the feature attraction at tho Alhambra tomorrow. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wed-nesday, you'll say that there was reason rea-son enough. . Thin deeply appealing picture, adapted from the well known gttorj by Rlchurd Washburn Child, deplots the limits to which a father will yo to prole, i :he bapplni Ss of his da igh-ter. igh-ter. Without for an Instant descending descend-ing into melodrama, it unfolds a plot that for sheer excitement has seldom been equalled. Wilfred Ltell. Frederick Fred-erick Burton. Plana Allen and Julia Swayne Gordon arc included in tho cart, and George I). Baker directed :lnd wrote the continuity for the pic- j ture. It is a Cosmopolitan Produc-I tiou released through Paramount |