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Show HINDIS SHOWS CLEMENCY AGAIN Youth Who Rifled Mails Allowed Al-lowed Freedom 'til Baby is Born CHICAGO. Feb. 19. A negro and a white youth, aflr pleading guilty to separate charges of stealing from the malls, received lemency from Federal Fed-eral Judg LentflA Friday, who deferred de-ferred pa-vsinK sentence ;i he did In the case of Robert J. Carey, I'9-year-old bank teller of Ottaw.i. 111., who was relsasefl on bin own recognizance after oonf seeing lo enibesBlsnient. Rohert Oreen. 19. was re.u.el hy the Judge when he prolmsed to return, re-turn, tor irntsnee a month after his wife becomw a molhor. Green confessed con-fessed t i stealing a package from I the malls. "I'm afraid that if I sentenced you I now It would h-''o an effect on your wife and something might happen to I her which I eannot bs resptmslble j for," Judge Ljtndis suld. John W. Fleming, a negro, who confessed to iteallng letters from tho malls, presmieil Judge Landls with a discharge shong military nen1ce on I the Mexlciui border and In thre,. bat- ties In France. Hie went Into the gem -Ice when tho United States entered tho war. , I stealing;" Judge Landla said. "I un-, un-, derstsand you and your sister here ! are the sole support of your aged I : mother and an invalid sister Who is I ' going to take care Of thc-m If I send I you to Jail ? "I am not going to tx ntcncn you I j now. Co back to Jail und in ten or j twelve days I Will have decided what , action I shall t.ike " |