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Show HO W SUBMITS MANY NJ PL1S U. A. C. Mentpi Would Make Many Changes in Track and Field Meets LOGAN, Feb. 22. Coach Dick Kom-ney Kom-ney of the L'tah Agricultural college has submitted several proposals to them bars Ot the athletic council of Ctah college teams, which he believes will aid the work being accomplished In track and field athletics. The annual an-nual state track meot for the collegians colleg-ians will be staged at Logan this season sea-son and th- Logan mentor has therefore there-fore worked out pl.ans which should hi a benefit not only to the athletes but the fans as welL Heretofore bests in the various prints and In the field events have nsuim-d ho.i-s. Coder the new system, sys-tem, adopted by ROmney, these events could be held In the morning, while the finals could be run off In the afternoon, af-ternoon, thus giving the fans tho bent and giving the runners who qualify a chance to do themselves Justice. This system Is being worked out in the east and It t highly probable that the Ctah colleges will adopt this change In s. stem. Coach Romney lias also submitted the following list of officials to 'C-oaches Fltzjatrick and BobcrLs for approval: Referee, Homer Chrislensen of Salt Ijikt- Inspectors, Burns Crookston of Logan and iirvai Adams of Ogden; ludges of finish, Dr. Carroll of Frovu. Dr. K. B. Brossard of Logan, Dr. Ix?o M.irjihall of Salt Lake; Professor Ray B. West of Logan; chief field Judge. .Norman Hamilton of Logan. field Judges, A. J. Knapp and Dixon Kapple, both of Logan; starter. Lee Simmons of Spanish Fork; timers. Professor A. . Vlekers of Logan, iieorge Jreen of Logan and D. A- Callahan of Salt Like; clerk of course, Morris Chrls-tensen Chrls-tensen of Logan; scorer. Bay Olson of Logan: marshal. Dr. "Jeorge It. Hill, Jr.. of Logan; medical attendants. Dr. Leo liar shall of salt Like and Dr. V It Preston of Logan- |