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Show THUMB-NAIL SKETCHES OF I CABINET MEN fJKAR S GHBB. of New York City. Jurist. Born Glens Falls, N Y. Age 68 years. University training. Practiced and taught law ln New York. 1SS4-1900. Conductod Insurance Investigation. New York legislature, legisla-ture, l90i-06. Governor of New York. 1907-8 and 1909-11. Associate Associ-ate Justice. United States supremo court, 1910-16. Republican nominee nomi-nee for president. 1916 Practised law since In New York. Conducted government aircraft Investigation. ! 1918. ANDREW WILLIAM MELLON ot Pit! sb rr Pen nsj Bom Pittsburg. Pa. Age 6.r. years. University education. Entered banking business IS 7 A President Mellon National bank. 1902 to present. Active in Industrial and financinl developments in western west-ern Pennsylvania. Trustee University" Uni-versity" of Pittsburg and with brother founded Mellon Institute of Industrial research. Identified with many charitable and welfare organizations. JOHN WINGATE WEEKS, of West Newton, Massachusetts. Born Lancaster. N H. Age fiu years. Graduate U S. Naval academy 1881. U. S. midshipman 1SM-1912. Member of congress 190:-1$. United States senator, 1913-19. Candidate for Republi- . I J . J - 1 ' .. , 1 ft 1 o can pu'Mueiiuai noiiiiiia-iejii. wic, receiving 105 votes. Served In Massachusetts naval brigade 10 years and in volunteer navy during dur-ing Spanlsh-Amerlcaji war. HARRY M DAUGHERTY. of Columbus. Ohio. Lawyer. Born Washington Courthouse, Ohio. Age 61 years. University education. Practiced law. Washington Wash-ington Courthouse, 1SS1-8S Elected state legislature in 18S. serving 5 years. Chairman state Republican executive committee in 1912, also twice chairman state Republican central committee of Ohio. Campaign manager for Harding at Chicago convention. WILL H HAYS, of Sullivan. Indiana. In-diana. Lawyer. Bom Suiii-I Suiii-I van. Ind. Age 41 years. Graduate Gradu-ate Wabash college. Prominent ln county, st"- and national Republican Re-publican politics during last 20 years. Member law firm Bays A ilns. Bank director. Chairman Republican national committee since 191C. Mason. Presbyterian. HERBERT CLARK HOOVER, of Stanford I'niversity. Cull-fornla. Cull-fornla. Mining engineer. Born West Branch. Iowa. Age 4 0 years. Cniversity training Wido experience ln geological and mining min-ing enterprises. U. S. and abroad. Chairman American Relief committee, com-mittee, London, 1M4-1G. Relief in Belgium lsiri-is V S food administrator ad-ministrator 1917-19. Honored and decorated by forolgn nations for war services. Received 10 1-2 votes Republican national convention, con-vention, for presidential nomination. nomina-tion. Near East relief, 1920-21. JAMES JOHN DAVIS, of Pittsburg, Pitts-burg, Pennsylvania. Labor lea lr. Born Tredegar, Wales. Ago 47 yenr.-i Went to Pittsburg with parents at age of 4 years. At 11 begun work ln steel mills, becoming a puddler. Removed to Elwood City. Ind.. IS. Held city and county offices there. Chose m 1906 to reorganize Loyal Order of Moose of which he is r on tinned on Page iw; THUMB NAIL SKETCHES OF CABINET MEN k oo tinned from rage onc.i now the head. Member of Amalgamated Amal-gamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and always has been active In union affairs. A LBBRT BACON FALL, of Three Rivers. New Mexico, lulled State senator. Born I'nmkfort. Ky. Ago 59 years Kdu- sterl in country schools. Worked as farmer, rancher, miner, lawyer. 8 i d In Mew Mexico legislature and as utuociato Juetlce New Mexico Mex-ico suprcnto court. United States senator since l&u, present term expiring in 19J3. fTa S N R V GANTWEL L W a L -A I.Ai K. ,,( in,, Moines. Iowa. Editor and publishor. Uorn Rock eland, 01, Age i'.4 years. Collegiate Collegi-ate education. Farmer and livestock live-stock breeder in Iowh, 1817-91, Editor, manager and publisher of j farm publication. 1S9S to pre-nt. pre-nt. Bank director. Member U. B. Live Stock Industry committee. commit-tee. Secretary Corn Bolt Meat Producers' association 14 years. , ' Long Interested in Young Men s Christian association, boinj; mem-ber mem-ber of international committee Mason |