Show A HARE RARE OLD CLOCK ono tile lie property of a queen but now in detroit detroit freo come with me for a short walk ive got something to show you 11 said a well known citizen who lives near the Spring wells junction to a reporter for the free freo press whom he lie happ happened ened to meet at the corner of michigan ii Avenue and Vi avenue the invitation being accepted the pair walked south on 1 Vi Vinc wood avenue to tho the first corn corner er south of the presbyterian church and turning lug west stopped at a neat little cottage the first house on the right hand side in answer to a knock ck at the side doom door a tall stalwart awl intellectual looking gentleman ushered the visitors into his hous ewhen the reporter was iwas introduced to anton P ekstrom and the chaperon remarked 11 we have come to look at your clock mr ekstrom who isa is a young Swede speaks english very correctly P and withal was very courteous and hospitable remarking it is ft a family heirloom which 1 value highly mr E ekstrom kstrom exhibited a clock about seven feet high the frame being of antique pattern the works which were opened to view aref arc made of brass and as far as could be judged by a layman show no evidence of wear the dial is of silver with the figures in black enamel and above the dial is a silver disk on which is enameled the name of the maker as fu follows joachim cz prague anno anzio 1661 at each corner of the dial plate are brass scrolls which include in their design two live cupida supporting upon scepters seep the royal crown of sweden what is the history of this rare antique asked the reporter of mr f r ekstrom it was bought in the cen tury by my great great grandfather at a it public auction of some of the tile household reflects of queen christina baand and itras it has bebenin been in our family ever since can you ou prove that yes indeed for I 1 have tile lie documents which have bave been preserved by my ray ancestors and which have ben handed down to me how is it proven that the clock was once the tile property of queen christina we have regularly designated places for auctions in sweden appointed by the government where an accurate record of all sales are arc kept in stockholm I 1 can find the certified records of all auction sales held there during thelast the past years and among them are the records of the various auction sales of queen christinas property why was her property eold told at auction because she left the lutheran church and became a romanist at what do you value the clock 1 I was once offered ered dollars for it by the directors of the steel stockholm museum Is it for sale asked the reporter and as he did so he lie observed the fine finc featured cultured loo looking king young woman had been introduced as mrs ekstrom but who had said but little bec ausle of her lack of acquaint acquaintance anc e with the english language turn her face to the window as she raised a handkerchief chiefton to her eyes at the same time the chaperon nudged the inquirer and remarked in it whisper let up on that mr ekstrom replied that he lie might be obliged to sell the clock but wt that he lie hoped to be able to 6 keep it after alter which the visitors made their farewell salute and went away once in the street the chaperon said theres one of the saddest cases I 1 ever saw mr lr ekstrom kstrom E is isa a grad uati of dic stockholm school of navigation and liis his dip diploma lonza from that institution showie that he lie graduated with honors first in a class of eleven butof an original class of thirty six special merit credits are against his name in the branches of mathematics astronomy g geology c g y chemistry and navigation holds the swed swedish asli papers issued in in their regular order as assistant engineer first engineer chief engi engineer n 1 first male route and captain to sail tn on what waters on and the north sea he also has bas first class papers as chief engineer issued by the steamboat ln inspectors Ins in this city and a license issued by ex mayor Thom thompson peon and ex boiler inspector wray he laughed fis ns he showed the papers to me saying as he lie exhibited I 1 b 1 1 ud his sired swedish ioshpa papers pers it took me seven years of study to get these and I 1 was obliged to learn how to build a steam engine as ati the first step then showing his detroit ait oit papers he lie added these sc I 1 got in about half an hour after an examination which hardly had a beginning I 1 even how does such a man chance to tb bo a in detroit stranded with a wife and three children he was wall one of a company of immigrants who were induced to come over here to settle in in presque isle county by the representations of beautiful farm 1 lands ands and high paying position 1 ekstrom was presented pr es ent ed with 25 0 a month to to take charge of a machine shop a dr dry dock and a line of steamers merv he was to be the general superintendent when they got he rethe promises vanished laii arid 1 I th those oae w alio I 1 I 1 0 could get back went ekstrom Ek camo came hero hete 11 what has he lie been doing lie has been at work for frank kirby nho ho can tell you all about hia his ability |