Show FOREIGN FLASHES france and ohina china insignia Insign im insulted suffering from the scourge papal points lasdo Los DO biily is lk the earl of cadogan under lie the sanction of tile con cop flOr tivo leaders leader swill will move in ill tile house of lords on thursday that the house present an address to tile queen asking arskin her to summon an autumn session of parliament to consider tha francl franchise iise question in conjunction action with the question of the redistribution ofil arli Amen seats tile government will not be like likely y to accede to the request granville foreign secretary of state staid has refused the request of spain for a revision sion of the tile protocol odthe commercial i treaty between spain and england negotiations therefore cease PARIS july 3 ferry and L li fong aso Chi chinese tieke minister are discussing the question asto 1 who fired the farst shot at lang son the payment of the indemnity demanded by france franc e dep depends ds upon the settlement of f hh question jul stion prince gerin german all ambassador m bas called at tile foreign office on the subject of the insult offered to the german gernian flag the tile report that cholera cli olera lias made its appearance at lyons is den denied ed the tile sella senate te passed pissed the credit credi voted by the chamber of deputies for the relief of cholera cli olera sufferers s ani and f for su supplies 1 les mine prime minister ferry as giz sized ed to the german Abib ambassador assadur for II 11 alie e anbult offered lo 10 tile german flae flag tile foreigner who spat upon the french flag a in tile cadace do la a con coni i corde yesterday and anti afterwards escaped from the crowd has been arrested AI an inquiry is oi older dered cd ho ile is a german theolo theological gidal student tourists avoid southern franco france and italy and all health resorts in those reid regions ns will bo be empty until autumn 1 it is estimated that pe people OP bave fled from marseilles the epidemic appeared the police polio 8 suppress up all Sori socialist alist inee tinga the ministers of tile interior commerce and public works have ar rived on a tour of inspection tile prefect informed them over of or the inhabitants had lied fled by tho the railway and by other roads the Tre present sent moment ia is threatened nith a more terrible scourge than vie cholera namely tip unprecedented want and misery july 15 tho the french ambassador bas liero hero ia is instructed to te ex es pres ka to the gernian German Government the regret of his go governmental the action oatlie of the alsatian students who tore down and arid burned the germ german an flags at ilia the hotel continental continent al pane paris and anti state that owing to the quickness witia which tile incident happened the police were unable to interfere the tile newspaper newspapers of berlin urged the tile government to demand reparation and tilt punishment of the tile students the papers of westphalia allege the liberals at the next elec eions for members of tile reichstag will receive the support of british capital to the damage of the tile colonial and commercial policy of germany the liberal or organs aus deny tho tile etory story july 15 the popo pope has decided c ded to create a resi residential lenthal archbishopric inc in harue of cardinal la archbishop of algiers monsignor deserre will be appointed archbishop of algiers ThoVa tho vatican tiran has an all ap appendix ell to die free masonry encyclical encyclical rupend suspending ing for fora a trounce year e ta r the dobli obligation at ton of f B bishops 0 p 4 to denounce secret societies cie ties july 15 burins daring a hurri batio cantoff off tho the philippine ls islands landsi tho the alf i rot clad gravine w was owr wrecked ec k and two officers and seven of tile crow crew were lost |