Show OUR so yi is jy y i it has b been bezi ban I 1 byll X arc c Q t to rahe he anute s of tile sch bol meeting 91 held i iu the central school buil building diug monday evening that tho the tax payer payers by a vote ot 83 to 30 decided d to assess a tax of one hal half bof of on emill fur for the establishment and maintenance of an academic department param part ment ent in connection with our central school under the old law in pursuance of which wr our present educational system tem for r ogden d en city has been established no pupils over 18 years could legally be accommodated coin commo dated in m any of the schools of this district and the trustees were compelled cit herto 0 slot the aloo N E against all 11 such 1 or I lay ay i them themselves belve s liable for an infraction oatlie of the law if they admitted them thein L the la latter ider course lias lla been tacitly pursued until the increase of our school population between 6 and 18 has deni demanded additional provision for those pupils of advanced aae age and d learning or their entire exclusion from the schools of the district at the last session of the legislative assembly of the territory of utah an amendment was made to the then existing school law by which each school district in the territory possessing a population of over 1200 persons could provide 1 for an academic department in connection with its common school system by the assessment 0 of tax at a meeting of taxpayers called callej for this purpose the time having arrived when this measure became feces necessary ary in this district a meeting was called the tax was levied f and he the requisite authority thereby conferred upon ri the trustees to provide therefore the advantages to bo be derived from this important measure in the interests of advanced education are scarcely to be estimated scores of 99 men arc are prevented from finishing Sni shing their education before the age ace of eighteen years in fad fact many are prevented from attend I 1 school to any considerable ex tent b antil it hey are old enough therus themselves elves to earn means to pay lie the expenses of tuition which does not usually happen much under this age these young men while they are ar e willing illing w and many ambitious to pay their own way and not be si a burden i tipon upon t the 6 taxpayers tax payers for their education cannot find opportunity at home to go to school at any price the common sell schools have no authority to receive them an and d as we ive have no others they 04 are tire compelled to go to salt lale lake or logan or provo in quest of education OL this docs does not riot seem rights right every thriving cosmopolitan coni community muni ty 6 bould provide for its own aduca education ti on and not be dependent upon other localities for these advantages it should bo be the ambition of all good citizens I 1 to place every means of good thorough education within the ed easy edgy gy reach of all who desire to acquire acque que i it realizing ical izing that upon the proper educational status of ev every ry J community depends to a very great extent its welfare its progress regress and its pro prosperity per 1 ity but says a one when a young man attains the tile he be should be amply able to provide for his own education and no be boa a burden upon w 11 h hta seniors e this is true but if there are no schools here t to 0 admit him to educational facilities though hc were wc lasrich as its croesus and willing to pay any price for education 11 he be could not riot obtain it without going abroad I 1 the rh e ta tax x levied is noi nominal ninal being but 50 cents on 0 Q and provider vides for only a small portion of i I 1 th c ved in ing a school of the higher grade buttee law lav must be bo complied with and ancl altai a tax of some i e denomination or the requisite authority for su such ch a department would be con berred fen ed in return for this sm small all outlay of t r aggregating ng about eight hundred dollars the highest educational cat ional facilities arc are provided for our youth at home our reputation as a progressive educational corn com eunit yvis y vis pre preserved servO i and to the business es men upon japon wham whom the great er part of this small tax may fall there is a substantial return in tha distribution of large sums of money oney 0 through the channel channels of trade that would otherwise go to the enrichment ot other localities for instance the pr provo 91 voA academy cade provides for between four and five hundred pupils each of whom expends for schooling board etc etca abut about 0 two td hundred dollars a it year thus giving that enterprising city in return for her educational en enter ter prise from eighty 0 to o ono one hundred thousand dollars per annum agdens academic department k coat cost the taxpayers between aalt eight an and I 1 nine loll arand d if illia behl ool could couff provide for one hundred a and na fifty students Atu dents a very small estimate estinia te of capacity and probability the enterprise would net us by the way of increased trade to and citizens about these few points can call certainly not bo be considered out of place even thosa those mercenary parties who having baving made enough money out of the poor to educate the children of their wealth still refuse to contribute to the poor childrens education will BID gee e a pecuniary point in in this statement and hence coincide |