Show pioneer wy y pioneer day this year yea r 19 is not likely to lie bc celebrated in auy any elaborate sty lewith with official cizl program or any concerted action by the whole of our citizens still there will v ill I 1 be e attractions to make the day enjoyed as a holi holiday dav there is very pt probable 0 to tp be a spirited on oil the grounds of the ogden driving pink park then there id is th the e cricket con contest test spoken pu of elso elsewhere whery but the chief amusement of the danwill IRV will consist in inAh the brand crand excursion excursion organized by the third W ward ard choir lir which will go to salt lake garfield and ani blackrock black rock at ketly reduced railroad rates the tile uell ogden Brass Band will g go along which in itself is ia a promise of a pleasant time wo we wish the success and joy unconfined |