Show A woman of grit A few weeks ago the winnemucca oliver Silver siale state described the widow loveless laveless who carries on the ranch ing bu business in paradise valley nev she had four or five men elli employed on her ranch recently and last sunday paid one of them named Alexa alexander Mille Miller rhia his wages and discharged him the next day he lie took a horse brid leand saddle from her ranch and left for parts nn un known she tracked him to the winnemucca road mounted one of her fattest horses and started in pura pursuit ui t of him she caught him at the T tollhouse toll 11 house fifteen miles from her ranch took the horse bridle and saddle and not caring to prosecute miller who she sa says s is a good worker when sober she xe left for home upon entering the house she found an eighteen dollar trunk broken open and rifled she missed a revolve rand other things that had bad been left in ia the trunk and suspecting that miller had taken them again agran saddled her fast horse and came to town riding 27 miles in a few hours she found her man and ascertaining that he be had bad soaked the pistol for 25 had bad him arrested he was examined before justice osborne on a charge of housebreaking house breaking and was vas held to answer before the grand jury with bail fixed at default 01 of which he was sent to jail I |