Show murder in fit boisa the alvinne winnemucca bucca silver slate state re porta ports an at boise aft city in ill which fred G hihn well fargo co a messenger between bucca and idaho was abot dead by a inan man named burdell it appears that burdell abo biad just returned to boi buise boise se from wood river entered a houie bouic in which he lie found icilin drew a pistol and fired at him who fell dead never speaking a word after he received t the lie shot the dc cc cd was well known and had bad many friends in nev nevada ada lie ile waa ivas good natured not at all quarrelsome he ile was elected city marshal twice and served two terms in tha t office ho ile wasa was a native of germany and about 50 years of ag abc it is said that jealousy was the cause of tho the shooting there was talk of lunching lynching lyn ching his murderer thursday n ight I |