Show at SUNDAY DIES desecration clation CnA TION sabbath breaking i aal A all too Conin common joll in ill the C amm aty qty this sin is not hot confined to people who make no profession of religion to a considerable extent it exists among all classes and we nye regret to havo have to say it not excluding el some hobro fess to belong to the church of jebus jesus christ of latter day saint wanted everywhere is consistency there is too great reata a div disparity a i rity in many respects cit avreen between profession and practice there being an abundance of the former and a isible visible scarcity of the other the desecration of the sabbath whether by going on excursion T abat M tending amusements engaging in unnecessary secular labors or any other method of contravention of the divine command i is s opposed to the genius spirit and principles of the church those therefore who claim consistent membership and parti participate cipale in such arc are f more or lez less s pursuing the path of the hypocrite and do not enjoy the true christian spirit every consistent bis t ent latter day saint who is worthy tho the name will w ill not c only refrain from but discourage such inharmonious practices tim |