Show RAILROAD coNrE conference RENCE the officials of the C P and U P II 11 R meet yesterday afternoon about a special train of the C P R it brought the following leading officials of that road J abst gen superintendent S montague chief engineer A A wilder div supt bupt of the oakland wharf arthur brown W G curtis supt bupt of tracks Chal mcra scott engineer after their arrival the party were busy most of the time inspecting the grounds as to their suitability euit ability for new depot buildings etc the same inspection and investigation vesti gation were pursued all forenoon today todar to day dar at one clock this afternoon the party of tho the U P officials who had left for the north a few days ago returned on a special of tho the U alk N they were accompanied by supt bupt geo IN W thatcher of the latter at road the afternoon was occupied by tho the two parties in a conference concertino concerting conc conce erting the tile ion long mooted question of substantial nialand and permanent structures for forthe the various railroads which have their junction here at tho time of our going to press it had not been possible for us to ascertain the results of the consultation but as both parties were announced to intend departing for their vario jis destinations this eveni ngit jt is reasonable to anticipate a satisfactory settlement of tho the question |