Show TS BOOK guiteau lias has written an au autobiography og this is in keeping with his inordinate vanity it lt is what might be expected neither will it occasion a high degree of surprise that publishers arc are a makin making g high bids for its possession one firm offers to insure the rascally author a royalty on the sale of 20 copies for tho the copyright commenting on the subject an eastern journal saya says As the volume would bo be utterly worthless and without any literary merit all decent people will pray that it may never see the light especially aa as there are more foolish and worthless books in existence now than there is any occasion f for or moreover we do not believe that many cop copies ies of f the thing would be sold since the community already knows quite as much about guiteau as it wishes to know there ii nothing particularly interesting about him and in indeed we have been surprised somewhat at his complete lack of villainous with the first portion of this statement wo we perfectly agree but such is the vitiated state of public taste as regards literature era ora ture that we deem the opinion about a sparse demand as err erroneous one the very worthlessness ness of the work will go far to insure its ex extensive ten and rapid sale more than likely many who arc are ready to condemn it beforehand will be among the purchasers consistency is not any too plentiful a commodity KAYSVILLE is doing a lively business in produce mostly wheat and potatoes from one to three car loads are shipped from that point to ogden and from hero here to outside markets daily eighty cents a bushel for wheat and fifty cents for potatoes delivered on the cars is being paid there A ready market for these and other utah products is likely to exist throughout the season the increased railroad building and opening up of mines arc are extending the adjacent western consumption A DISEASE ot 01 a most virulent kind is spreading havoc amon among horses and cattle about Nov gorod in russia and is attacking man also over seventy persons having caving died of it within two weeks in a ulu medical medial students student have been summoned from S st petersburg to aid in checking in the epidemic but thus f far ar their er vicea vices have proved of little avail A NY washington special says it cannot be learned that the president is any better that is the latest on the subject |