Show TELEGRAPH TIDINGS cy daw W U telegraph Telee raph to the herald I A doans hartmann NEW y YORK sept ept L A heralds st acte c ab asp petersburg r ur g special ciak says tho the hartmann who has visited you in america is a fraud the real hartmann artmann II is known to have been elsewhere than in your country this has been affirmed to mo me in the most positive manner by a high dignitary whose name you yo U will easily guess pleura CHICAGO Cine Aco sept athe the united states commission to examine into the cattle diseases particularly held hold a session I today to day read many reports from various bec eec seg eions of the country and compared notes of their observations the binion opinion was informally expressed t there i ro was not and had never been beef any pneumonia west of elmira new york ork and that western farmers should be warned against purchasing blooded stock in the eastern states as this disease was undoubtedly contagious horrible suicide DETROIT sept I quite quito a remarkable suicide occurred a few miles from ithaca gratiot county sunday A man named martin K walker lived on a small farm there t formerly a prosperous houi stock raiser in cali california for sixteen years ago he lie came east cast and five years ago settled on the th e place of hia his last residence drink and gambling were his besetting sins he lie finally lost nearly all of his little property remaining last juno june he lie went into a field stripped himself of liis clothes set fire to a brush bead placed a gun to his licad head and snapped it three times without dia charging it intending to kill himself and d allow liis his body to fall on the burning pile sunday last he carried this singular r attempt at suicide into ficat act and was found wit with if the top of his head blown C completely M tely off his nude body was ia partly rt ply b burned u arned in the blazing heap of brush bre ish which he had kindled he lie left letters announcing his determination and expressing confirmed hopelessness ne s as to himself a and nd warning his ch children is adren to avoid whisky he lie leaves a wife and several grownup grown up chil cli ildren drei n corner on wheat CHICAGO sept I the comer on august wheat culminated at this afternoon the prices being then there was comparatively little excitement and arid the principal thing to note that the september option which h two days ago was at considerable premium over october was today to day at a discount at 31 cents this would we uld tend to show that the cincinnati clique had decided to pocket their profits and go home confederate claims NEW YORK sept I tb the V U S attorney this afternoon began the pre preparation ration afan of an argument on a motion tor to dismiss certain actions actions now now pending in the U S circuit court against gen benjamin P F butler to recovering rec all aall damages john 11 II lester now of new york and formerly of virginia has two actions one for and the other for damages during the war it was discovered ered lester assisted in the manufacture of arms forthe for the confederate government ho he was tried by court martial and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in ament with ball and chain and an sr his property confiscated F M fisk has an action for for property including machinery molasses lio household utensils confiscated A motion to dismiss will be made on the ground that the defendant acted in accordance with Nith the proclamation cla of the president in confiscating the property of the plaintiff and was therefore not liable to prosecution for damages heavy rains rains are reported from omaha to kentucky which have broken the backbone back bone of the long dry spell the temperature liaa has been greatly reduced the benefit to corn will bo be very great although not enough to repair wholly the damage by the drought the new york republican state committee yesterday at an informal meeting expressed a belief that saratoga and new york would be the place for the state convention some thought arthur would resign the chairmanship he was absent however ex senator platt presided it was finally decided to hold bold the state convention in now york city oct the low lying land in lancashire were flooded by beavy rains yesterday similar reports come from cheshire where a almost L n me st the entire crop is still on the tile ground the rainfall around darling darlington ton is estimated at tons per acre in in 18 hours in east riding yorkshire oats and barley sheaves are still standing in pools of water the tile same ame accounts continue to come from nearly all parts of the country |