Show GENERAL i condolence ther exempress ex empress swoons on of her sous death in lopoo june 21 empress exempress ex ugenio swooned when she heard of herrons hera ons death and remained biblo for a long time she rallied somewhat in the afternoon but wins unable to see anybody many distinguished visitors called and many telegrams of condolence were received june 21 the announce ment of the death of alio prince imperial made a great tensa tion and among ahe it created dismay brince victor who by po testament succeeds to is now a student at alio charie even if he i willing to agree to his fathers exclusion its questionable tio the de ceisel had power on principles to kiako such a change there will alo bo a difficulty on the part of leading to confer with and guide the actions of th cyoung panco without the kotlus parents ev it is evident that the lead era to tho party baat night at a full sitting of the senators and deputies a resolution declaring thit th it though the prince h dead his adu e survives sur vires and the succession of the napoleons had not lapsed lip sed and dial the empire will live an addrece of condolence with tho exempress eugenie wa drafted expressing the deepest alie ardre bouher s organ makes no political allusion to tho death of the prince it simply expresses an overwhelming sense of ahn blow in on the empress exempress ex and france paul de nao declares that though prince victor is the heir ot the imperialists claims the loss of ahe prince imperial prostrated prostrates pro strates him mentally and physically granier co in tho nays the blow is terrible for ane imperialist but it is not mortal lie is confident the selection of prince victor will bo cydoi bed by france the organs jo union L universo Un ivers gazette de france blonde express sorrow for the dead and respectful sympathy for the bereaved the journal de ays fys in view of so an end we remember only that the prince was a and has fallen as a soldier le dimps speaks of the prince as the last incarnation of alie imperial idea aal declares that the napoleon ic system has no longer a active la france the event is equal in importance to tho death of comte de whenever that shall occur L opinions nationals expressed ei re lor iho grief ot the bonaporte family but saya it cannot ret min from noting alii gravity of alie dias te r inflicted ly providence on the enemies of the republic beau june 21 the news of the death of alio imperl has caused a profound hero 11 alie express deep sympathy pathy ane conservative orgin the fairly tho beneral fp eling gidy ve never and any sympathy for the dynasty worked our such grievous woe but in view of the frightful fute which has undertaken it descendant such antipathies antipa thies must be left out of the account auman feeling will have ita way the princess victoria bif euf crown fredprick william leivo telf condolence to the bei caved exempress it is stated tint the court will po into mourning for a short period PARIS june 21 prince jerome Nii arrived to lie has re visits M bouher will return to this city from on next tho will of the late prince ho states he id ignorant of its contents at a tf of senators and deputies at Rou herson friday lis ared all Bonay artists to unite and personal questions lie we neither appoint nor exclude anybody tle will observe the name mourning na for tho late napolpon III prince burat prince on his arrival at pim |