Show fresh supplies of vitality to renew a waning atuck may be gathered from a source accessible all and never sought vain by any whose constitution and vigor are not so much dilapidated as to be wholly past repairing evidence direct convincing and ample ilos stomach as a tonic of unexampled efficacy and perfect purity and possessed of properties that constitute it an invaluable remedy for dyspepsia constipation liver complaint urinary and uterine weakness rheumatic complaints and malarial fever delicate females and infirm old persons are invigorated and solaced by it and physical prostration which usually follows a severe illness is in a legree remedied and convalescence accelerated through its use it occurs a leading position among medicinal staples daod A surveyors chain called funtera Gun tera after alio name of the person who adopted it js four rods or 66 feet in length made of no to no wire and has links ten of these square chains are equal to one acre valley alonse salt lak city near the temple black street arf adm the house neat arid shai ailo uilo lm J aEN OTIC lipavr la fal lowing J which ir hotel mid anto tn dt will b old t t th gouni on lt p a oaf ht aur or jarr ol 01 both clail ewt while II 11 ou leu thigh oil bry or r old grindol U OB left thigh cwi iwi km ier at ESTl lAY ji OTA CE IN MT th following I in calbo l nl if ont nd amy wilh a to daf fibia iiii wll lie old kt tb pim LT noo mth kt OB p C rd cof fari or tir old erp artt aft billow fork la tight r L 01 aft all calf walli her oil red tid whit two yr old toor crop off if it tr oa ard cow four jeu i oh crop nd lit la lt lift in wr i CD left rib on left hip roa tiro old alfr ad calf carp ifal mt red lull tiro adt oil in aft r A oil left bp enod on lt W f lats alt log JUB iab 1879 f A GOOD PLAN amaly cin ti ink bony op in by alo iwo kul for buccan in Lw inci io j circular lh u nt hod which farni hj mad o largo or fidall to rp ajl ali nl 11 hilll arden la ar afie tat dd m i mighty thai all laj of tb critor dri tor liaman lia ian preau r dl tided acy moodus from to M OW or more can b U ed N Y i asah lly th boiu ali mak pr cent frad w tso or T dan tt stock to tak luiA kt frank its lift jaw ah ih tnt lod of D etui carlt pendent Kt uth alib it niton arral baan ba ln unit co dmd without a acom it kept working by marr lurenc Lr A co ar I sith our abida a nt profit of from maun ranc A co cooie new diw stock bcd bond biair ardc Lr DC t co Ct clr 77 ilc N Y CO H i S H rf M J 00 B S fi H R GARFF joau city utah dealers in all kinds of manufactured LUMBER warranted homemade home made dotes glazed sash a specialty cited WE tot in adf neld of ny JOB atti ad tt BOTTOM PRICES alth lt laci cI av or jer nd fall ikaji of wood Turf iluf meriom alo intond will dl adt to our lilal U lu builder bu ildr steloi M nd lumber tard the L O mainar MAIN Sr LOGAN SPECIAL NOTICE we invite the people of ogden and surrounding country to avail themselves of oura offer ot our stock at ACTUAL COST the sale will continue for twenty day asoye s previous to au entire cliant B ill our business twenty dagg is the actual limit I r walker brothers ogdon tf A f i V v L wW Vf f wt efM US kaoo aa or valley TO MEK tANTS in CACHE and those along the U N R R facilities for buying all kinds of notions foods clothing hats ES shelf and heavy hardware HARNESS SUC SAIt RICK B iea AS att tt staton aiAs acles ac ac glass and stationery SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS baay ferlisi shoos annl lexi sexi FOR baiges M Maung cr esst H auit WIS we every variety of farell FREIGHT WAGONS and by confining ourselves strictly to one class of work by employing none but the 03 nothing but ditl h ilker or and by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE ortho business we have justly earned the reputation of making the best wagon on wheels W heels we give the following warranty with each wagon W hereby ibe FISH WAGON no te e made aie very ihal lb tt ia for atu flork wah coir uj iv shoals any occur m arr freig ahl jile by of duclie clie or re alt for the fame UI be t p ace of bile free of clargo or ih cfall rp irn as att will by piu in cah bj th pur chaser producing ample or ibe brolich r part aa Racin oWis jan fishero Fish Bro ago knowing w can hilt you we noll lt pi rooe from tafry n cllon ftc abe and for cirice and ni for copy of our rish atko A CO uly I he most extensive biair iad libart n the jirld THE j BALKE 00 nunsia ANI I s cincinnati chicago st louis and new york SOLI OF jhb deism st sas osiss R them oos biona ivero nand at alo MOT lilB tt aper newyia r 1870 imd the lai sent runs mid sri tet far recoiled recon led warr ou them itlay ara now ilia TUB vow nervi ebl aa di aing or ylli arl table with tto iad aid fall outfit for SO bend for paita imbt aur ather r C ORMSBY M D surgeon arid physician COOAN office al drug main tf chantes chartes CH ARtES FRANK buk nj afat ch aa tr nd pt pt u col icum UTAH y MarsHEll ls AT roa AW pates ran ES a vaa ys atoa vii iria T co AMS us rj rv y i rajo tins EE E PA A 72 C rBT SD on BIS t WOt tK 37 ctr J avy ia r tyr n i ni j arr A J T HAMMOND carry gobat of ks bricks stationery blank loots ab ass the leading periodicals and a good assortment of WALL ki ot which are sold at BED PRICES sitf h MAIN STREET OGDEN J agent far the J which is acknowledged to be th ass afi the maracl X osa 33 azra THE MOWER unequaled for durability and light draft darkies tAR KIES THE ksil E IS OF TIIE fl a ss vt A i TB m fl ja akas ij biall ji U il say T ita and a full line of agricultural implements the celebrated WIRE warranted all leei ia barte to the rod ACO sroy ac am address all orders o E A pI y u gsry gs fy iff y row HN FOWLER pioneer music store aad Doa lerin al kaadt of pianos Oi fians ans violins ti olins guitars accordions concertinas Concer tinas 02 sotol oh installments of sl per discount fo cash everything e all kirnos of anil HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALLOWED FOR anda PRODUCE im STREET to the farmers r B j y r evv roi n ivr TO cut on in ilie HARDWARE LINE DONT GO TO A DRY OR STORK but go to the STOK is THIS crry bi afat street where you will findt complete WW selected or anything in that line all new and of the best quality aud at ery low est CALL AND EXAMINE of SEND FOR isido bilag paints ails aud J yota way crackers and or cotil uca ee dt tva doat kicio thet sic r ti Jt |