Show FOREIGN NOTES bj W to tb CAIRO june a the english and french consula general had an interview with the khedive yesterday and demanded his abdication in divor of iiii on prince mohamad the khedive replied when his creditor were paid ho would abdicate it is reported that the french con cul general po Mearon the man tor dei iho khedive in artise he refuse european demand an lri june 20 A socialist con amt been itt sun minuet seven liftee ben anda liu or their been seized in ft from the throne premier the government fully intended to kettle the cuban and would aruo a conciliatory policy toward cubia lie considered il to ili ivery ii hiie ie di alie i adt adopted during review liere today an wagon exploded two killed und atto goldiere goldi cre and beveral wounded ahe lut of the june 20 renter patch filin june via baduria Ma duria tody to dy iny prince loul ya of france accompanied liy other etli berh left col camp to reton alie party dismounted ill u mealie field alire llie nemy crept upon them and iho irinca Irin cd kilting libin ilia body wa rec recopied ovied juno aa following are additional particular of the death of abo prince imperial were eighteen liba ol 01 the in li n found two pierc inai in body from aliet to back two th and ono destroying the rih teyo A locket with hur ni dul liona and inquiry rel were found around hia nook alie faco wore a evidently avi dently ineffectually tried to mount buil the leati fr of the flips tearing lie ran along the path to ho wat found official accounts tay alie prince with carcy of regiment with and one friendly zulu left camp M belitz mountain for a the party hailed and unsaddled when ten milca from camp just as thop tince g ivo alio llio order to mount a volley was fired from an ambush in the long grass carcy and two ol 01 alie troops returned to caliup and reported that alie prince anu two troopers were missing at daybreak a cavalry parole un ler gen SIar rhall who left to search for llie prince and went to kamla ten miles further on the body wib discovered among the long grassi three hundred yard from ali kraal the body was born bv oen Mara lull and officers drury lone and slew art of the seventeenth lancers to meet an ambulance by which it was then brought hither with an escort there a funeral parade in the afternoon prince napoleon who has become the head of the line is a democrat in politics nd is distasteful to the entire it following he has two son seventeen and fifteen years respectively loyally may fristen around the name of one of those ton but for n alie imperial coi inels kuust be distracted and the of alie return of the empire appears than over another special from south africa gays that alie prince imperial had been sent forward by alie mater general to sketch a site for alie next camp when the volley wa wao o fired not 11 dingle zulu was to be seen the party dispersed and sought safety under cover the prince was never seen alive again his diore joined 15 ut party on the roid back to the camp the tramps at 10 hesion had accomplished miles while score stood at 30 latest deports siy brown is improving and hopen to up lost lime at p in the acene at agricultural halll was one of intense excitement weston WAS still leading brown by three miles and three laps and the now pie vails that the yankee boy now stands an excellent clance of wrestling the coveted trophy from Britis hers and bringing it back to america at p m the scene in and around the hall I allies description weston who is six idilea ahead i running in a brisk faili spurred on by ringing clivera of lie spectators while alie bund plays coming alie rye the excitement increases with every lap hint is added to the score up to hi even ing weston has only taken an hour and A liala rest bince t night and his courage and endurance are pronounced by all truly wonderful weston over hauled brown thi morning exactly a pointed to 11 As lie did bothe present p ive ft mighty shout making the building echo and re echo he seems heirty mid strong and is going finely brown n not o strong and his supporters are getting anxious about him weston sayi this will le liia farewell performance in london no ho iii teiKi to in irk it by nn endeavor to cover mile I id will make no more mit clies in england and that lie intends taking the belt to i and who even wants it mi come over for it sir john ashley weston tonight to night coundi to clial weston does not cover miles by at 10 clock p m the race is almost wn barring some for accident being victor beyond n doubt ho i still in a splendid condition notwithstanding the great en act helms been limiting the excitement here ii intense aid both wlaton aarl biown are cheered most lustily brown cruces truces of buttering and his swollen leg appears to him cr eally at this vast eliere the men are contending is filled with an concourse alio shout and cliber and seem almost wild excitement tha bind bluys the liveliest kind aa the men trudge around the rack and aversi body brave brown and those alio have been betting on him appears in the best humor at 10 the score tood weston aco brown juno 20 alie following is the lefft concerning war in south africa the movement afu ofu party of officers from col wooda ciup to the first in the new evasion of lord in chief of iha stun will accompany gereral Gei eral after flip main borca shall have puttied forward for us fur us possible nn entrenched and secured col wood s with six weeks supplies will cut loose from the bise and inako a dih at blundi and destroy five large military mili tiry there tiie plan of oper t ow afler thin in u known denend genend cielock will advance from lower tungeln si oen and endeavor to husli forward u detach to conned with him at st paula for ho erlam PARK june 20 most of the news or cirii deplore tha end of lie pince imperial jerome M exported to arrive today to day the deml of LONDON jam 30 sorrow prevail tho column of alio print e lie did nut mount alter alie iiii hor e aning restive anit run afoot the will leave with an escort for t tion news of alie d etli of the prince couched london at iotte hour bial at about thi thiam nm ii arr in the lobb im of tlc alc biome alen in reply to In quiriM GI stanley terret nry nf tuto for roul the tele gramie biord sydney an old and tried of alie imperl family hn left for tl bleik the new to eugenie journals while deeply da floring kwaii in franco ii annl on thou int bosn ofiel ie t for Bot ft he wi by ft and u aspinwall were o bid to their chica who in ostentatiously tired and diluted with isthmus politics at half pasit nine alio same evening in n provincial was declared with aspurn provincial president tiie revolution ary party shortly afterwards took po of alie quartel cuartel Cu artel where two persona were wounded in Pina inn ine aures were at once taken to prevent disorder on the ol 01 the ath dinst auburn marched aih forces about one hendred men and boy out of asp inwall to monkey hill station where aliey encamped and the next proceeded to station whery they eizel a liand car and H flat cur with chich to remove stores etc tho revolution could liot succeed for lack president had been by the adherents of uin tho sentinel gen tinel at the quartel cuartel ass shot dead |