Show GENERAL newa f IT X to ll 11 ecna Jc na cart oath cani june t ther fr lowing atom the president accompanied by tho report of the secretary or aft wa laid before the previous W adjournment loday lo day to the house of I transmit herewith in compliancy with the resolution of lift alt the report of the secretary of state relative to tep taken by thi government ern ment to pro naoto the establish luent of an inter oceanic canal or near the isthmus of darien signed K B june 14 the report of the secretary of state after e the whole subject anil referring to sending commissioners to take part iti the inter oceanic canal tit iriri says that the policy of the united states on the general subject transit is tood to have boon and to be not to undertake the construction of a ship on it own account even if the practicability tic ft work at reasonable cosec were to be shown but toe cur by treaties protection to the capital of uch citizens as may be to in the enterprise it will be nay purpose to give an attentive consideration to whatever may in other commercial countries relative to this and to omit n favorable opportunity for useful negotiations in behalf of alie in teresta of alm government and the commercial its bialon bilott NEW CASTLE juno 14 at the meeting this evening the emiil eloa it was llalon and elliott dr luke armstrong president of the amateur club was appointed referee and thoma thomai i swaddle assistant judge it was agreed that the men should be in their boats reidy to start at on monday june 14 the jury to found wm cirey guilty of the murder of max cogwin his arother inlaw in law and aed the at fourteen years in the penitentiary alls P CEDAR RAPIDS june 14 the fifth district congressional Coi convention today nominated sinfor thompson to the vacancy made by the death Ra dark baft tio YORE june 14 the times editorially Bays communication ni on the bubbert of the part taken by the american government in the inter oceanic canal to jon gres i not to patriotic american it makes evident he fact lua all along been admitted that our hia not considered any degree of vigilance necessary on the general and that we have ben outwitted by a junta of clever frenchmen the government of the united states ha expended much money in elaborate surveys of routes american citizens from strain iivo won leeown and for their heroic and thorough work bu afta all the pet scheme of lia wise cabal has been adopted el and labors of our government go for nothing and the great enterprise is set on foot a way that the united states intently accept in it a share any more estial than that which be as signed to the kingdom of fiji abe mastt farr YORK june 14 the W recial today to day at lip meeta today to day the whole Mft rmon question came up fordis cassion cus sion and while no formal action arg taken yet the policy anil poi ton of the ivas clearly indicated the camat tip in connection with a petition for atey t nolda pardon tim petition waa a c el e l i ty a letter from DIega tc cannon to the derit deles ite cannon caya that tha noldi was 11 tc t case fet up by ilic mornion themselves to test alie law reynolds himself WM a volunteer put forward to represent the maimon people the waitr thought thit owing to tha peculiar condition tins the whole people he should be pardoned opinion eliat M reynolds ha employed emp loved evera known means to break d wn alie prosecution and to put taft covern ment to securing ns hn ultimate conviction lie should auit the full penalty of alo law as P aed in the sentence fen tence schura anil warmly approved of alm view sheriban She and evart irean keland p thompson took no part in lie alix cus tai key favors p irdon but thompson inclined inc linea alie oilier wicy alio general policy of tion wa also considered dp tire to do what lie ann cnn to apet the institution of ny aal as kinli bated in hi talk today to day ilo all he can to that C fit RIVER juno a meeting of the spinners committee held tonight to night a nearly unanimous opinion was expressed that all mills should be at tha gemeril ge meeting of spinner tomorrow to morrow night the whole body i expected to ako tko action on this question it is that there h little or no doubt hov ever but thit the sentiment renti ment will be for such a strike it n further pos i ble alia strike will begin boxt of waiting until july of the committee to night espreo cd in favor of striking at onci giving any notice but alie committees com were not unanimous on chii point secretary LR cloward faid that he personally B fadore fa vore giving but M home to at once the quention would alio be submitted at tomor to mor row meeting the meeting will undoubtedly be a large ociea committee anre to report beveral resolutions to be voted on and i abc questions throwing persons bojt of work causing in wagen per week will ba thoroughly secretary lioard that the pl ore in A goil condition for a strike living several thousand bollara n no on tiido nid yet received and could easily stand a triko attro duration akl juna 17 Retarn to of agriculture the average ol 01 winter wheat for june is 90 against 03 last year tho acreage of whit own i about per cuttit in crauso pring binim th ft flar juno 14 A fire occurred in thal daw by good fly CM to lay do fad iriTi illy wai with i olly libat ahr annl othora arre ft moved avi u roford of was burnal o liot cr creek went hochi frn h mill it in earby hour alli morning and finding john house here and suspecting lan of enli macy with his wife shot iliin three times then behot through the head and then shot expired immediately house and are till allver alk NEW YOKE juno 14 noar ait the of rev tr rice tiro ex ponies of a new trial for jennie and covert D ban nett amount to over two thon nd I dollars last evening rica came to this city to giver eimira abbott A letter of thanks written by mrs smith th two prisoners are well and both expressed hope of being acquitted if a second trial wa granted they dread t lie tones of the court houe liely where it ring dennett throda inn bed aal w w ins ear and cries tal difini june 14 abe house committee on public land to daiy representative VasI hurn of to report to the houe and recommend the of a bill amendatory of section 2299 of title 32 of the revised statutes relating to settlers the proposition is to adi to lie heltion a proviso grunting the settler 12 months from the date of filing in which to commence his i evidence on land mentioned delegate bonnott of was also authorized by the committee to m ide favorable reports to alie house on two bill namely one extending for one year the act of 1875 granting absence to settlers on public landi who have suffered from gra hoppers and providing that during such absence no adverse right shall attach to said und settlers sett lera being allowed to resume and perfect their settlement as though no absence biad occurred etc the other bill abolishes military reservation at for abercrombie fort seward and fort ransom dakota and authorius autho the secretary of the interior to have land embraced therein surveyed and made to homestead and pre emp tion entry same as other public lands the rights of actual settler on the reservation to be respected pl fermo IS EW june U chag S linsea a warning voice in alo american journal of against alie wanton destruction of the pine forests of nevada consisting of a i few adapted to struggle with the adeverne conditions of soil and climate are immense and reach maturity only alter of exceedingly slow growth on this account and because if onca dm troyed the want of moisture will forever prevent their restoration either naturally or by he harj of inin birg s action to prevent destruction truc tion dr benjamin W richardson of low commenting on alio tonal story ot ul eap exp in suspending hiie in aus adsa saya that parts of alio etry may bo ida and anro at least alio of noo bili ties lie mentions various aub stamps which leave lie power more or less perfect OI 01 BUS pending the vital functions by th point fire the loss by yesterdays fire at point breeza is about will fall upon waren frew co end a like amount upon the atlantic storage co the loss ly both hida hi da will approximate half million dollars new june 14 policeman nugent the arrested on R in ilia robbery of alie manhattan sa viii bank been to the tomba in de fault of li ul clinef Clin ff of the nil NEW juno 11 A wash anlon pe ail tobin titia senator eiton your he cy urd will withdraw hi rt and thit too leavin need the iiO taken by hidu it isi not believed that alie tM will gain their point and succeed in getting lie bill reported to alio senate at the present session aney arii making a vigorous tight to their io lut will fail money demo rats go back on i heir previous vote hidu vote to discharge annance corn frodi lurther of the bill brilliant la chicago june 14 everything is now ready for alio llio ul inin ingol alie jockey club begin rung to d ay iy week and continuing six days alit two tracks of atie have been especially prepared for elioe alie leaving been ent alie tt now liere aln anat lac more than since luit tall more alian fifteen thousand thou nand dolliro doll irn have been expended in ying alie gro winchi are alio beai in alio country tho great meeting will be the odrien city cup u dalti of twi anilo and Ud rier lor all adesi fitere are entries including scollie mc charu D lottery archul belle of nelson elinburg janet dave moore and bill pillon there will be ten to starters and aa alic track is a very fust one it m expected that the record for that distance dia tance will be lowered all the huian here are well col E J D dd win the oil mollie macarthy Mt Carthy and other ho rises arrived to turl lin lidei ind will visit parit imd on yit imlay the tint d ty ul hie meeting two portent facea will take luct t alie iaci lic hotel kanke tor two yc dr alil colia nil the illinik derby tor year alii colta with 15 auffie rare and head hurdle race over four hurdled hur dleo fai Cloud bant in th black D T june ag at babi uto gap thursday night by a walor pout eleven bernoni per noni were drowned natica acro mrs moore lira ehver rhodes frank heed clyde olita rhodes maud latter fall on to iho county filid four men oin I roin alio lulli to itie railroad rail rod nidine unknown two one and a lidd r five aroni alie ul trin alie country was mal alio water ab a ai it ro burtler Furt ler of lie cloud gap on evv atom on thiet cortili cof tili how almi lie water ll lang ng rubout eglit in cicak one anile of biffl alo oj on atio sidney alaga road and about JJ arlea from the creek won cacir cd parly of nine froin MH county lonn four froin lie banck kihli and and ciares frei glit outfit oui fit loaded forty dounda principally hoino liko ina chinery which wax neaily aill anu for around all ex option wiro unil only a w no estimate can bo ditulo of tho nt tah writing whose names were given in a previous depatch dh patch four bodies BO far lave been recovered the water covered a pace of forty miles wide and subsided within two after alie rise of wagons etc were to fire milca from the scene of the disaster all the creeks in and around the aills re unusually high city NEW june 14 city for on the was delayed until four am of the twelfth owing to the bursting of alie pipe she is not a connecting it camer however and there will bo little if any delay |