Show CONGRESS EXTRA SESSION by UT lg to SENATE june 13 the houe supplemental post route bill was amended and passed allison said ho could not under stand why alie bill which had been agreed to twice by both houses during the session should not bo palsied again without alio disputed political clauses blaino severely criticized criticised the form of the bill As it came from alie house it actually appropriated nothing it all haij the senate had to amend by inserting the necessary appropriation clause it was little short of di serice for congress to send such a thing out as an appropriation pria tion bill he caused liu liter by reading parts of the bill saying the people would it came from some joke book A good notion would be to kick the whole thing efti the table conkling also derided alio bill the motion to recommit carried 32 to 23 a strict party vote except divi of illino fl who voted against amendment appropriating pria ting for statistics to be collected by alie bureau of education adopted the bill WA reported to the house and alie amendments agreed to beck explained the substitute lie bad prepared presenting the bill in the usual form and with alie present ainu ints but said that as the committee had not reported it he stand by alie committee windom approved becks it showed just how much each douse niile the other bill allowed nothing blame complained eliat the bill could not be amended B ck thought it could amendment to substitute for for wagons for transporting alie senate mail there wad laughter and contusion nobody being able in find uch a provision in the bill and blaine would not tell where it was S me democrats protested against this obstruction and biagino withdrew the amendment and llie benl bill proceeded this of thing continued until denounced this captious critico ira saying that any man legal acu ann who attempted to consi ite alie bill would be a jackass if he could not understand what congress meant by it laughter and good humor followed this beck assured blaine that alie bill had nothing affecting the disputed political questions blaine said lie could not find out himself what it aid not cou the bill then passed adjourned HOUSE morrison from the committee on ways and mean reported the bill ail allowance for losi by leakage or of spirits withdrawn from distillery warehouses for exportation referred to alie committee of the whole young of tennessee from the committee on public buildings anil grounds rep the joint ion for the completion of the foun dation of the washington monument posed morion reported by unanimous bill to allow any telegraph tel graph company to liand ocean cables on the coast of lie united states this bill wa reported by fernando wood in tho last congress and ix intended to cut off nil clasi the bill i subject however to the terms of lucli grants ns have been heretofore mada by congress for laving and maintaining cable cables s alie bill paged adjourned |